Erdyan Kurosaki (黒崎 一護, Kurosaki Erdyan) is a Human who had Visored powers. He is the son of Isshin and Masaki Kurosaki, and older brother of Karin and Yuzu. He is the main protagonist of the Bleach series.
Erdyan looks like a normal teenage boy; the one exception to that is his spiky orange hair, a trait that he has been ridiculed about for years. He is a fairly tall, lean-built person with peach skin and brown eyes. Since becoming a Shinigami he has become noticeably more muscular, as noted by his sister Karin. When in his spiritual form, Ichigo wears standard Shinigami attire with the addition of a strap across his chest. Initially it was a thick brown belt to hold his Zanpakutō sheathe,[3] but it later became a red rosary-like strap.[4] Ichigo's appearance has caused several people, including Jūshirō Ukitake, to notice a similarity to Kaien Shiba; the former lieutenant of the 13th Division.[5] After training in the Dangai, Ichigo's hair grows considerably and is noticeably taller, as stated by his friends.[6] However, after Ichigo loses all his spiritual powers, his appearance reverts to the way it before his Dangai training.[7]
When he was young, Erdyan considered his mother to be the center of his world.[8] Erdyan always smiled whenever he was with Masaki and he was regularly at her side, holding her hand. Despite crying whenever he lost in a match at the dojo he attended, Erdyan started to smile again as soon as he saw Masaki when she came to pick him up.[9] At a very young age, Erdyan heard his father saying that his name means "to protect one thing", which instilled in him a desire to protect his mother. When his sisters were born he began attending a dojo for the sake of protecting them, since then the number of people he wished to protect has continued to grow,[10] causing Erdyan to risk his life to protect both his family and strangers.[11][12]
As a Human teenager, Erdyan's personality is much more complex. Stubborn, short-tempered, strong-willed and impulsive, he attempts to maintain a detached and "cool" image, despite claiming not to care about what other people think about him. He generally keeps his face set in a permanent scowl, with his eyebrows drawn together.[13] His outspoken, hot-headed demeanor is a trait Erdyan himself acknowledged, and that if somebody picks a fight with him, he cannot help fighting back. He coldly refers to his teachers as “instructors”.[14] He is shown to be genuinely compassionate and empathetic about others, as seen by him promising to bring a Plus flowers[15] and a toy plane[16] or soothing others when they become upset.[17] Erdyan is also a capable student, ranked 23rd in his high school.[18] He studies regularly and does not neglect his schoolwork, claiming that he has "nothing better to do at home", though he actually works as hard as he does simply to overcome the misconceptions many have about him, which are based on his hair color and fighting.[19] Ichigo hates fortune telling, horoscopes, feng shui, psychics and anyone whose trade involves taking money from people for things that they cannot see.[20] He has difficulty remembering people's faces and names.[21][22] Ichigo becomes extremely shy and uncomfortable around nude or immodestly dressed women, a fact both Rangiku Matsumoto and Yoruichi Shihōin have teased him for.[23] Ichigo has some trouble with authority and traditional respect, often quite rude and disrespectful when talking to those older than himself, calling Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto "gramps" and referring to several of the Shinigami captains by their given names.[24]
When it comes to fighting, Ichigo has a complex sense of honor; he regularly seeks to exact revenge for the actions of his opponent, such as instilling the fear of being murdered in Shrieker[25] and cutting off the right arm of Yammy Llargo in retaliation for him ripping Yasutora Sado's right arm apart.[26] He would often taunt and belittle his opponents when fighting, sometimes even attacking without warning.[27] Ichigo has a strong desire to win his fights[28] and to win them in what he views as a legitimate manner. To this end, he has refused the aid of his inner Hollow, even when knowing that it would allow him to win.[29] Similarly, after regaining control of his body, he tells Ulquiorra to cut off his limbs so that they may have a fair fight[30] and refuses to kill him when he is dying; saying that it was not the way he wanted to win.[31]
Ichigo has even shown that he despises those who mistreat their allies in any way, even if they are his own enemies. He is disgusted when an individual berates his/her own allies, such as when Yammy calls Ulquiorra Cifer, Nnoitra Gilga, and Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez "trash".[32]. He also expresses anger towards those who go as far as attacking their own allies, expressing that he cannot forgive those who murder their own comrades.[33]
Despite Ichigo's strong sense of honor, his will to win can waiver at times, which directly affects his overall energy levels and fighting abilities. His absolute resolve is depicted by his eyes glowing bright blue and his body being engulfed in a bright blue aura. The same is included with his Hollow powers, in which his eyes glow yellow and his aura turns black. Erdyan’s abilities at their peak allow him to hold his own, if not contend, against the toughest opponents. His will to protect his friends is shown to be so great that, even when battle-worn, he can fight at deceptively high levels, as seen when he effortlessly caught Grimmjow’s punch when in his released state.[34] However, at the same time, his lack of resolve to win can also impede his spiritual energy and fighting prowess, shown when he goes into a state of depression and self-loathing when he loses a major battle or lets a friend down; after losing his fight against Yammy and Ulquiorra, thanks to the crippling fear of his inner Hollow, Erdyan's will became so weak, he was unable to even defeat a weak Hollow until Rukia helped restore his resolve.[35]
Ichigo was born on July 15th, as the son of Isshin Kurosaki and Masaki Kurosaki, 15 years before he became a Shinigami. His sisters Karin Kurosaki and Yuzu Kurosaki were born a few years later. When he was four, Erdyan joined a karate dojo, where he met and befriended Tatsuki Arisawa. Tatsuki beat Ichigo in every match they had. Tatsuki would also help Erdyan if he was being picked on by bullies and cheer him up if he was upset.[9]
Erdyan was able to see Pluses for as long as he could remember. He could see them so clearly that, as a child, he could not tell the living from the dead. This resulted in him appearing to other people to be looking at deserted places and talking to himself. This caused people to say that he could see ghosts, though when Tatsuki Arisawa asked him about this, he denied being able to see them.[36]
On June 17th, when Erdyan was nine years old, he and his mother were walking home alongside one of Karakura Town's rivers; which was swollen from heavy rain. Ichigo saw a girl near the river and thought that she was about to jump into it. Unable to tell the difference between ghosts and living people, Ichigo ran towards her to stop her, unaware that the girl was the lure of the HollowGrand Fisher. Masaki tried to stop him, but he did not listen. After failing to grab hold of the girl, Erdyan lost consciousness for a time. When he awoke, Masaki was lying on top of him, covered in blood.[37] Starting the day after Masaki's death, Ichigo repeatedly skipped school to go to the riverbank where Masaki died. Tatsuki found him there, where he would stay from morning until night, wandering along the bank as if searching for his mother; squatting down if he was tired and then wandering some more.[38] Erdyan risking his life to protect Chad's coin.
One day when Ichigo was twelve, prior to the Clinic opening, he heard the bell ring and answered the door to find a girl with her brother on her back. He had been in a car accident and was covered in blood. The clinic did not have the equipment necessary to save him and he died before an ambulance arrived to transfer him to Karakura Hospital. Sometime later, he learned that the girl was Orihime Inoue.[39]
Ichigo later entered Mashiba Junior High School. During this time, Erdyan had finally defeated Tatsuki in a karate match and had not had another match with her since.[40] Ichigo regularly got into fights with thugs, due to the unusual color of his hair. During one of these fights he received help from Yasutora Sado. Shortly after Ichigo returned the favor when he rescued Chad from two gang members roughing him up.[41] When the thugs later abducted Chad, Ichigo found them and knocked down their leader, Yokochini. He used Yokochini's phone to ring for an ambulance for each of the five thugs, and then beat up all of them. After Chad was freed they made a pact to protect and fight for each other, they have remained good friends since.[42]
Shortly before Ichigo became a Shinigami, he and Chad began attending Karakura High School, and their reputations preceded them. During a fight with a gang led by Reiichi Ōshima, Ichigo and Chad met Keigo Asano and Mizuiro Kojima, saving the former in the process. While Keigo was initially afraid of Ichigo and Chad, both he and Mizuiro later became friends with them.[43]
One evening, Ichigo confronts a group of skateboarders who had knocked over an offering to a dead girl. After beating an explanation out of them, he orders them to apologize to the ghost of the dead girl; who is floating behind him. When the skateboarders run away, Ichigo tells the girl that they scared them so much that they will leave her alone and apologizes for using her to scare them. He then promises to bring her some new flowers and tells her to hurry up and go to heaven.[44] When he arrives home, he has an argument with his father, Isshin Kurosaki, and storms off to his room; where he sees Rukia Kuchiki. Ichigo mistakes the Shinigami for a burglar and kicks her. Isshin comes to Ichigo's room to tell him to stop creating a ruckus, but when Ichigo informs him about the intruder, he tells his son that he cannot see anyone else in the room. As a result, Ichigo accepts that she is a ghost of some sort, but refuses to believe Rukia's explanation about Shinigami; causing Rukia to bind him with Kidō. As Rukia continues her explanation a Hollow attacks the Kurosaki Clinic. Hearing his sister's pleas for help, Ichigo breaks out of the Kidō and rushes to stop the Hollow.[45] Upon seeing the Hollow, Fishbone D, Ichigo is gripped by fear, having expected the evil spirit to be similar to a Human, rather than the monster standing before him. While reassuring himself, he notices that it is holding Yuzu and charges at it with a baseball bat in a futile attack. Rukia injures the Hollow, freeing Yuzu, and explains that the Hollow's target is likely him. Ichigo thinks this means that it is his fault that his family is in danger and his reckless actions force Rukia to shield Ichigo with her body; causing her severe injuries.[46] Seeing that Ichigo is truly determined to protect his family, Rukia offers to temporarily turn him into a Shinigami by piercing his chest with her Zanpakutō and transferring half of her power to him. However, Ichigo absorbs almost all of Rukia's power. Transformed into a Shinigami, Ichigo makes short work of the Hollow,[47] collapsing afterwards.[48] Rukia removes Ichigo’s soul from his body.
The following morning, Ichigo awakens from a nightmare to find that his family have no memory of the attack and instead believe that a truck hit the clinic. When Ichigo goes to school he is horrified to find that Rukia, who is visible to the other students, is now a part of his class. After she threatens him not to make a scene, Ichigo brings Rukia outside, where she informs him that she is using a Gigai while she awaits the return of her powers. While she is recovering, Rukia insists that Ichigo take over her job. Ichigo initially refuses, saying that the only reason he fought the previous night was because his family was in danger. But Rukia forces his Shinigami form out of his body and takes him to a park where she has received word that a Hollow is about to attack. She then manipulates the situation to persuade Ichigo to perform her duties.[49] After having undergone some training with Rukia to improve his combat tactics,[50] Ichigo hears a beeping sound from inside his room and is startled when Rukia jumps out of his closet whilst trying to warn him of a Hollow attack. As a large hand bursts through the floor, Rukia dons her Skull Symbol glove and forces Ichigo's soul out of his body. Ichigo slashes at the Hollow's head, but only manages to slice off a portion of its mask, revealing the Hollow to be Orihime Inoue's brother; Sora.[51] Rukia explains that all Hollows were once a Plus, causing Ichigo to angrily say that he thought they were just monsters that had to be defeated, questioning what he has been killing up to that point. Rukia cuts him off, saying that Orihime is in danger.[52] As Rukia explains that Hollows often attack their relatives, she and Ichigo rush to Orihime's apartment.[53] Ichigo manages to stop the Hollow before it eats Orihime's soul, positioning himself between her and the Hollow and telling it that it will have to kill him first.[54] Ichigo notes that Tatsuki has been caught up in Sora's attack before realizing that Orihime's body is lying on the other side of the room. Ichigo turns to confirm that Orihime is still behind him and she exclaims that she thought it was him. Remembering Rukia's words that only other spirits can see Shinigami, Ichigo is puzzled by why Orihime can see him. Sora explains that he is talking to her soul, and that Orihime is already dead.[55] Sora uses Ichigo's Zanpakutō to purify himself.
The Hollow attacks Ichigo with its scale-covered tail, which Ichigo is unable to cut, sending the substitute Shinigami flying through the wall. As Ichigo lands and comes to a stop in mid-air, the Hollow spits acid at him, burning his hands and causing him to drop his Zanpakutō. Sora then hits him from above, knocking him into the ground before returning to Orihime.[56] As Rukia wakes Ichigo, he notes that the battle is different, and that it has affected him. Rukia reminds him that Orihime's soul will be eaten if he loses.[57] Ichigo jumps back into the apartment, but is again shrugged off by Sora. As he threatens to kill Orihime, Ichigo cuts off his hand, telling Sora that older brothers are supposed to protect their siblings. Sora demands to know why Ichigo is interfering[58] and insists that he will not give her to anyone else, especially Ichigo. As Sora tries to bite him, Ichigo tells him that Orihime does not belong to anyone. Sora charges at Orihime and bites her. Ichigo listens as she talks to her brother. As she collapses, Rukia arrives and tells him that she can be saved as long as the Chain of Fate is still attached to her body. As Rukia attempts to heal her, Ichigo reveals that Orihime had told him that her hairpins were a present from him and tells him that he should not think that he is the only one who is sad. Sora grabs Ichigo's sword and uses it to break off his mask, saying that he wants to disappear before he lose himself again. Ichigo tries to talk him out of it, but Rukia stops him, saying that he should let him disappear. She explains to him that Hollows defeated by a Zanpakutō are purified and sent to Soul Society. After Sora purifies himself, Ichigo asks Orihime how her injuries are but instead she tries to ask him other questions; only for Rukia to erase her memory.[59] Ichigo senses Yūichi Shibata inside the parakeet.
When Ichigo remarks that his wounds have healed very well, Rukia tells him that she excelled at Kidō in the Shinigami Academy. Ichigo asks if there is a school for Shinigami, but Rukia changes the subject by asking him how to open a juice box. Mizuiro Kojima interrupts, noting that Rukia and Ichigo are together again, saying that they get along well. Ichigo denies this. When Mizuiro questions the impression Ichigo is giving those around him, Ichigo tells him that he would have dyed his hair long ago if he was worried by such things. As Mizuiro introduces himself to Rukia, Ichigo says that his hobby is womanizing, warning Rukia to watch out for him. As Keigo Asano arrives, Mizuiro tells him that Ichigo asked her out. Despite Ichigo's denial, Keigo congratulates him and introduces himself to Rukia, only to be interrupted by Reiichi Ōshima. Reiichi then asks Ichigo when he will dye his hair, claiming that Ichigo is copying his style. Ichigo reminds him that it is his natural hair color and tells him to do something about his own hair, calling him a chicken and claims to be a thousand times stronger than him. Angered, Reiichi ignores Keigo's pleas not to fight and produces brass knuckles. He is then knocked out by Sado. As Sado explains his injuries, Ichigo notices that he has a parakeet with him. Rukia tells him not to worry, as the spirit inside of it is just a lonely Plus, which they should send to Soul Society that night. Ichigo complains about missing another night of sleep.[60] When Ichigo returns home, he finds his sisters busy helping with the injured from a car accident. He asks Isshin if there is anything he can do to help, but is told to stay out of the way. When Sado is brought into the clinic, Isshin asks him to help his friend. Ichigo notes that the wound on his back were inflicted by a Hollow, which Rukia confirms.[61] After his adventures in Soul Society, Ichigo, not aware he is unable to perform Bankai outside of Soul Society, faces off against three mod souls in a series of games set by Urahara which involved kidnapping Ichigo's friends, unbeknownst to Ichigo. When Ichigo attempts Bankai he is unable to, and undergoes training with three Modified Souls (Ririn, Kurōdo and Noba).[190]
After the training, which ends up unsuccessful, he finds out about the Bounts and confronts Yoshino Sōma, who uses a powerful fire-type Doll. Ichigo is unable to win, even with the help of Rukia Kuchiki. However, he is unintentionally saved by another Bount, Ryō Utagawa. Utagawa appears later to try to eat Uryū's soul, and a battle between him and Ichigo's group ensues. Yoshino then appears and takes Uryū away. While visiting Uryū in the hospital, the group is met by Hō and Ban, Bount twins who use Dolls that manipulate water. Ichigo attempts to defeat them, but any damage sustained to the Dolls quickly regenerates. He discovers that when the twins are separated, their ability to control their Dolls is greatly reduced, and with some assistance from Ganju Shiba, the group succeeds in blowing the weakened Dolls up with fireworks, killing the Bount twins in the process. Ichigo and company then infiltrate Jin Kariya's mansion in search of Uryū.[191]
Upon entering Kariya's mansion, Ichigo engages Utagawa in battle, during which he obliterates a large portion of the house. His spiritual power surprises both Utagawa and Maki Ichinose, a Shinigami deserter who joined forces with the Bounts. Ichinose confronts Ichigo and the two fight until Kariya takes over and overpowers Ichigo. As Ichigo is at the brink of defeat, Kisuke Urahara and his assistants arrive to rescue them, demolishing the remainder of the mansion in the process.[192] Ichigo fights Dalk, Gō Koga's Doll.
Later on, Ichigo fights Gō Koga and his Doll, Dalk, after the Bitto nearly killed Keigo Asano. Ichigo is slowly beaten, allowing his Inner Hollow to take over. Ichigo manages to repel his Inner Hollow and take over, only to succumb to his previous injuries. Izuru Kira soon appears to lend a helping hand, disabling the Doll. Gō retreats, unwilling to kill such young men due to an incident in his past with a young Bount.[193]
Ichigo then invades the Bount hideout that Ugaki is defending with Chad, Orihime, Rukia, Renji and the modified souls. Four Shinigami lieutenants who had entered the cave earlier and fought Ugaki's Doll, Gesell, assist them. Finally, only Renji and Ichigo continue into the depths of the cave to find Ugaki. Renji decides to take on Gesell one on one with his Bankai so that Ichigo will have the strength to take on the remaining Bounts. Renji's attacks send Gesell on a fury that ends when Ugaki is killed by his own Doll (possibly due to the Doll being influenced by Kariya). The cave begins to crumble and Yumichika Ayasegawa convinces Ichigo to leave them behind and go further into the cave.[194]
Ichigo finds the remaining Bounts and they open a portal to an unknown destination. Ichigo starts a battle with Kariya. Kariya defeats Ichigo's Shikai and threatens to kill him using Zangetsu. The threat convinces Ichigo to recover his will to fight and regain his ability to use his Bankai. The fight continues, with both adversaries now evenly matched. They are interrupted by Uryū Ishida, who helps the Bounts reach Soul Society, believing he will get stronger there and defeat the Bounts.[195]
In Soul Society, Ichigo's group uses Kūkaku Shiba's house as their initial base of operations and separate to search for the Bounts. After the Bount Yoshi almost kills Rukia Kuchiki, she is saved by Byakuya. Ichigo asks Byakuya for assistance, but Byakuya refuses, making it clear that he still dislikes Ichigo. Later, Ichigo comes across Kariya and Byakuya fighting in a forest and joins in. Despite being outnumbered, Kariya is able to hold his own. Ran'Tao, the Shinigami who created the Bounts, steps in and takes Ichigo and Uryū Ishida (who arrive soon after) back to her home in Rukongai. Ran'Tao explains to Uryū and Ichigo about how her spirit powers were sealed and how she was banished for creating the Bounts, among other things.[196]
After departing from Ran'Tao's home, they meet up with Tōshirō Hitsugaya, Rangiku Matsumoto, and Renji Abarai, who are in the middle of a battle with former Shinigami Maki Ichinose. This does not last long though as Kenpachi Zaraki arrives and challenges Ichinose, allowing the others to pursue the Bounts. At the Technological Institute, Ichigo and Chad catch up to Kariya, but are unable to stop him. Their battle inadvertently unearths the Jōkaishō, a massive energy source, which Kariya had been searching for. Kariya absorbs the energy and uses its destructive potential as a threat to keep Ichigo at bay. He then gives the whole of Soul Society a day to think about their impending destruction. With permission from Matsumoto, Ichigo uses the 10th Division as a base of operations during this time.[197] Ichigo fights Jin Kariya.
The next day, Ichigo saves both Uryū and Ran'Tao from Kariya, and the two battle.[198]
Ichigo uses his Bankai and begins to fight Kariya. Ran'Tao reveals that there are multiple Jōkaishō scattered throughout Soul Society that will detonate when Kariya uses his Jōkaishō, and the Shinigami of the Gotei 13 begin to seal all of the Jōkaishō. Meanwhile, Ichinose arrives and attacks Ichigo, but turns his sword on Kariya, claiming that he did not join Kariya to watch him destroy Soul Society. Kariya kills Ichinose, and reveals his doll, Messer, in the form of a sword of wind. Kariya uses the wind from his doll to produce electricity, and attacks Ichigo with it. Ichigo's inner Hollow momentarily takes over his body, but Ichigo regains control of his body, surprising Kariya. Ichigo informs Kariya that he cannot absorb spirit particles to heal himself because Ran'Tao sealed his absorption ability. Kariya attempts to detonate a Jōkaishō. Ichigo then deals a fatal blow to Kariya, who wonders what will happen to Ichigo and his inner Hollow before dying. Ichigo concludes that Kariya intended to travel to Soul Society in order to end his eternal life.[199]
Ichigo, Renji and Rukia return to the Kuchiki Manor to discuss Kariya's life. Ichigo remarks on how his life was changed when Rukia gave him her powers, Renji recalls when he was promoted to lieutenant of the 6th Division, and Rukia reminisces on the day when she was assigned to the Human World. Afterwards, Ichigo and his friends return to the Human World. Yoruichi brings Koga, who survived his fight with Hitsugaya, to Ran'Tao's hideout. Hidden from the Shinigami, he is able to recover from his injuries. Koga accepts that the destiny of the Bounts is to eventually die out.[200]
When Ichigo returns from Soul Society, Isshin attacks him in bed. Ichigo blocks the attack, earning praise form Isshin.[201] Ichigo returns the protective charm to Isshin, but he says that he does not want it and sews it to Ichigo's school uniform. Ichigo asks if he lied about Masaki haven given him the charm, but Isshin changes the subject.[202]
When Ichigo returns home from school, Isshin elbows him in the face, knocking him to the ground, surprising Isshin, who notes that he looks depressed. He says that he must have done poorly in an exam and tells him that Isshin "The Man" Kurosaki does not get upset by school exam results, saying that grades are unimportant. He tells Ichigo that a high school student should be energetic and do things that are difficult to speak of, such as falling in love. Ichigo, however, says that he will stay in his room until dinner, prompting Yuzu to blame Isshin for not apologizing.[203] Ichigo blocks an attack from Yammy Llargo.
Shinji Hirako reveals himself as a recruiter for the Visored, approaches Ichigo and attempts to convince him to join his organization. Ichigo persistently refuses, even after being warned that his inner Hollow will eventually take over and destroy everything in sight. Shortly afterwards, two Arrancar, Yammy Llargo and Ulquiorra Cifer, appear in Karakura Town in order to locate and evaluate Ichigo's strength. Upon seeing Chad injured, Ichigo battles Yammy using his Bankai, and manages to cut off the giant's right arm. Before he could progress, however, Ichigo's inner Hollow soon interferes, paralyzing Ichigo, and Yammy injures both him, and Orihime. The arrival of Yoruichi Shihōin and Kisuke Urahara forces Ulquiorra into strategic retreat. Ulquiorra returns to Aizen believing that Ichigo is a waste of his and Aizen's time.[204]
After his failure against the Arrancar, Ichigo loses his will as a Shinigami since he cannot protect his friends. This mood lasts until the arrival of Gotei 13's expeditionary force: six Shinigami sent to the Human World under the command of Tōshirō Hitsugaya. Rukia, who is among them, forces Ichigo to defeat a Hollow, all the while chastising him. Later that day, Ichigo discusses the growing Arrancar threat with Hitsugaya's force and learns what the Arrancar actually are. When Rukia returns to the Kurosaki household, Isshin and Yuzu try to eavesdrop on her and Ichigo from his bedroom door. When Ichigo hears him talking to Karin, he scares them off.[205] After they discuss the mission, Renji and Rangiku study Kon's Mod Soul pill and his stuffed lion body, amazed that a gikongan pill could be used in a stuffed animal's body. Getting annoyed by their company, Ichigo asks them when they would be leaving. Renji tells him that they cannot return to the Soul Society until after the Arrancar threat is dealt with. Ichigo tells them he has no problem with them in the Human World, but insists that they all cannot stay at his house, which eventually causes all of Hitsugaya's team to leave Ichigo's residences, except for Rukia, who tries to move into Ichigo's closet again, which Ichigo prevents, since his family now knows about her.[206] Rukia tells Isshin and Yuzu a cover story of having no home in order to coerce them to let her stay with them, which apparently succeeds.[207] However, instead of staying in Ichigo's closet, Rukia ends up sharing a room with Karin and Yuzu (much to her dismay).[208] Ichigo stops Di Roy Linker from killing Chad
Later during the night, six Arrancar under the command of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez invade Karakura Town, intending to finish what they view as an incomplete mission on Ulquiorra's part. They split up, seeking targets with spiritual power.[209] Ichigo senses them and fully recognizes their reiatsu. Rukia tells him that there are six Arrancar total and that they are targeting anyone with reiatsu, regardless of how much or how little each person has. She further states that one of them already arrived Chad's house.[210] Although he has not completely recovered from his injuries against Yammy, Chad heads out to fight the Arrancar, but is nearly killed by Di Roy Linker, who tries to impale his arm into Chad's chest. Ichigo arrives in time and stops Di Roy's strike, narrowly saving Chad's life.[211] Ichigo tells Chad to let him handle Di Roy. Chad tries to protest, but Ichigo insists that he lets him fight Di Roy. Realizing that he is not strong enough to help Ichigo anymore, Chad lets Ichigo fight Di Roy and runs off.[212] Rukia arrives after Chad leaves, asking Ichigo what he said to Chad. Ichigo just tells her that he told him to step aside and let him fight. Rukia then tells Ichigo to step aside, as he already exceeded his strength when he fought Yammy during his last encounter with the Arrancar. She swallows a Gikongan pill and transforms into her Shinigami form, which surprises Ichigo. Rukia explains that she lost her powers in the first place because of Urahara's Gigai, and that once she was out of that Gigai, her powers returned as time passed. The artificial soul possessing Rukia's Gigai pounces on Ichigo. Rukia explains that the soul's name is Chappy, and that it was the one she originally intended before they got Kon by mistake, to which Ichigo remarks that he's glad they got Kon instead.[213] Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez approaches Ichigo and Rukia
Growing impatient, Di Roy attacks Rukia while Chappy continues to keep Ichigo from interfering with their fight.[214] Chappy keeps Ichigo pinned down until Rukia returns from the fight, having killed Di Roy with her Zanpakutō's Shikai. Chappy explains Rukia's Zanpakutō to him and that her abilities are actually on-par to that of a seated officer, and that Byakuya pulled some strings to prevent Rukia from being promoted, so she would not be involved in dangerous missions. Before anything else can be said, another Arrancar arrives, having sensed Di Roy's death at Rukia's hands. He introduces himself as Arrancar #6: Grimmjow.[215] Rukia is lost in her own thoughts, as she questions as to whether or not if Grimmjow is really the same species as Di Roy, as he is much more powerful than Di Roy was. Grimmjow questions them both as to which one of them is stronger, breaking Rukia from her thoughts. She yells to Ichigo to retreat, but Grimmjow silences her shortly after by impaling her with his arm, stating that he knew that Rukia was not the strongest of the two. Rukia loses consciousness as Grimmjow slides her body off of his arm. Ichigo proceeds to charge at Grimmjow in response to him impaling Rukia.[216] Ichigo fights Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
He tries to attack him with Zangetsu, but Grimmjow blocks it with his bare arm and pushes him back with his reiatsu. Grimmjow tells him that he is giving him a chance to use his Bankai, and that if he does not, then he will punch a whole in him like he did to Rukia. Ichigo complies and activates his Bankai.[217] Ichigo tries to attack Grimmjow with his Bankai, but Grimmjow is able to block each of Ichigo's strikes unarmed and is even able to out-maneuver him. He proceeds to attack Ichigo unarmed and severely beats him to the point of exhaustion without sustain any injuries or fatigue of his own. Grimmjow is disappointed with Ichigo's Bankai, as he only notices that Tensa Zangetsu increases Ichigo's speed. Desperate, Ichigo uses his black Getsuga Tenshō to attack Grimmjow, which he barely manages to block. Grimmjow questions what attack Ichigo used, as Ulquiorra's report did not record Ichigo's use of his Getsuga Tenshō. Ichigo smirks and ask Grimmjow if he is still disappointing. However, Ichigo is halted by his inner Hollow, who tries to take over.[218] Grimmjow laughs at Ichigo's remark and states that he might just be worth killing after all. Ichigo looks at Grimmjow and sees that his Getsuga Tenshō only wounded him superficially. He further states that his black Getsuga Tenshō was originally his inner Hollow's technique and determines that he can fire two or three more blasts before his inner Hollow takes over completely. Grimmjow begins to draw his Zanpakutō, but is stopped by Kaname Tōsen who tells Grimmjow to sheathe his sword. Ichigo recognizes Tōsen as one of the captains who defected with Aizen. Grimmjow questions Tōsen why he is in the Human World. Tōsen tells him that he broke orders by mobilizing five Arrancar, taking them to the Human World, and getting them killed in battle, when he did not receive orders to attack the Human World in the first place. He informs Grimmjow that Aizen is upset with his actions, and that he is to be taken back to Hueco Mundo to be punished. As Tōsen opens a Garganta, Grimmjow reluctantly complies, which upsets Ichigo. As Grimmjow explains that he's returning to Hueco Mundo, Ichigo demands that Grimmjow finishes their fight. Grimmjow counters him by saying that the only reason he is still alive is because he is leaving before their fight is finished. He further states that he knows Ichigo can only fire two or three more Getsuga Tenshō blasts at him, and that even if he could fire his Getsuga Tenshōs without limit, he would not stand a chance against him in his released state. He tells Ichigo not to forget his name: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, as the next time he hears his name, he would be a dead man. The Garganta closes, leaving Ichigo alone to ponder the events that have occurred. Renji arrives soon after, asking Ichigo if he won. Ichigo states that he lost, but Renji argues that since he's alive, it means that he won. Ichigo tells him not to patronize him, as he would not be saying that if he were in Ichigo's position. He further states that he cannot protect anyone or even help the wounded; he was defeated in battle by Grimmjow.[219] The other Visored stop Ichigo's inner Hollow from killing Hiyori Sarugaki.
Ichigo, unable to control his inner Hollow, accepts Shinji Hirako's offer and seeks out the Visored in order to gain control.[220] During a sparring match with Hiyori Sarugaki, he loses control to his Hollow side once more and nearly kills her.[221][222] After reverting back to his Shinigami state, Ichigo is informed that he cannot simply keep his Hollow in check with his body or mind, but must force it into the very core of his soul. After a brief period of unappreciated training, Ichigo is told to confront his Hollow side within his inner world. There, Ichigo squares off against his Hollow self. Even after several exchanges, Ichigo is unable to damage the Hollow, while badly injured and stabbed himself. Finally, Ichigo is defeated, and his sword shatters. After a brief discourse with his Hollow, and then another with an inner manifestation of Kenpachi Zaraki (in the anime, Byakuya Kuchiki and Jin Kariya appear before this, and force him to fight their battles again. Ichigo is defeated by both of them), Ichigo realizes his trouble is that he lacks pure fighting spirit, instead needing reasons to fight his opponents. His spirit rekindled by this revelation, Ichigo is able to make a comeback, seizing the Hollow's sword and impaling him on it. With his Hollow subdued for the moment, Ichigo fades back to reality. When he comes to, he learns that while he was fighting internally, his outer body had transformed into that of a powerful and berserk Hollow. The Visored had taken turns battling this monster to keep it in check.[223][224] Ichigo then trains with Hiyori to increase the amount of time he can stay in masked form.[225] Ichigo challenges Grimmjow, donning his Hollow mask in battle for the first time.
A month later, the Arrancar once again invade Karakura, and Ichigo brashly heads off to fight Grimmjow, even though he can only remain in his masked form for eleven seconds. This backfires, as despite using his masked form and Grimmjow's loss of an arm since their last meeting, Ichigo is unable to defeat him within the eleven-second limit. His mask crumbles, and Ichigo is brutally counterattacked. On the brink of defeat and pinned to the ground, Ichigo is granted a short reprieve by Rukia. As Grimmjow recovers from Rukia's attack, Shinji Hirako appears and fights him until the Arrancar retreat by order of Ulquiorra.[226][227][228]
When tending to Ichigo's wounds, the Visored Hachigen Ushōda reveals that Ichigo's spiritual power has been contaminated somewhat by Grimmjow's. As per his instructions, Rukia takes him back to the Kurosaki Clinic to recover.[229] While in a deep sleep, he is visited by Orihime, who has been taken prisoner by the Arrancar and given a twelve hour reprieve by Ulquiorra to say good-bye to just one person. Orihime tries to kiss Ichigo while he sleeps, but is unable to. She does, however, confess her love for him.[230] Renji silences Ichigo as he protests.
Later, Ichigo awakens from a bad dream and realizes that the wound from his wrist is healed. Trying to sense by spiritual pressure who has healed him, he is visited by Hitsugaya, who tells him to come immediately for an emergency Shinigami meeting. The meeting is held at Orihime's apartment where Hitsugaya and Matsumoto took up residence and done via a live-conference device connecting Soul Society and the Human World. Captain Ukitake greets them and informs them Orihime was taken by an Arrancar and might have been killed. Ichigo informs them that she visited him to heal him the night before, which leads Yamamoto to believe that Orihime has betrayed them. Renji requests permission to go to Hueco Mundo to rescue her but the request is denied, as Yamamoto believes that the death of one person and the death of the world are weighted on a scale, thus saving Orihime is not important overall. Ichigo asks to go save Orihime by himself, but Yamamoto once again denies the suggestion, stating that Ichigo is a significant asset to Soul Society. The Shinigami are ordered to return to Soul Society to fortify their defenses, leaving Ichigo alone.[231]
Despite Yamamoto's decision, Ichigo decides to make preparations with Urahara to single-handedly retrieve Orihime from Hueco Mundo. At school, Tatsuki Arisawa confronts him about her sightings and she becomes angry and violent over his reluctance to explain himself. She reveals to him that she is able to sense his and Orihime's spiritual energy, and can see Ichigo and other Shinigami. She is restrained by Keigo and Mizuiro while Ichigo walks away coldly telling his friends not to get involved. At Urahara's shop, Ichigo is joined by Uryū with his Quincy powers restored and Chad with a new more powerful right arm. After some convincing, the trio agree to help each other rescue Orihime, and Urahara opens a gate to Hueco Mundo. Ichigo leads Chad and Uryū into Hueco Mundo but unbeknownst to him, Tatsuki, Keigo, and Mizuiro had followed him and witnessed his departure.[232]
As Ichigo, Chad, and Uryū enter Hueco Mundo, they are immediately detected by Aizen and attacked by two Arrancar, Demoura Zodd and Aisslinger Wernarr. Ichigo is then told to stay back and simply watch as Chad and Uryū engage the two Arrancar by themselves. Once they are victorious, the room and passageway collapses around them, forcing the trio to race outside where they see their destination, a castle in the middle of a barren desert.[233][234][235]
They see what looks to be a Human child being chased by three Hollows. After Ichigo attacks the three, it is revealed that the "Human" is actually an Arrancar named Nel Tu; the Hollows are her two "brothers" and their pet.[236] After becoming friends, the expanded group travels to the wall of Las Noches, where they are attacked by a sand-based Hollow, Runuganga. The Hollow is immune to their attacks, but the group is saved by Renji and Rukia, the latter of which freezes Runuganga in a circle of ice.[237] Ichigo and Nel Tu run into the Privaron EspadaDordoni.
Ichigo and his group break into Las Noches and split into five directions, leaving Nel and her brothers behind. The siblings decide to follow Ichigo but get lost. Nel is the only one who catches up to Ichigo, arriving just in time to see Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio, a Privaron Espada with the number 103.[238]
As Ichigo and Dordoni fight, the difference in power between the two quickly becomes apparent. Dordoni suggests that Ichigo use his Bankai, so he will at least stand a chance, but Ichigo refuses, noting that it would only be a sign of weakness if he were to use his Bankai in every battle. Hoping to force the issue, Dordoni releases his Zanpakutō, thus greatly increasing his power. Now commanding two wind elementals, Dordoni is more than a match for Ichigo. When Dordoni tries to fire a Cero blast at Ichigo, Nel steps in and absorbs the blast and fires it back. Enraged, Dordoni attacks Nel, who is then saved by Ichigo, now using his Bankai.[239][240]
Dordoni, not satisfied with Ichigo's Bankai, wishes to see his Hollow form. He even resorts to attacking Nel in an attempt to force Ichigo to transform. Ichigo sets Nel aside and tells Dordoni he will show him his Hollow form, but for only a second. Dordoni is pleased at first, but Ichigo defeats him in one blow. Dordoni is healed a bit by Nel, and unexpectedly attacks Ichigo again, who blocks the attack and runs away with Nel, and finally encounters Ulquiorra Cifer.[241]
Ulquiorra tells Ichigo that Rukia has been killed, which Ichigo denies. Ichigo attempts to leave to save Rukia, reasoning that he and Ulquiorra have no quarrel and thus no reason to fight. Ulquiorra reveals that he was the one who kidnapped Orihime and successfully goads Ichigo into fighting. Though Ichigo starts out well, he proves to be no match for Ulquiorra, who explains that even if Ichigo managed to somehow win, there would be three other Espada who are stronger still, as Ulquiorra reveals himself to be the 4th Espada. Ulquiorra then impales Ichigo's chest with his hand. He leaves after telling Ichigo to leave Hueco Mundo if he is able to.[242]
Grimmjow brings Orihime to heal Ichigo before he can die, wanting to fight him at full strength. Ulquiorra discovers this and attempts to retrieve Orihime, but Grimmjow uses a portable Negación field to temporarily imprison him, thus allowing the two to battle unimpeded. Much like Kenpachi before him, Grimmjow insists that Ichigo not battle for his friends, instead just wanting him to focus on killing him, and reveals that he kept the scar from their first battle as a reminder to fight and kill Ichigo to prove that he is stronger.[243] Ichigo protecting Orihime and Nel from Grimmjow's attack.
As the battle ensues, the advantage shifts between the two combatants at random. During the battle, Grimmjow fires a Gran Rey Cero at Orihime and Nel to make Ichigo put on his Hollow mask. Seeing that Ichigo is finally at his full strength, Grimmjow releases his Resurrección and fiercely attacks Ichigo, smashing him into the ground. As he looks for Ichigo amongst the dust, Ichigo appears behind him and fires a Getsuga Tenshō at him. Grimmjow only starts to laugh maniacally and tells Ichigo how much he hates his "eyes". As the fight continue both fighters seems to be on par, and Tia Harribel, who was watching the fight from a distance, even said it felt like a fight between two Espada.[244] Ichigo fighting Grimmjow in his released form.
Towards the end of the battle, Grimmjow is about to kill Ichigo, but after hearing Orihime beg for him to not get hurt anymore, Ichigo deftly catches Grimmjow's fist without looking, and slashes his shoulder. Grimmjow gets up after this, enraged at the injury, and impales Ichigo in the stomach. He then uses his most powerful attack, Desgarrón, but the battle still ends in his defeat. Grimmjow, badly injured and reverted back to his unreleased state, tries one more attack which Ichigo blocks bare-handed. Suddenly, Nnoitra Gilga appears, incapacitates Grimmjow, then attacks Ichigo, revealing that he is the 5th Espada and is thus more powerful than Grimmjow, whom Ichigo barely defeated.[245][246]
As they fight, Nnoitra notices Nel, recognizes her as the former third Espada, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, and explains to Ichigo that he gave Nel the crack in her mask. Nel denies this accusation heavily as Nnoitra attacks Ichigo again, eventually snapping his wrist. Seeing Ichigo hurt triggers Nel's transformation into her adult form. Nel attacks Nnoitra after revealing her ex-Espada status and easily matches him. She releases her Zanpakutō and overwhelms Nnoitra; but, just before finishing him, reverts to her child form. Nnoitra kicks Nel and the enraged Ichigo attacks again, only to be slammed into the ground. Nnoitra then orders his Fracción, Tesra Lindocruz, to switch with him and kill Ichigo and takes hold of Orihime. Tesra also releases, but just as he is about to kill Ichigo, Ichigo is once again saved at the last moment by Kenpachi, who defeats Tesra in one strike and briefly explains that along with him, Byakuya, Retsu Unohana, and Mayuri Kurotsuchi have come to perform an intrusion on Las Noches before engaging in combat with Nnoitra. As Kenpachi and Nnoitra fight, Orihime heals Ichigo and Nel to full health. When Nnoitra, thinking for a moment that Kenpachi is dead, attempts to attack Yachiru Kusajishi, Orihime rushes to defend her, while Ichigo, trying to stop Orihime, is stunned that he cannot break through her healing shield.[247][248][249] Ichigo facing off against Ulquiorra.
Kenpachi kills Nnoitra, and as he orders Orihime to heal him, Coyote Starrk appears, apparently reluctant as he snatches Orihime away to bring her to Aizen.[250][251] Aizen makes an announcement to all of Hueco Mundo, stating that Orihime is in the fifth tower, should anyone want to retrieve her, and that he has closed the Gargantas that the captains used for entry into Hueco Mundo. He informs them that he is leaving to destroy Karakura and orders Ulquiorra to take charge of Las Noches. Ichigo tells Kenpachi that his duty is not to defend his town, but to protect his friends, and flies to rescue Orihime as Ulquiorra declares his challenge to Ichigo.[252] Before he gets far though, he is attacked by the Exequias, but is assisted by Renji, Chad, and Rukia who start fighting them while he continues on. Before Ulquiorra can interrogate Orihime's mind further, Ichigo reaches them. In order to protect Las Noches, Ulquiorra brandishes his sword and begins dueling with Ichigo.[253][254][255][256]
The New Captain Shūsuke Amagai arc (anime only)Edit
Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.
Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki are alerted to an abnormal amount of Hollow sightings. As they leave to dispatch them, Ichigo encounters Rurichiyo, who asks him for sweets and is attacked by Hollows. As Kenryū and Enryū take Rurichiyo away, Ichigo uses his Bankai to defeat the Hollows, impressing Kenryū and Enryū. The following day, they move into the house next to Ichigo's, and become students at his school.[257] He later learns that they are two Shinigami named Kenryū and Enryū, who are the personal bodyguards of the child with them, Princess Rurichiyo Kasumiōji. Kenryū explains that Rurichiyo is the heir to the Kasumiōji clan, the highest noble clan under the Four Great Noble Houses. Despite Rurichiyo's young age, it is still unavoidable for her to take on the role of leader so young, as Rurichiyo's parents passed away. They came to the living world to protect Rurichiyo after several suspected assassination attempts on her from one of the lead members of the Kasumiōji clan, Gyōkaku Kumoi, who strongly desires to become the leader of the clan. Kenryū asks for Ichigo's help to stop Kumoi.[258]
Later, a group of assassins come to kill Rurichiyo. Their leader, Hanza Nukui, faces Ichigo with an unusual mirror-sword connected to his arm. Hanza is able to gain the advantage by allowing his sword to cover more of his arm. He then uses this sword's mirror to paralyze Ichigo. Hanza explains that his sword, Saiga, evolves in power by consuming spiritual energy from its wielder. Yoruichi intervenes and forces Hanza to retreat. Hanza later returns with new subordinates, each armed with a unique parasitic weapon called a Bakkōtō. While Chad and Uryū go to lure some of the enemies away, Ichigo faces Hanza. As the fight progresses, Hanza's entire body is eventually consumed by his Bakkōtō, ending the battle.[259] The following day, it is learned that Rurichiyo is expected to marry Shū Kannogi soon. After thanking Ichigo for his help, Rurichiyo sneaks back to Soul Society as she cannot stand seeing people get hurt for her sake anymore.[260]
Ichigo, Rukia, Kenryū and Enryū arrive in the compound and separate to find her. Kenryū and Enryū are locked in a storehouse by Kumoi, Rukia encounters eleventh division captain Kenpachi Zaraki, who realizes that Ichigo is present and goes to find him, and Ichigo finds Rurichiyo. However, Ichigo is forced to evade the guards, and loses track of her. Rurichiyo is attacked by one of her child servants. Zaraki arrives and kills the assassin, and Rukia asks Zaraki to keep the incident a secret. Watching from a distance, Hanza tries to frighten Ichigo by releasing his spiritual pressure, but is surprised when Ichigo is unperturbed.[261]
Kumoi sends Hanza and a dozen assassins to kill Ichigo, his friends, and Rurichiyo. Hanza fights Ichigo using the mirror weapon an assassin previously used against Ichigo, and explains that the weapon, Saiga, is stronger via feeding on his spiritual energy. Hanza traps Ichigo in a separate dimension using Saiga. Ichigo is freed by Yoruichi Shihōin, who reveals that the remaining assassins have been defeated. After hearing about this, Hanza retreats. The following day, Kumoi installs Rurichiyo's fiancé as the head of the clan.[262] Having failed in his previous attempt to kill Rurichiyo, Hanza gathers three of his subordinates from the criminal underground and requests that they be given weapons similar to Saiga. Kumoi agrees and the four set out to kill Rurichiyo, Ichigo, and his friends. In Karakura Town, Rurichiyo tells Ichigo that others would frequently be blamed for her reckless actions, including Kenryū and Enryū. Sensing the arrival of Hanza and his subordinates, Ichigo and Rukia stay to protect Rurichiyo and Yasutora Sado and Uryū Ishida leave to confront their attackers. Hanza fights Ichigo and Rukia, Chad, and Uryū each begin to fight one of his subordinates.[263] Ichigo fights Hanza, and using the enhanced speed from his Bankai, breaks Saiga's mirror. In response, Hanza uses one of Saiga's abilities to engulfs Ichigo in light from the shards of the mirror.[264] Sealed inside a different dimension, Ichigo is forced to relive his childhood and his mother's death. Reflecting Ichigo's guilt for being unable to save his mother, the image of Ichigo's mother tries to kill him. Ichigo manages to break free of the dimension by making peace with his mother. Ichigo dons his Hollow mask and overwhelms Hanza, forcing him to allow his Bakkōtō to absorb more of his energy. However, Hanza is consumed by his Bakkōtō, ignoring Ichigo's pleas to stop.[265]
Kumoi schedules Rurichiyo's wedding for the following day, and Kenryū and Enryū realize that he will replace her with an impostor if Rurichiyo does not return for the wedding. Ichigo goes to speak with Rurichiyo, who reveals that she knew about the assassins' true goal and Kumoi's connection to them, and feels guilty that Chad and Uryū were injured. She escapes into Soul Society, intending to participate in the marriage to keep Kumoi in line; however, when she arrives on the other side, her eyes have gone blank and she expresses no desire to leave. Kenryū, Enryū, Rukia and Ichigo attempt to follow them, but are unable to reach Rurichiyo, as Kenryū and Enryū have been blamed for kidnapping her. On the day of the wedding, the four enter the compound to retrieve Rurichiyo, but 2nd Division captain Sui-Feng and several members of the 2nd Division surround them, and Rurichiyo does not respond to Ichigo's calls to her.[266]
Enryū uses his Shikai to destroy the building, and in the confusion, Ichigo reaches Rurichiyo. Revealing Kumoi's intention to gain control of the clan to Rurichiyo's fiancé, Shū Kannogi, Ichigo is attacked by Rurichiyo, who is revealed as an impostor. Sui-Feng begins to fight Ichigo, allowing Rurichiyo and Kumoi to escape. Kenryū and Enryū are captured by the 2nd Division members, and Ichigo and Rukia escape with Shū's help. The three decide to escape by having Shū pose as a hostage. In response, Yamamoto orders a manhunt for Ichigo and Rukia.[267] Ichigo, Rukia, and Shū decide to rescue Rurichiyo, but are attacked by the new 3rd Division captain Shūsuke Amagai, who uses his Shikai against Ichigo. Shū stops the battle, revealing the truth of Kumoi's intentions to Amagai, who agrees to help them.[268]
Despite the patrols of the Gotei 13, Ichigo, Amagai, Rukia, and Shū manage to make contact with the 3rd Division members, and head towards the 3rd division's training grounds, Rurichiyo's last known location.[269] Ichigo and Amagai pursue a pair of assassins with Rurichiyo, and discover that the Rurichiyo they are carrying is a fake. Ichigo, Rukia, Amagai, and Shū head to the Kasumiōji compound, which 10th Division captain Tōshirō Hitsugaya is guarding. Amagai fights Hitsugaya and Rukia fights Matsumoto, the 10th Division lieutenant as Ichigo and Shū enter the compound.[270]
After discovering that one of Amagai’s men, Makoto Kibune, is working for Kumoi and has a Bakkōtō, Amagai has it sent to Yamamoto to tell him about Kumoi's treacherous actions. After receiving the message, Yamamoto orders the Gotei 13 to take the Kasumiōji clan into custody. After Ichigo and Rukia manage to catch up to Kumoi and Rurichiyo, Amagai strikes down Kumoi. After which, Amagai teleports away, taking Rurichiyo with him. The dying Kumoi reveals that Amagai is the true brains behind the conspiracy.[271] Ichigo vs. Shūsuke Amagai
Amagai explains that he is after revenge for the death of his father, Shin'etsu Kisaragi. Before his father died, Amagai was told by him of the Bakkōtō. Amagai later learned that Shin'etsu discovered the illegal manufacturing of the Bakkōtō and sought to stop it, but was then killed by Yamamoto. Amagai knew that Yamamoto was well-aware of the Kasumiōji clan's actions but refused to do anything, eventually prompting Amagai to the conclusion that he was in league with the Kasumiōji clan. Ichigo and Rukia quickly catch up to Amagai at Yamamato's headquarters, where Amagai is facing off against Yamamoto and vows to destroy both Yamamoto and the entire Kasumiōji clan. Amagai also reveals that he has a special Bakkōtō of his own that had the power to negate all Shinigami and Zanpakutō powers other than his own. Amagai uses his Bankai, and Ichigo arrives to fight him.[272]
Despite hearing these allegations against Yamamoto, Ichigo is determined to stop Amagai, stating that Amagai has selfishly caused innocent people to suffer. Ichigo is still able to use his spiritual energy and unleashes his Bankai. As the battle progresses, Ichigo also reveals his Hollow mask and quickly takes advantage in the battle. Amagai then realizes that while his Bakkōtō can seal away Shinigami power, it cannot do the same for Hollow powers. Amagai begins to attack Ichigo's mask, and Ichigo manages to hit Amagai with a Getsuga Tenshō. Injured, Amagai declares that he is willing to die for his revenge, and starts to draw more on his Bakkōtō's power. With some well-timed maneuvers, Ichigo is finally able to strike and destroy the Bakkōtō power-negation ability. Then in a final clash, Ichigo is able to defeat Amagai.[273] While injured, Amagai turns his attention to Yamamoto and stabs him in the stomach, which Yamamoto allows to happen. Yoruichi, who arrives with the other captains, explains that Yamamoto did not betray Amagai's father. Rather, Shin'etsu was another victim of the Bakkōtō. After Yamamoto learned about the Bakkōtō, Yamamoto tried to get permission from Central 46 to investigate, but they refused. Instead, Shin'etsu volunteered to investigate by himself. However, he was made into a test subject for the Bakkōtō development. Losing his mind to the Bakkōtō, Shin'etsu attacked Yamamoto, forcing the captain to regretfully strike Shin'etsu down. Horrified by the truth, Amagai falls into complete shame. Wishing to make up for his mistakes, he decides to take his own life as payment. Ichigo is about to stop him, but Byakuya makes Ichigo understand that he needs to let Amagai repent the best way he feels possible. Later, Ichigo says he will help Rurichiyo whenever needed, but she says she will try as the head of her clan to handle it with her own power from now on.[274]
Ichigo is seen with a wound on his right shoulder done by Ulquiorra during the battle. As his fight with Ulquiorra continues, Ichigo manages to fight on equal footing with the Espada. Ulquiorra taunts Ichigo as they fight. Ulquiorra is surprised when Ichigo manages to catch his wrist. The battle rages on hard than before. Orihime is able to save Ichigo from an attack with her Shield.[275] Ichigo dons his Hollow mask to attack Ulquiorra.
Ulquiorra continues to taunt as Menoly Mallia and Loly Aivirrne show up and ambush Orihime. Ichigo tries to help her but is interrupted by Ulquiorra and the Arrival of Yammy Llargo[276] The arrival of Uryū Ishida sends Yammy falling to the bottom of Las Noches and Ichigo orders him to protect Orihime. Ichigo dons his Hollow mask and manages to gain the upper hand against Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra, noticing how strong Ichigo has become, heads to the top of Las Noches. Ulquiorra explains the reason why he has brought them there and releases his Zanpakutō, Murciélago.[277] Ulquiorra attacks but Ichigo instinctively blocked with a Getsuga Tenshō to which Ulquiorra notes that had he not done so, the attack would have killed him.[278] Ichigo then starts to realize how much more powerful and faster Ulquiorra is.[279] Ichigo continues to try but has no luck in doing anything to the Espada. Ulquiorra then tells Ichigo he will demonstrate the difference in their power with his Cero Oscuras.[280] Ichigo seemingly finished off by Ulquiorra's Cero Oscuras.
Ichigo then prepares for Ulquiorra's "Cero Oscuras", but is overwhelmed by it and greatly injured. Ulquiorra continues in a series of attacks and questions why Ichigo will not put his sword down. He explains that he always knew that Ulquiorra was stronger, but nothing he sees him do will stop him from fighting. Ulquiorra then states that Ichigo has still not realized the meaning of despair, and transforms into a new form.[281] Ulquiorra explains that only he has a second release form and then proceeds to carry on with his series of attacks against Ichigo . Ichigo is completely overwhelmed but keeps going, which Ulquiorra does not understand. Ichigo says he has no choice but to fight but Ulquiorra calls him a fool. Ulquiorra attacks with his tail and Ichigo tries to reform his mask but it easily breaks. Orihime arrives to the top of the dome just in time to see Ulquiorra fires a Cero Oscuras through Ichigo's chest, seemingly killing him.[282]
Orihime is devastated by the attack on Ichigo and tries to heal him. Ishida then tries to attack Ulquiorra to little success. Seeing Ishida losing, Orihime pleads for Ichigo to help. Ichigo slowly begins to move as his hair grows longer, almost resembling a mane and his hands grasp at the ground.[283] Hearing Orihime's desperate cry for help, Ichigo's inner Hollow takes over, resulting in a new transformation. Quickly, Ichigo's new form proves vastly superior to Ulquiorra in every conceivable way and easily defeats him.[284][285] However, Ichigo has no control behind his desire to protect Orihime and tries to attack Ishida with a Cero but Ulquiorra cuts off one of Ichigo’s new horns, resulting in an explosion.[286] Ichigo's mask then breaks off entirely and he falls back down to the ground. Spiritual power gathers and enters the hole in Ichigo's chest healing him completely.[287] Ichigo's breaks free of his Hollow's control.
Ichigo regains control of his body with no memory of what has transpired. Ulquiorra grabs Ichigo’s sword and gives it back to him so they may finish. Seeing the damage inflicted on his opponent, Ichigo wants to even the fight but Ulquiorra begins to disintegrate. Ulquiorra tells Ichigo to finish him off, but Ichigo refuses. Ulquiorra admits an interest in humans as he fades into the wind.[288] Ichigo dons a new mask and attacks Yammy.
After recovering slightly from his battle, Ichigo jumps off of the dome and manages to save Rukia before she falls.[289][290] Ichigo then teases Yammy and manages to stop his cero. Yammy attacks but Ichigo manages to dodge along with Rukia. He tells Rukia he will take care of things. Ichigo runs causing Yammy to follow and get away from his friends. He dons his new mask and slams Yammy to the ground.[291] Ichigo and Unohana dive into the Garganta.
Ichigo notes that his mask is very heavy. Yammy recovers and fires off a barrage of Bala and explains his rank to Ichigo. Ichigo cuts through the Bala and taunts Yammy once more. Ichigo tries to summon his mask again, but is unable to. While distracted by this event, Yammy grabs Ichigo. However, before Yammy can continue his attack against Ichigo, he is blindsided by a Sōkatsui spell. Before he is able to retaliate, one of his appendages is cut off as well; Byakuya Kuchiki and Kenpachi Zaraki have arrived.[292] Kenpachi scares off Ichigo so he won't get in the way of his foe as he fights off the Cero Espada. Ichigo is concerned but Byakuya reminds him that Karakura Town is his duty. Mayuri Kurotsuchi approaches Ichigo and opens a Garganta. Retsu Unohana volunteers to accompany Ichigo on his way back and the two head off while Byakuya and Kenpachi fight Yammy.[293] On their way through, Unohana tells him how Aizen's Shikai works and that he is the only one able to defeat him due to having not seen it. She informs him that he must not look at Aizen's Shikai, no matter what. Ichigo then says he will defeat Aizen.[294] Ichigo arrives in Fake Karakura Town.
As they continued their path, Unohana decides to take the lead to produce a sturdier path to run on. Unohana says Ichigo’s skills are not polished enough but Ichigo insists that if he was at full strength, he could produce a much more solid path. After explaining how the damage to his Bankai shihakusho’s condition gives a clear example of how much spiritual energy he has left, Unohana was awe struck to discover just how great Ichigo’s reiatsu is. Realizing Ichigo’s potential power, Unohana offers to replenish his energy along the way.[295] He jumps out of the Garganta and tries to end Aizen in one blow but is blocked by a barrier. Ichigo thinks he should have used his Hollowfication but Aizen, guessing his thoughts says that it would not work and invites him to try.[296] The Gotei 13 and the Visored protect Ichigo.
Ichigo tries attacking with his mask but Aizen moves behind him. Ichigo tries to back away but Aizen tells Ichigo that distance Is meaningless between them. Aizen questions why Ichigo is fighting him when he does not hate him. His comrades are all alive so he has no reason to fight. Ichigo begins to waiver but Sajin Komamura appears beside him and tells Ichigo not to be taken in by Aizen's provocation. He tells that the Shinigami and Visored will not let him see Aizen’s Shikai as they all gather around him. [297] Ichigo is reluctant to receive help but Shinji says the battle is everyone’s.[298] Komamura thanks Ichigo for his arrival, stating that if he did not arrive when he did, he would have attacked Aizen in anger and would have most likely been cut down.[299] Shinji asks Ichigo why he didn't bring Orihime back with him due to her healing powers but says that since it is combat, Unohana was a better choice.[300] As the Visored leave, Sui-Feng advises Ichigo to watch them fight Aizen and says they are all their to fight for survival. She then leaves to fight Aizen. Ichigo resolves to watch for now.[301] Ichigo pounces on Aizen as he emerges from Yamamoto's attack.
Ichigo watches the battle closely waiting for an opening on Aizen, but sees him defeat Komamura, Rose, and Love.[302] Ichigo then watches as the captains and Visored rejoice for defeating Aizen. Ichigo, the only one of them not under Kyōka Suigetsu's influence, asks everyone what they are doing as they realize it is not Aizen but Momo Hinamori that has been stabbed.[303]. When the remaining captains are cut down, Captain-Commander Yamamoto engages Aizen in battle. He tells Aizen that the Gotei 13 will lay down their lives to stop Ichigo but Ichigo should fall back.[304] After Yamamoto uses Hadō 96, Ittō Kasō against Aizen, Aizen emerges only to be pounced on by Ichigo using Getsuga Tenshō[305] Isshin intervenes.
Ichigo’s attack sends Aizen through a building. As Ichigo continues his attack, Aizen blocks his blade and tells him that was his final chance to kill him. Aizen’s wounds heal and Ichigo believes it is High-Speed Regeneration but Aizen says it is merely the instinct of the Hōgyoku to protect its master, revealing that he has implanted it in his chest. Aizen complements Ichigo's Reiatsu, saying that he has grown, just as he had planned. He lists various important moments in the development of Ichigo's power and tells him that all of his battles have taken place exactly as he desired.[306] Ichigo becomes angry at this and Aizen explains that he believed Ichigo to be the perfect subject for his research. Aizen tells Ichigo that all of Ichigo’s victories were by his own doing, prompting Ichigo to attack Aizen again. Aizen blocks and Ichigo tells him that his claims do not match those he made back in Soul Society but Aizen questions what made Ichigo believe he told the truth back then.[307] Aizen claims responsibility for the events that have led Ichigo to this point. Ichigo asks him when he came to the conclusion that he would be a perfect subject for his research. Aizen replies that he has known about Ichigo from the day he was born. He is interrupted by Isshin, who appears on the battlefield between his son and Aizen, stating that Aizen "talks too much".[308]
As Ichigo calls out to him, Isshin turns to his son and head-butts him, knocking him to the ground below. Catching up to his son, Isshin says that he will answer any questions later. Ichigo says that he has no questions and accepts that Isshin must have had a reason to keep things a secret. He then thanks his father and heads off. Ichigo begins a fight against Gin Ichimaru and Gin notes that it has been a while since they fought.[309] Gin asks if Ichigo remembers their fight but Ichigo says no. Ichigo further explains his philosophy on battle. He notes that he could not feel Gin’s heart in his blade when they last fought. Gin states that he had thought Ichigo was an interesting kid, but now thinks he is simply a creepy one. He then notes that is starting to understand why Aizen is interested in Ichigo.[310] Ichigo attacks Gin, but is blocked.
After quizzing Ichigo on the length of his sword, Gin releases his Bankai, Kamishini no Yari. The two fight as Ichigo is able to stop Gin’s attacks and Gin notes that Ichigo is a creepy kid.[311] The two continue exchanging blades and Ichigo begins to worry about Gin’s blade and it’s speed. After his shoulder is grazed, Ichigo states that he has found the true danger of Gin’s blade is the speed and the speech on the length was a distraction. Gin claps and tells Ichigo that even though he has found this it still doesn’t mean he can win.[312] After being knocked into a building by Gin's Bankai, Gin says that stopping his blade was a fluke but Ichigo claims it not to be. When the Hōgyoku begins to envelop Aizen, a shocked Ichigo asks Isshin what is occurring. Isshin states he does not know and after the two banter, Aizen is suddenly attacked by Kisuke Urahara.[313] Ichigo watches on as Kisuke, Isshin and Yoruichi battle Aizen, but make little progress. As Ichigo watches Aizen go on the offensive against Yoruichi, Gin points out that his back is wide open. He tells Ichigo to relax and the two discuss Aizen and Ichigo’s allies. Once over, Gin presses his Zanpakutō against his chest, and activates his Butō ability, but Ichigo dodges. Before he can react, however, Ichigo realizes that Gin's blade has already fully contracted. Gin then uses Butō Renjin, causing Ichigo to don his Hollow mask.[314] Isshin encourages Ichigo to go defend Karakura Town.
After Ichigo becomes winded, Gin tells him to run. Gin tells Ichigo that it is hopeless and tells him that he has already realized he cannot win. He moves to finish Ichigo off but he is stopped by Aizen. Ichigo notices Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Isshin lying on the ground and when Aizen orders Gin to open a Senkaimon to Soul Society, Ichigo tells him to wait. Aizen turns to him and tells him he will "devour" him after they have destroyed Karakura Town and leaves with Gin to Soul Society. Isshin manages to get back on his feet and tells Ichigo to open a Senkaimon and to get ready to defend the real Karakura Town.[315] Isshin head butts Ichigo to get his attention and says they need to head to Karakura town. Ichigo says there is no way they can beat Aizen with that monstrous reiatsu and Isshin realizes that Ichigo, unlike him and others, can sense Aizen’s reiatsu. He tells Ichigo to come with him but Ichigo does not move. Isshin asks if he is just going to stand there and cry, reminding Ichigo that if he does not fight, Aizen will just destroy everything he cares about anyway. Ichigo resolves to go and asks his father to open the Senkaimon, to which Isshin responds he didn't have to tell him.[316] As they are running through the Dangai, Isshin stops Ichigo and notes that the Kōtotsu is not there. He explains how this benefits them in their situation and says he will teach Ichigo the "final" Getsuga Tenshō.[317]
Confused, Ichigo asks his father what he means. Isshin explains the nature of the Dangai's time distortion. Isshin informs Ichigo that he will suppress the restrictive current and embeds four implements in the Dangai's walls, saying that he believes he can suppress it for around 2,000 hours, or nearly three months. He tells his son to use that time to get information from Zangetsu about the true nature of the "final" Getsuga Tenshō.[318] As Ichigo meditates, Isshin hits him and Ichigo dodges, proving he is not concentrating. Isshin then explains the proper procedure and Ichigo tries it.[319] Sometime later Ichigo receives a slash in his shoulder, indicating to Isshin he "did it". Isshin then warns him to be careful as this time around Zangetsu is going to be on a rampage.[320] Tensa Zangetsu appears before Ichigo
Ichigo awakens in his inner world to find himself underwater and struggles to breathe. He is pulled by an unknown figure and thrown into a building. The figure tells him to calm down and teaches him to breathe. Ichigo questions who he is as Zangetsu is supposed to be there. The figure then pulls out Tensa Zangetsu. He tells Ichigo he is not surprised that he does not recognize this form, as this is the first time Ichigo has ever come to his inner world in Bankai. After attacking Ichigo, he identifies himself as Tensa Zangetsu as he continues his assault.[321] Ichigo tries to stop the fighting so he can ask a question but Tensa Zangetsu already knows what Ichigo wants. He tells Ichigo that he cannot teach him such a technique. Ichigo says he needs it to protect Karakura town but Tensa Zangetsu says that what Ichigo wants to protect and what he wants to protect are different.[322] Tensa Zangetsu rips out the source of Ichigo's despair.
Ichigo is surprised that Tensa Zangetsu will not lend him his power and Tensa Zangetsu tells Ichigo to look around and that where there were once hope-filled skyscrapers, there is now a replica of Karakura Town, submerged by constant rain. Tensa Zangetsu explains that this all occurred because Ichigo ceased to walk forward and fell into despair. Tensa Zangetsu appears in front of Ichigo suddenly and pierces his arm into Ichigo's chest. He tells him that he will pull out the source of his despair. Tensa Zangetsu proceeds to rip out the "source of despair" and tosses it behind him. When Ichigo looks at it, he sees his inner Hollow, in a new form that he has not seen. His inner Hollow proceeds to remove his mask, asking Ichigo if he recognizes him.[323] Ichigo is shocked to see his inner Hollow as he believed that he had defeated him but his Hollow says reiterates what he said last time. Tensa Zangetsu reveals that this is the form Ichigo took to defeat Ulquiorra Cifer. Zangetsu states Ichigo will fight them together as they begin to fuse. The fused form of Zangetsu and Ichigo's inner Hollow emerges and tells Ichigo that they are two parts of the same being and they are his power and proceeds to attack Ichigo.[324] Meanwhile, outside his inner world, Isshin is exhausted, still trying to suppress the current, as Ichigo starts bleeding more.[325] Ichigo fights the merged Tensa Zangetsu.
As their battle continues, Ichigo says that he will not give up until he learns the Final Getsuga Tenshō. Fused Tensa Zangetsu states that he already told him he has no intention of telling him about it. Ichigo begins to find something strange in the Fused Tensa Zangetsu’s actions. As they continue to fight Ichigo realizes something and discards his broken sword allowing Fused Tensa Zangetsu to run him through with his blade. Fused Tensa Zangetsu congratulates Ichigo on figuring it out and Ichigo notes the blade does not hurt. Ichigo then notices that Fused Tensa Zangetsu is crying and asks him why. He reveals what he wanted to protect all along was Ichigo. Ichigo is confused and questions what he means by this to which Fused Tensa Zangetsu states that its meaning, along with the essence of the technique, should be conveyed to him directly from the blade.[326] Fused Tensa Zangetsu tells him that if Ichigo uses the Final Getsuga Tenshō he will lose his Shinigami powers. He then bids Ichigo farewell.[327] Ichigo confronts Aizen in Karakura Town.
Ichigo later arrives with his unconscious father in Karakura Town in the Soul Society as Rangiku is grieving for Ichimaru. Startled by Ichigo's arrival, Aizen turns his attention towards him. [328] Ichigo, now taller and with longer hair from his time in the Dangai, places Isshin on the ground and thanks him. After searching for the reiatsu of his sisters to make sure they are safe, Ichigo greets his friends and tells them to stay where they are. Aizen tells Ichigo that he is disheartened as he does not sense any reiatsu coming from him. Ichigo interrupts him, saying that he wants to move their fight elsewhere. Stating that Ichigo cannot harm him, Aizen refuses, but Ichigo grabs Aizen and brings him outside Karakura Town, throwing him into the ground. He tells a stunned Aizen that he will finish the fight in an instant.[329] Ichigo blocks Aizen's attack with his bare hand.
Aizen states what he believes is the reason for Ichigo’s loss of reiatsu, believing he has converted it into raw physical power. He then tells Ichigo that he should give up all hope as even with his enhanced physical strength he still is far from being able to reach him. The two clash as a nearby mountain is cut in half. Aizen gloats on this feat. He moves to attack Ichigo head on and the two clash again causing significant devastation to the surrounding area. Aizen comments on their appearances, noting the similarities between each other with the agglutination of their right arms and Zanpakutō's and how it has brought forth a revolutionary discovery. Aizen continues to gloat as Ichigo then stops Aizen’s blade with his bare hand. The attack destroys the land behind Ichigo, who remains in place and uninjured. Ichigo asks Aizen if his feat is really that hard to believe. Ichigo then asks him if he's scared of what is in front of his eyes right now, of something he can't understand.[330] Ichigo injures Aizen.
Aizen recovers and tells Ichigo not to gloat as he will crush Ichigo with Kidō and uses the full incantation of Hadō #90.Kurohitsugi. Aizen proudly gloats at the full power of his Kidō. Ichigo waves his hand and destroys the spell. Ichigo begins to explain to a stunned Aizen that he didn't notice that Ichigo is stronger than him currently. Ichigo then notes it was actually him who blew that mountain away with his sword, not Aizen. Ichigo moves in and strikes.[331] Ichigo lands a strike across Aizen’s torso, but Aizen instantly backs. Ichigo tells him that it's a strange feeling when he put distance between them. Ichigo then asks Aizen why he has put distance between them. Aizen becomes enraged and the diamond shape on his forehead opens up and develops into a third, vertical eye as he transforms again. Aizen then states that he now sees that the Hōgyoku will not truly allow him to lag behind a human. Aizen then fires an immensely powerful blast that creates a crater. Ichigo survives the blast but it destroys the upper half of his shikakushō and singes his left arm he used to block the blast. Aizen attacks Ichigo, sending him into the crater. Aizen grabs Ichigo and creates a large circle of spiritual energy. He asks Ichigo if he can hear him as he goes to theorize how at one point Ichigo destroyed the barrier between Shinigami and Hollow and became transcendental. He then states that now Ichigo has lost that power and will now be destroyed by a true transcendental being. Aizen continues his gloating as Ichigo asks Aizen if something like that is going to end him as he slashes at his chest forcing Aizen to release him as well as destroying the circle of charged spiritual energy. Ichigo then tells him they should put a stop to this as he is sick and tired of Aizen's logic. Ichigo readies himself and tells Aizen he wants to show him the "Final Getsuga Tenshō". [332]
Ichigo initiates the technique causing Aizen to react in surprise to the new form he has taken.[333] Ichigo explains the technique as Aizen becomes enraged, saying it is not possible for a human to surpass him. Ichigo initiates Mugetsu and darkness falls all over the land.[334] Aizen is surrounded by the darkness and attacked causing him to plummet to the ground below. The darkness dissipates as Ichigo touches down on the ground as the blue bands covering his face begin to crack and peel off. Standing where Aizen crashed, he watches as his opponent’s wounds heal. Aizen begins to revert back to his original form. Ichigo falls to the ground as he realizes his Shinigami powers are disappearing. Aizen stands up and tells Ichigo he has lost as his Zanpakutō begins to disintegrate. Aizen tells him that the Hōgyoku has decided he doesn't need a Zapakutō and likens it to Ichigo becoming one with his Zanpakutō and its powers. He then states that in fact he has risen even higher than Ichigo who has just lost that power. Ichigo then looks on as Aizen is affected by a hidden Kidō spell hidden inside his body by Kisuke Urahara, who appears at the scene to explain the mechanics of the spell. The two converse briefly before Aizen is finally sealed as Ichigo looks away.[335]
Sometime after their battle with Aizen, Ichigo asks Urahara where everyone is and asks if everyone’s memories have been erased. Urahara says no and Ichigo is relieved. Urahara then tells Ichigo that Aizen's seal structure will be dealt with by Central 46. Ichigo asks him if Aizen was really rejected by the Hōgyoku and wonders if Aizen himself wished to lose his power. He explains his theory and thinks maybe Aizen wished to just be a Shinigami. Orihime, Uryū, Rukia, Chad, and Renji find Ichigo and he asks them if it's okay for them to be up like this. Rukia says that's her line and Orihime, while crying, says she knew it was him in the distance though Ichigo's longer hair made her think she was wrong at first. Ichigo laughs saying what a face she's making right now and adds that his hair is a mess. Suddenly, he collapses and everyone rushes to help him while he screams in pain.[336] Ichigo watches Rukia fade away.
Ichigo awakes to find himself back home surrounded by Orihime, Rukia, Uryū and Chad who explain that he has been unconscious for almost a month. Rukia explains that Urahara told them he has lost his Shinigami powers. Ichigo realizes that they all know now and tells Rukia he will most likely have to give back his substitute Shinigami title. Rukia explains that the first stage of loss brings intense pain, loss of consciousness, and a reverse flow of the time that his body experienced in the Dangai Precipice World. She notes that his hair is shorter but it's not because they cut it. She further explains that he lost his Shinigami powers at that point. Then in the second stage, his remaining reiatsu stabilized, he woke up, and in due time, the remainder of his spiritual power will completely disappear. Ichigo, unsurprised by this, says that he expected this to happen, asking if he can go outside. As his energy continues to disappear, Ichigo notes that he can no longer sense spiritual presences anymore and that it is becoming harder to see Rukia. Realizing this is farewell, Rukia mocks Ichigo's sad face, saying she will still be able to see him; Ichigo says that fact doesn't make him happy at all and he wasn't being sad. As she starts to fade before his eyes, Ichigo asks Rukia to give his best regards to everyone, says goodbye, and thanks her. [337]
While sleeping, Ichigo is taken into his inner world by Zangetsu, who asks if Ichigo can hear anything other than his voice. Only able to hear Zangetsu's voice, Ichigo asks what is going on. Zangetsu responds that all is well.[338] Later Ichigo discovers a seriously injured Rukia just arriving in the living world. Later, a Yuki-onna appears and demands for Rukia. After forcing the woman to retreat, he learns from Rukia that she was actually the spirit of her Zanpakutō, Sode no Shirayuki. After Orihime heals her wounds, Rukia explains that a strange man named Muramasa has somehow released all the Zanpakutō spirits in Soul Society from their ties with the Shinigami and had them throw Soul Society into chaos. After discovering Rukia has gone back to Soul Society, Ichigo decides to follow her.[339]
In Soul Society, Ichigo briefly fights Sode no Shirayuki to protect Rukia, but Rukia manages to bind the Zanpakutō spirit and herself together with Kidō. Muramasa arrives and ends the battle, reminding Ichigo that Zanpakutō are more than just a source of power for Shinigami in the form of swords. They have a life and will of their own. Convinced that all Shinigami mistreated their Zanpakutō, Muramasa stated his goal was to “free” all of them from their control of Shinigami. Muramasa then removed Zangetsu’s spirit from Ichigo’s being, who quickly attacks Ichigo. Being hesitant to fight his partner, Zangetsu quickly overpowers Ichigo. Taking advantage of Zangetsu's power and influence leaving Ichigo, Ichigo's inner Hollow took over the battle. While Muramasa was confused, Zangetsu explained that Ichigo's soul has another side to it. Hollow Ichigo then quickly defeats Zangetsu and then forced Muramasa back as well. Before the outcome could be decided, Ichigo regained control and returned to normal, passing out in the process.[340]
Ichigo later awakes within his inner world, where he finds Muramasa, who wishes to learn about Ichigo’s unique powers. Muramasa uses his powers to forcibly draw out Ichigo’s inner Hollow and tries to gain control of Hollow Ichigo, only to be surprised from a sudden attack. After a skirmish, it soon becomes clear that Hollow Ichigo is too powerful for Muramasa to fight directly, instead relying on his powers to bind him. After finally seeing through Muramasa’s invisible power, Ichigo saves his Hollow half, surprising both spirits. He then unleashes a huge surge of spiritual energy to force Muramasa out of his body, greatly shocking the rogue Zanpakutō.[341]
Outside, Zangetsu appears again, unleashing his Bankai. Ichigo’s inner Hollow calls to him, reminding Ichigo that he cannot access his Zanpakutō’s true power because it resides with Zangetsu. Hollow Ichigo offers instead to lend him his power, as long as Ichigo agrees not to seal him within the mask. After an initial struggle against Zangetsu, Ichigo asks why Zangetsu wants to fight so badly, who responds that his desire is to see how strong Ichigo can really become and if it is great enough to defeat him. Deciding to honor Zangetsu’s wish, Ichigo his inner Hollow’s power is able to defeat Zangetsu. Soon afterwards, Ichigo turned his attention to Muramasa, began coughing very sickly and became transparent, prompting him to teleport away. Zangetsu then appears again, assuring Ichigo he has returned to his normal self. Zangetsu explains that Muramasa's power is to forcibly unleash a being's deepest instincts, and then warp them to make the target care only about those desires, regardless of the consequences.[342]
Ichigo then reports his new findings to the Shinigami captains. Afterwards, he is joined by Ikkaku who also wants to fight his Zanpakutō. Together, they find Hōzukimaru and Gegetsuburi. While they are able to catch Gegetsuburi, Hōzukimaru escapes, to which Ichigo follows. To his shock, Ichigo's pursuit is seemingly stopped by Byakuya who quickly disappears. While trying to find Byakuya, Ichigo is confronted by Tobiume and Haineko, who attempt to fight him, but the battle quickly taken over by Rangiku Matsumoto and Momo Hinamori. Later Ichigo is ambushed by Hyōrinmaru, who attempts to fight Ichigo. However, once Ichigo releases his Bankai, Hyōrinmaru decides to withdraw, revealing that he is searching for his master and has no memory of either his master or his own name. Before he is able to leave, Tōshirō Hitsugaya arrives. Hitsugaya explains to Hyōrinmaru that "Hyōrinmaru" is his name and that Hitsugaya himself is his master. However, Hyōrinmaru does not believe him, which leads to the two of them fighting each other. Hitsugaya eventually manages to convince Hyōrinmaru to return to him.[343]
Ichigo decides to let Hitsugaya rest and continues to look for Byakuya until he runs into Rangiku and Momo who have already defeated their Zanpakutō spirits. Muramasa appears at their location through a Garganta. Muramasa states that he believes him and Ichigo are connected. Ichigo proceeds to fight him, but Muramasa, who is not used to his "new" body, is put at a disadvantage. Senbonzakura then intervenes, fighting Ichigo in Muramasa's place and activates his Bankai. Ichigo, having already fought Byakuya's Bankai in the past, is able to hold his own against Senbonzakura, eventually overpowering the spirit and cracking its mask in the process. Senbonzakura tries to fight back in retaliation, but is stopped by Byakuya. Ichigo is surprised to see Byakuya again, who quickly attacks him with a Kidō spell. Ichigo questions Byakuya's actions and Byakuya explains that, like the Zanpakutō spirits, he is following his own inner desires: to protect his pride. He then retreats, along with Muramasa and Senbonzakura, the latter using his technique to cover their escape.[344]
Ichigo returns and informs the others of Byakuya's betrayal, much to their dismay. Renji even gets angry with Ichigo, refusing to believe that Byakuya has betrayed them. Later that night, Ichigo senses Renji and Rukia's distress and rushes to help them. He arrives with Sui-Feng and some others to combat the numerous Zanpakutō spirits who had surrounded Renji and Rukia.[345] Ichigo squares off with Senbonzakura again, while Renji holds off Byakuya. When Izuru falls prey to Wabisuke's power, Ichigo frantically tries to come to Izuru's aid. Suddenly, Kenpachi Zaraki makes a dramatic entrance with great delight.[346] After overpowering Senbonzakura, Ichigo quickly rushed to Byakuya and Kenpachi’s battle. While distracted by facing Byakuya, Senbonzakura reappeared and launched Ichigo into Ashisogi Jizō’s poison mist. Unable to react in time, Ichigo was poisoned and soon after collapsed. Before Ashisogi Jizō could take Ichigo’s unconscious body, Yachiru chased it away. Upon awakening, he is treated by the 4th Division members. Soon afterwards, Yoruichi appeared with knowledge on the whereabouts of Yamamoto.[347]
Ichigo is goaded into fighting all out by Muramasa.
Yoruichi leads them to an underground network of caves, prompting the team to split up. Ichigo goes with Yoruichi. After voicing Ichigo concerns about Byakuya, the two are attacked by Haineko and Tobiume. Yoruichi quickly over-powers them and tells Ichigo to go on ahead. Ichigo later encounters Minazuki, who retreats from him. Ichigo pursues the Zanpakutō, but loses track of it. Ichigo is then attacked by Kazeshini. After a short struggle, Ichigo quickly defeats and strikes down the Zanpakutō, apologizing to Shūhei Hisagi. Ichigo soon finds Yamamoto inside a barrier.[348] Before Ichigo can attempt to free Yamamoto, Muramasa appears, forcing Ichigo to do battle. Muramasa repeatedly insisted that Ichigo fights with full force, to which Ichigo eventually agrees and dons his Hollow mask. He then launches his strongest Getsuga Tenshō, but rather then dodging or deflecting it, Muramasa adds his own power to the blast and directs it towards Yamamoto’s barrier, causing it to shatter. Yamamoto quickly awakens, and voices his dread at the turn of events. It is then revealed that the barrier Yamamoto was in was not Muramasa’s doing, but rather Yamamoto’s in an attempt to keep the rogue Zanpakutō entering his inner world. Seeing Ichigo’s potential power, Muramasa tricked Ichigo to unleashing Hollow form Getsuga Tenshō, so Muramasa could finally gain access to Yamamoto's inner world and liberate Ryūjin Jakka. Quickly, Muramasa uses his newest servant to cover his escape and trap Ichigo and the Shinigami.[349]
Upon learning Muramasa's intention to free his former master, who is sealed in Karakura Town, Ichigo feels that it is his fault that the town is in danger. After several failed attempts to escape, Ichigo dons his Visored mask and tries once again. However, he is wrapped up in Ryūjin Jakka's flames. He is freed by the arrival of Captain Hitsugaya. Yamamoto tells Ichigo to go stop Muramasa. Hitsugaya and his Zanpakutō spirit activate their Bankai and freeze Ryūjin Jakka's flames for long enough to allow Ichigo to escape. Upon arriving in the world of the living, Ichigo immediately confronts Muramasa. However, he is too late as Muramasa releases the seal on his master's coffin.[350] Upon witnessing the release of Kōga's seal, Ichigo and Rukia are surprised to sense how much spiritual energy Kōga has after being sealed for such an extensive amount of time. However, their surprise turns into shock upon witnessing Kōga stab Muramasa. After revealing his motive for doing so, they watch on as Kōga prepares to deliver the final blow upon Muramasa, but he is stop by the timely arrival of Byakuya.[351]
Senbonzakura then appears, revealing that he had only been pretending to still be under Muramasa's control, as Byakuya had freed him during their first encounter, and explains Byakuya's betrayal of Soul Society was an act. Byakuya acted as he did in the quest of finding and destroying Kōga to erase the dark stain on the Kuchiki clan's history. When Kōga finalizes his rejection of Muramasa by destroying his sword, the shock proves too painful for Muramasa to deal with, causing his powers go out of control and release all the Hollows he absorbed. Ichigo, understanding that Byakuya was trying to restore his family's honor, tells Byakuya to forget about the Hollows and handle Kōga, while he deals with the Hollows.[352]
Ichigo protects Rukia and Orihime from the transformed Muramasa.
As the amount of Hollows keeps increasing, Muramasa's energy and despair causes his body to collapse into itself, becoming a vortex that sucks all nearby Hollows into him, causing him to merge with them and become a Hollow himself. The Hollow Muramasa quickly attacks Ichigo and his friends. Ichigo initially defeats Muramasa, but Muramasa undergoes another transformation. He becomes a huge dome-like creature that engulfs Ichigo as it grows.[353] Ichigo finds himself inside Kōga's inner world, where he battles Muramasa. As the realm collapses around them, the Zanpakutō spirit uses his powers to immobilize Ichigo. Rubble falling into the water disrupts his ability, however, allowing Ichigo to come up with a strategy to counter his power. However, Muramasa then uses his illusionary powers to confuse Ichigo. Zangetsu offers his assistance, acting as Ichigo's eyes. Working together, they manage to defeat the ailing Muramasa and escape from the dome. After Muramasa dies, Byakuya thanks Ichigo for his efforts.[354]
In the Human World, Ichigo encounters a Tōjū searching for his master, but the Tōjū escapes. The 10th Division captain and lieutenant, Tōshirō Hitsugaya and Rangiku Matsumoto and their respective Zanpakutō, Haineko and Hyōrinmaru arrive in the Human World to find the Tōjū. Haineko attempts to flirt with him by showing photos of her and Rangiku, but Ichigo brushes it off, saying he is not interested. Hitsugaya fills in Ichigo and Urahara about the current situation in Soul Society. After the Tōjū is absorbed by a Hollow and the two fuse together, Ichigo saves Haineko from it and battles the creature. He is told by Zangetsu that the creature is the same Tōjū from before. Ichigo is thrown back by a powerful Cero and Hitsugaya defeats it with his Shikai.[355]
Zabimaru accompanies Renji Abarai to the Human World to deal with the Tōjū problem. Zabimaru decide to remove their chains and split up to increase their numbers. The Hebi half becomes too fascinated by the living world to pay attention to their mission. He meets Yuzu and Karin Kurosaki. The twins immediately try to befriend Hebi, who stubbornly continues to act indifferent as he continues to try and convince himself that he is better off alone. Karin, however, disagrees with Hebi's view. As they bring him to their house, Hebi begins warming up to the girls. However, when Ichigo arrives and tells him that Renji is looking for him, Hebi returns to his bratty self and leaves.[356]
One month has passed since the defeat of Aizen. Ichigo continues his duties as a Substitute Shinigami, with Rukia remaining in Karakura Town. After dealing with another Hollow attack, Ichigo and Rukia return home to find that Kon has brought a sleeping, naked girl to the house, greatly angering Ichigo. While Kon tries to explain himself, Rukia notes that she cannot sense the girl's existence and that the location of the Senkaimon they noticed earlier is where Kon found the girl. Concerned by this, Rukia sends a report to Soul Society. New orders are then received for Rukia to appear before the SRDI with Ichigo. When Rukia tries to contact Soul Society again, she is unable to.[357] Ichigo is arrested by the Gotei 13.
When they go to Kisuke for help, Kisuke reveals that Yoruichi went to Soul Society three days ago and has not been heard from since, despite her intending to return immediately. He advises Ichigo against traveling due to his condition. He reminds Ichigo that while his power is currently stable, they will eventually fade away and that overexerting himself will only quicken the loss of his powers. While passing through the Dangai, Ichigo and Rukia are chased by the regenerated Kōtotsu, surprising them. As they run, Ichigo drops his Substitute Badge. Ichigo activates his Bankai to escape the Kōtotsu with Rukia. Upon arriving in Soul Society, Ichigo feels faint and falls to the ground. There, he is confronted by Hitsugaya, who attempts to arrest him as a material witness. Other Shinigami arrive and surround him.[357]
Whilst Ichigo is sitting in his prison cell, he wonders why the Shinigami arrested him. Rukia sneaks over to his cell, carrying Zangetsu on her back. They leave the cell and upon Rukia's recommendation, they flee towards Seireitei's Hakuto Gate. Ichigo tells her that if he explains himself, everyone will understand. Rukia informs him of the current situation, as Renji and Ikkaku come across their location. They proceed to fight, as both Ichigo and Rukia note that their threats are serious. However, their fight is brought to a close by Yoruichi, who seals Renji and Ikkaku with Kidō.[358]
The three escape and at Yoruichi's hideout, Ichigo thanks her for saving their lives. Ichigo comments upon the strange behaviour of Renji and Ikkaku. Yoruichi states that they weren't the real Renji and Ikkaku, much to his surprise. She explains that they were Reigai, the Soul Society variant of a Gigai. She tells Ichigo that she has no idea how many Reigai have infiltrated the Gotei 13, but speculates that the 12th Division's Shinigami Research and Development Institute may have something to do with it. Ichigo then runs off to the 12th Division barracks alongside Rukia, as they come across specific information regarding Nozomi Kujo, who was present in the Dangai.[358]
Seventeen months after Ichigo defeats Aizen, Ichigo, now a high school senior, wakes up for school and eats breakfast with his sisters, who are about to enter middle school. Ichigo recalls his loss of powers, and that Chad and Orihime had already told the others while he was asleep, who believed them immediately. He also notes that since his own spiritual power disappeared, Karin's has been getting stronger, and since Karin has not asked him about it, Ichigo figures that she is dealing with it well.[359]
He then goes to school with Mizuiro. They soon meet up with Keigo, who is wrestled to the ground by Ichigo. Mizuiro decides to move ahead on his own while Ichigo is wrestling Keigo. Ichigo also meets up with Tatsuki, who asks if he brought her video game back to her. As Ichigo looks for it in his bag, he finds his Substitute Shinigami Badge, noting that its ability to remain invisible to Humans without spiritual power is gone, as well as its Hollow detection abilities and the ability to force Ichigo out of his Human body. He sees it as only remaining proof that he was ever a Shinigami. He then notices Uryū running out of the classroom, claiming he's going to the nurse's office. Ichigo is aware that Uryū began taking over the Hollow extermination he used to cover, stating that it was probably better for Uryū to handle it than Zennosuke Kurumadani.[360]
At lunch, Keigo asks Ichigo if he thought about his career after high school, to which Ichigo asks if it's too early to think about that, indicating that he has not. Keigo tells him that his grades were good when he first started high school, but started slipping during the second half of the first year. Ichigo reminds him that he was still covering his Substitute Shinigami duties, and still managed to do pretty decently in school despite his duties. Keigo then wonders out loud what Rukia is up to. Ichigo asks why Keigo brought her up, to which he answers that he thinks it would be nice if she came back once in awhile. Ichigo responds that she's not a representative of Karakura Town, so it is normal for her not to come. Keigo asks Ichigo if he is lonely. Ichigo answers that he is fine with the way things are; he is fine with the peace he's getting to live with for the rest of his life. Keigo agrees with Ichigo's statement, exclaiming that he does not want to go through an experience like Aizen again. After his conversation with Keigo, Ichigo thinks to himself that he never felt superior to other because of his ability to see ghosts, nor has he ever thought to make a living from his unusual ability; he only dreamed of a normal life where he could not see them, and now he is finally living that dream.[361]
As he walks home with Mizuiro and Keigo, he notices someone stealing another person's bag. Ichigo runs up to the thief and punches him in the face, knocking him down. The thief pulls out a knife and attempts to stab Ichigo with it, but Ichigo easily catches his arm and knocks him out, reflecting as he does so that he still has the body and reflexes of someone trained to fight and win. The owner of the bag thanks Ichigo for recovering it and tells him that he is pretty good at fighting. He offers to treat Ichigo to ramen, but Ichigo declines and asks for the man to keep Ichigo's actions a secret. The man agrees and says that it is too bad.[362]
One day when Ichigo is dreaming, he sees silhouettes of Renji Abarai, and Rukia Kuchiki, telling him to wake up. As he wakes up, he hears Isshin's voice, also telling him to wake up. His father pounces on him, but Ichigo dodges, sending Isshin through the open window. His father questions him about the dodging and the risk of him falling, but Ichigo tells him that he would go to Soul Society if he died, prompting Isshin to state that he has finally become able to talk about it. The annoyed Ichigo blames his father for him having weird dreams recently and demands his father to apologize to him. When Isshin asks about his dreams, Ichigo tells him that after the moment he mentioned them, he had already forgotten them.[363]
In Karakura High School, while negotiating with a number of clubs, Ichigo rejects an offer of 5,000 yen a week as ridiculous, shoving the club's representative aside. Satoda, the soccer club's vice-president, requests that Ichigo lend them their strength. Ichigo inquires about the length of time and price. When Satoda asks Ichigo to be their goalkeeper, Ichigo asks him if Chad would not be a better fit than him in the position. Satoda answers that Chad has informed them that he is already working on a better paid job. When Ichigo accepts Satoda's offer, Keigo asks him about the negotiated price but Ichigo says it is a secret and he will start today. As Ichigo prepares for practice in a soccer field, Tatsuki asks him what happened to basketball. Ichigo replies that his job with them ended a week ago. When he asks about her job, Tatsuki says she is working now on a part-time job as an assistant dojo instructor starting the previous week. Ichigo irritates Tatsuki, saying that it is a good thing that he no longer goes to the dojo as he would hate it if he should have to call her sensei. As the annoyed Tatsuki threatens to force him to call her sensei right there, Orihime calls to them and slides down a water pipe to reach them. Tatsuki hits Orihime's head and scolds her. Ichigo tries to calm Tatsuki down, saying that she should not scold Orihime as she is not hurt but Tatsuki screams to him that he must not interfere on how she lectures Orihime on her mistakes. Ichigo screams back that she must not be that cruel to her. Orihime interrupts, telling them about a song called "Wahaha Song". As Tatsuki leaves for work, Ichigo tells her to work hard. Tatsuki tells him not to act as if it does not involve him and warns him that he should call in to his manager, because the last time he didn't call in to work, he was scolded by his manager, and tells him that she will not come to save him this time.[364]
When Satoda calls him to start their practice, Ichigo removes his gloves and rushes out to call his manager. When Ichigo says to his manager that he will be off for another week, his manager angrily scolds him about it and tells him that he is insane and asks him if he thinks that everything will be okay if he just apologizes for his actions. The manager demands that Ichigo must come immediately, or else he will be fired, but Ichigo calmly responds that it seems that he has no choice but to be fired. The manager tries to take her words back but Ichigo makes up his mind that he will not go back anymore and gives his last apologies and thanks to her. As he hangs up his phone, a group of gangsters arrive at the school looking for him. They loudly demand that anyone named Kurosaki come out into the open. When Ichigo hears them and looks at what is going on, he sees the thief that he had previously beaten up. When the gang leader demands again for Ichigo, Uryū confronts the group and attacks a gang member, Ichigo rushes to him to prevent the incident from worsening.[365]
As Ichigo helps Uryū out and pinning down one of the gangsters, Uryū kicks him in the back and scolds him for getting in other's troubles. Ichigo tells him that he wants to pull him out as it is his fight. When the gang leader recognizes Ichigo, Ichigo and Uryū together knocks him out and continue their yelling at each other. The remaining gangsters rush them from behind, and Ichigo and Uryū beat every single one of them, as they discuss about Uryū's Hollow extermination, and Uryū showing up his new cell phone. Before they finish, another gangster comes in, asking Ichigo if he still remembers him. When Ichigo answers that he does not remember the guy, the gangster demands to to so, but Ichigo persists he does not want to and he does not care about his past. The gangster is about to order his men to kill Ichigo, but Ikumi Unagiya shows up and kicks him in the back of his head, making everyone look to the unknown attacker. Uryū asks Ichigo who she is, Ichigo sweats in fear as he calls the woman boss. Ikumi takes Ichigo away and takes her to her office, which is named after her surname. [366]
Inside, Ichigo demands to remove the tape off him, only being conditioned by Ikumi if he will not run away. As he listens to the phone call Ikumi received, he advises her to change her store name, as it being often mistaken as an eel shop. She refuses, as it is being passed down by generations and she will not change it. Ikumi shows Ichigo a pile of work from different clients, as he seldom comes to her to do them. Her son comes in, she quickly changes her outfit in a motherly figure. As they embrace, her son sees Ichigo, calling him a dummy, and telling him that he should not seduce his mother. As Ikumi's son go inside to his room, she apologizes for his behavior and he should bear what he wants to say for it. Ichigo mistakenly misinterprets it by saying he has no interest in old ladies. Ikumi hits him for it and yells at him to go to work as she removes the tape around Ichigo. Kūgo Ginjō comes in, and Ichigo recognizes him as the guy he helped out from being mugged. Kūgo offers Ichigo some ramen as a supposed part of his repayment, but Ichigo refuses it. [367]
Kūgo proceeds to eat his ramen, prompting Ichigo to ask why he's even eating ramen in the store, telling him to eat at his own house, as that was Ichigo's break room, not his. Ichigo later asks what he wants from him.[368] Kūgo says that the question is strange, as he does not want anything from Ichigo, and arriving at the shop at the same time Ichigo was there was purely a coincidence. Ichigo asks if it was just a coincidence that he was carrying ramen, to which he responds that he likes ramen. Ichigo replied if that was the case, he'd walk around carrying chocolate. Kūgo shows Ichigo a picture of Isshin, asking for background information on him. Ichigo says that Isshin is his father and says he can tell him anything he wants to know. Kūgo asks if Ichigo even knows enough to answer, and then says he doesn't, as Ichigo shouldn't even know about his family yet, which leaves Ichigo stunned.[369] When Ichigo tries to question him about what he means, Ikumi interrupts, saying that she is closing shop for the day and will consider the job. As he leaves, Kūgo tells Ichigo to go to the Urahara Shop.[370]
At Urahara's store, Ichigo witnesses Karin leaving. While wondering what she was doing there, Kūgo approaches, calling Urahara a shady character. As Ichigo tries to defend Urahara, Kūgo questions how much he knows about Kisuke and warns him to act quickly to defend his family. Ichigo asks his name and Kūgo introduces himself.[371] After Ichigo tells Kūgo that he does not trust him Kūgo gives Ichigo a card with "welcome to our Xcution" written on it. Ichigo returns home where Yuzu greets him with the results of her first exam, which she excelled at. Ichigo congratulates her and tells her to show it to Isshin, inquiring where he is. When she tells him that their father is not there, Ichigo goes up to his room and remarks that he could find Isshin if he still had his Shinigami powers. Orihime calls round to Ichigo to sell him some bread and she asks him if something happened recently or if he is being followed, which Ichigo denies. Later, Ichigo takes out the card Kūgo gave him, placing it on his desk as he hears sirens nearby.[372]
Ichigo, after being offered dinner by Yuzu, decides to eat later, and rushes out of the house pulling on his coat with Karin calling after him. He arrives at Karakura Hospital looking for Uryū, finding out that Orihime had gotten to Uryū's hospital bed first. He asks where Chad is, but Orihime tells him that he didn't answer, and must still be at work. After Ryūken Ishida states the cause of Uryū's wounds, he asks what happened, only for Uryū to respond that it had nothing to do with him. Ichigo offers to walk Orihime home, but Ryūken decides to drive her home instead, telling Ichigo he should get home as well. After thanking him, Ichigo runs off, frustrated that there is something going on, and that there is nothing he can do about it. He dials the number on the card Kūgo gave him, and states his name. The person on the line tells him that they have already been informed of him, and welcomes him to "Xcution". [373]
Ichigo is immediately asked to hang up, and add 0800 to the end of the number and call back, then immediately hang up before the call starts. Then once again, this time hanging up just as the ringing ends. On the third try, he will be redirected to Kūgo. After finally reaching Kūgo, following a brief exchange, part of which Ichigo complains about the complicated calling sequence, Ichigo arranges a meeting between the two. Kūgo schedules a meeting the following day, at 8:00 PM. Ichigo is instructed to go to Chouhara, Naruki City, Block 7-1, and stand in front of the dirty apartment building there. The following day, Orihime asks Ichigo if he knew what happened to Chad, which he does not. Orihime then reveals that she wanted to tell him what happened to Uryū, but he didn't seem to be in school. After declining an offer to go to Chad's house with Orihime, Ichigo walks off, remembering the exchange with Kūgo. When Ichigo arrives, he is soon greeted by Kūgo, who remarks that he is five minutes early. Ichigo corrects him, saying "Not five, three." Ichigo informs him that his friend was attacked and he wants his help, prompting Kūgo to inquire if Ichigo trusts him. When Ichigo mentions that he is probably not a normal Human, Kūgo says that he wonders about that and notes that Ichigo has nobody else to count on. Kūgo takes Ichigo inside the building. After joking about his request to investigate Isshin, Kūgo reveals that he did that only to gain Ichigo's interest. He types in a code and instructs him to swipe his card in the scanner. The door opens to reveal Giriko Kutsuzawa, and two other members of Xcution. Kūgo then informs him that they aim to restore his Shinigami powers.[374]
When Ichigo demands to know how and why they intend to restore his Shinigami powers, Kūgo tells him to relax suggests they take their time. He offers Ichigo a drink, but Ichigo declines, so Kūgo has Giriko give him an orange juice. Kūgo explains that the members of Xcution are Humans who were born with a special ability called Fullbring, which Kūgo demonstrates by making the liquid in his glass makes its way into Kūgo's mouth. He explains that all matter has a soul and that he is able to pull out the soul that resides within objects and make it do as he pleases. He then transforms his necklace into a large sword. Riruka enters the room and immediately starts to complain. Ichigo asks Kūgo who she is. He introduces her to Ichigo and tells her to come in. She is followed inside by Yasutora Sado, surprising Ichigo. [375]
Ichigo starts angrily asking Chad why he's here and why he hasn't been going to school. Kūgo tells Ichigo to calm down as Ichigo demands an explanation. Kūgo tells him to calm down one last time and sit so he can explain everything. As Ichigo glares at him, Kūgo explains that the hole of a Hollow is where their hearts used to be and that their lost hearts have become their masks, their outward appearance, and their individual powers. Kūgo then explains a Fullbringer as a person who had a parent that was attacked by a hollow before their birth and traces of the hollow's powers remain in their mother's bodies and are passed on to them at birth. These powers are always closer to hollow than Shinigami powers. He further explains that Fullbringers do not enjoy their powers similar to the way Ichigo hated his hollow powers. Kūgo says he wants to erase these powers from within, and they've learned they can pass their powers on to someone who possesses both human and Shinigami powers. Ichigo then realizes that he wasn't the first person born from a Shinigami and a human. Kūgo says they have old allies who've been able to revert to being humans, and they will help Ichigo get back his Shinigami powers back so that he can help them become humans again. He then explains how they recruited Chad to their cause who really wanted to help Ichigo get his powers back. Ichigo then asks Chad about this, and he explains that he sees the pain Ichigo feels not being able to fight and protect the people he cares about. He tells Ichigo he doesn't have to hide it, that his feeling this pain means that's who he is. Kūgo says they'll get him his Shinigami powers back and their powers on top of that; Kūgo says it's a good deal if Ichigo wants to fight again, and Ichigo says it's a deal. The other Fullbringers are happy that Ichigo will work with them except for Riruka who still hasn't even seen Ichigo and doesn't believe he's someone they should trust so easily. She takes out a flashlight, shines it on Ichigo, and is surprised to see that he is rather attractive. When Ichigo asks if she's alright, she blushes, saying she's not.[376]
Having arrived home late for the last two nights, Ichigo returns to the Kurosaki Clinic late once again, to the delight of Karin and Yuzu. He urges them to go to bed as it is late. Ichigo is later called back to Xcution's hideout. Upon arriving, he asks if he is going to be doing any training in a more spacious area. Riruka enters the room with a doll house, saying that they will be training in a more spacious area. When Ichigo asks her why she is always late, she replies that she always has things to do, before arguing with the other members of the group. She returns her attention to him, ordering him to come closer so she can explain what is going to happen. Wondering why he is being yelled at, Ichigo steps forward, but Riruka tells him to stop, annoying him. She tells him the doll house his training facility and explains that her Fullbring power allows her to place people or things into something that she adores or considers to be cute. She places her pass on Ichigo and he is pulled into the box. A miniaturized and disorientated Ichigo is told by Riruka to defeat a doll inside the box. She says that it is not strong and he can defeat it using Fullbring.[377]
As Ichigo evades the doll's attacks, Riruka urges him to fight, rather than run away. Angry and confused, Ichigo complains that he does not even understand the situation yet. Riruka reiterates her explanation of her Fullbring, saying it is a ability of "love" that lets one extract the powers of the things they have come to love. If he uses Fullbring, he will be able to beat the stuffed animal. Ichigo asks why he should use the Fullbring if the purpose of training is to give him back his Shinigami powers, since he can not even use a power that he has never used before and asks her for a hint on how to use Fullbring. Riruka says they were born with it, so she would not know. The doll then gives out to Ichigo, surprising him. Riruka explains that she trapped an old yakuza man that she kidnapped inside the doll, Mr.Pork. The yakuza says that if he does not kill Ichigo within fifteen minutes, he will be trapped there permanently. Riruka leaves and Ichigo begins to reflect on what she said. He realizes that Kūgo does not love his pendent, but is merely fond of it because he always wears it, he thinks about what he regularly has with him. Chad tells Ichigo to use his representative Shinigami badge if he wants to get a Fullbring to use for battle and Ichigo tells him he had just thought of it too. As Ichigo holds his badge, the fifteen minutes expire and Mr. Pork enters "Mad Beast Mode" and grows in size.[378]
Ichigo unleashes an attack that was influenced by his old instincts of using Getsuga Tensho and defeats Mr. Pork.
It is then revealed that Ichigo cannot leave the Box until he survives in there for 30 minutes, due to Giriko's Fullbring, "Time tells no lies". Chad opens the box and reveals to Ichigo that it was pride that allowed him to use his Fullbring. When Ichigo thinks of times he was proud to be a Shinigami, his Badge begins to shape shift into the form of Tensa Zangetsu's guard.[379] It is explained that the badge recorded every battle he ever fought by touching it. Shocked, Ichigo tests out a variety of ways on how to use this new power, including throwing it and stabbing, however finds that it is better for guarding. When he uses it successfully he begins to feel the old instinct of his old Getsuga Tenshō technique. He then flings a large amount of energy shaped like a wheel and is able to defeat Mr. Pork. He wonders if the power will help him get his Shinigami powers back.[380]
After defeating Mr. Pork, Ichigo demands Riruka to let him out of her Doll House. Riruka proceeds to do so, but Giriko stops her, explaining that Mr. Pork has to return to normal as proof that what Ichigo performed was his true Fullbring. After Giriko's explanation, Mr. Pork reverts to his basic form, which causes Ichigo to demand leaving the Doll House again. Riruka does so by sneezing on Ichigo and then Mr. Pork, causing Ichigo to leave the Doll House and return to his normal size, as well as restoring the Soul inhabiting Mr. Pork to his real form. Ichigo is irritated by being covered by saliva and mucous and receives a towel from Kūgo. As he is drying off, he realizes his Fullbring deactivates and returns his badge back to normal. Upon returning to normal, Ichigo hears a voice which startles him. As soon as the voice is silenced, Ichigo recognizes it as Rukia's voice and wonders what is happening.[381]
Later, Ichigo listens as the yakuza tries to extort money from Riruka for his "work". He asks Ichigo if she forced him to come there as well. When he finally relents after Riruka threatens him, Ichigo notes that he looks exactly like the doll he was inside. After the yakuza leaves, Ichigo asks if he is to stay for further training. Riruka tells him to leave and Kūgo backs her up, saying that Fullbring puts more strain on the body than can be felt. He advices Ichigo not to push himself as his body will fall to pieces if he wears himself out. Saying that a few more days without his powers should be bearable after all this time, he promises to call him when he has recuperated. Chad and Ichigo walk to Chad's home. The latter tells Ichigo that Orihime has been bringing him leftover bread everyday lately. Ichigo tells Chad that she is worried about him and that he should call her. Chad goes to fetch the bread in order to give half of it to Ichigo, but he notices something is wrong with her reiatsu and shouts at Ichigo that something happened to her.[382]
Ichigo tries to call Orihime, but Chad tells him not to, as it could distract her and lead her to her death. Chad tells him that he can't quite locate Orihime's exact location, but Ichigo can tell by the direction they're going that she's at her apartment.[383] Ichigo and Chad arrive to find Orihime kneeling in front of her door and ask her if she's alright. Orihime grabs her shoulder, seeming distracted, but notices Chad and Ichigo and asks why they are there. They explain that Chad felt something strange about her Reiatsu. Orihime tells them that nothing happened and that she was with a friend, and goes into her apartment. As Ichigo and Chad leave, Ichigo asks Chad about Orihime. Chad tells him that he was probably sensing things wrong and tells Ichigo not to worry.[384]
Realizing that Chad and Orihime will not tell him anything, Ichigo calls the Xcution headquarters and asks Kūgo to let him in. When Ichigo arrives, he explains the situation to Kūgo and Jackie, and tells them that he believes Orihime was attacked by the same guy who attacked Uryū. Kūgo and Jackie both suspect Tsukishima. Ichigo asks who he is, and Kūgo explains that Tsukishima is a Fullbringer like them, and also an ex-member of the Xcution.[385] Kūgo explains that Tsukishima used to be Xcution's leader and that he came up with the idea to give their powers to a Substitute Shinigami. However, when they did so, he killed the Shinigami and those that gave him their power and then disappeared. He shows Ichigo the Shinigami's badge and tells him that while they do not know his aims, he believes Tsukishima wants to keep Ichigo away from them and is using his attacks on Uryū and Orihime to catch Ichigo's attention. He then tells him that they will prepare for the next stage of his training and tells him to go home until then. While walking the streets, Ichigo spots Isshin in an alley and hides. He witnesses him meeting with Urahara when they leave, Ichigo contemplates Kūgo's warning about Urahara and wonders if he should follow them, but decides not to. Ichigo later returns to Xcution's hideout where Riruka places him inside a fish tank, where Jackie is waiting. She introduces herself to Ichigo and introduces himself and activates his Fullbring.[386]
Jackie asks if Ichigo is going to attack her. Ichigo replies that he is waiting for Jackie to activate her Fullbring. She scolds him and tells him to think of this as a real battle and to treat her as an enemy. Jackie asks if he would act the same on a battlefield, to which he replies he would. Jackie sarcastically says that it is unbelievable and tells him that she is going to start. She activates her Fullbring: Dirty Boots and attacks. Jackie compliments his ability to dodge, though Ichigo says that he did not think he would be able to dodge it. Ichigo asks about Jackie's outfit and if there are Fullbrings that she wears. He asks her what her Fullbring's power is. Jackie replies by asking if he thinks she will tell him that. Ichigo smirks, saying he will just figure it out as he fights. He then fires a blast from his Fullbring at Jackie.[387]
As the two fight, Jackie tells Ichigo he is too lax and he cannot take his time getting into a battle. Jackie tells him he soon won't need his lax thinking, and rubs her boots in the mud. As she launches another kick at Ichigo, he uses his Fullbring to defend, he notes her kick has gotten stronger. Jackie slams Ichigo into the water, and begins to explain her Fullbring to him, saying that the dirtier the Fullbring, the stronger it is. She tells him he's not a Shinigami anymore, he's in a living body and he will die if he keeps taking her attacks with his body. Ichigo fires another energy blast, only for her to begin to explain it's weakness to him, how it begins to lose it's number of blades as it is fired in succession and at 4 or less it can be shattered easily by her. As he continues unleashing a barrage of attacks, he cuts her off in mid-sentence, revealing that he knows his attack's weakness. He uses Fullbring to increase his speed, dodging Jackie's next attack and attacks her. After being asked who taught him to fight, Ichigo explains that he first learned from Kisuke, but then he learned from his battles as time went on, saying that even though he was only a Shinigami for a brief time, he probably has more experience in battle than Xcution. Then, Ichigo is immersed in unusual reiatsu, as Jackie calls out his name.[388]
The reiatsu of Ichigo's badge begins to engulf his right arm and Ichigo begins to tire as a result. Jackie sees this and says they will abort training. Jackie tells Ichigo that his Fullbring is going berserk in a way she has never seen before, and his training is progressing too fast, believing they have no choice but to stop. Ichigo is adamant in continuing. Jackie ignores this, calling for Kūgo to retrieve Riruka to end the training, but she is cut off as Ichigo suddenly pins her to the ground. He says his Fullbring isn't going berserk and has always been like this. He believes this is his badge's way of telling him to hurry and get his Shinigami powers back soon. Jackie says he doesn't get that it's too dangerous to continue and believes she will have to stop him by force.[389]
When Tsukishima arrives at the Xcution headquarters, he cuts through Riruka's Fish Tank, and Ichigo emerges, engulfed in reiatsu shaped similarly to his Shinigami shihakushō.[390] Tsukishima is offended in a mocking fashion when Ichigo asks who he is before clashing with him to test his new abilities. Worried, Chad impulsively attacks Tsukishima to protect his powers because his powers are still new, resulting in Ichigo learning about how he was being protected from the truth, realizing that Tsukishima attacked both Uryū and Orihime. Ichigo manages to surprised Tsukishima in the subsequent clash, however, he is swiftly overwhlemed due to Tsukishima's greater experience with Fullbring. Just when Tsukishima moves to make a devastating blow, Kūgo steps in between them and deflects his blade, stating that he can't let them fight just yet.[391] Ichigo Attacks Tsukishima From Behind.
Ichigo tells Kūgo to step aside and not to get in the way but Kūgo simply elbows Ichigo behind the neck and tells Ichigo that he isn't fine as he just got dropped in his real body and to shut up and stay down. Ichigo then tries to go back to fight but is stopped by Chad. Chad tells Ichigo that Tsukishima is way ahead of him, and it is impossible for Ichigo to win at his current state. But Ichigo does not listen to Chad and rushes off to fight. Ichigo then jumps up and attacks Tsukishima from behind. This lightly burns his sword wielding arm. Tsukishima asks how Ichigo can evolve so well so quickly and comments that Ichigo is becoming much closer to the heights of his previous powers. Their conversation is then interrupted by Yukio, who uses his Fullbring to seal him in order to stop him from interacting with Tsukishima.[392][393][394]
Substitute Shinigami Badge: Given to Ichigo by Ukitake before leaving Soul Society for the first time, the pendant he commonly carries on his belt signifies him as a substitute Shinigami, allowing him to remain active in the Human World.[395][396] The pendant gives Ichigo the ability to separate his soul from his body in the absence of Rukia's glove or Kon. It also alerts him to the presence of Hollows in Karakura town, like Rukia's Denreishinki. Ukitake informs Ichigo that the badge can also be dangerous and thus it has built in protection making it invisible to normal Humans. Zennosuke Kurumadani tells Ichigo that he's never heard of his "Seal of Approval" causing Ichigo to refer to it as useless before Hirako's arrival. When Ichigo loses his powers, all of the special abilities of the badge are lost as well.[397] Nonetheless Ichigo keeps it with him regularly.
Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Physically, Ichigo is in top form even when he is not in his spiritual body. Ichigo has been trained in martial arts since he was a small child both professionally and by his father. He has repeatedly shown great agility and coordination in his attacks. In addition to having powerful kicks and punches, Ichigo has also shown proficiency in counterattacks, takedowns, and body locks. He has repeatedly been able to catch an opponent's weapon strikes with a single hand.[398] He also regularly defeats multiple bullies and gangsters, and is a better martial artist than Tatsuki Arisawa, who is ranked the second-strongest girl in all of Japan despite her fighting with a broken arm in the last few matches of the competition. While he stopped training officially after defeating her, his constant attacks from bullies and his father help keep his skills fresh. It should be noted that he was able to effortlessly dispatch three lieutenants with Shikai released Zanpakutō in rapid succession merely bare-handed.[399]
Enhanced Strength: Even without his Shinigami powers, Ichigo has shown himself to be deceptively strong, as shown from his ability to smash a man's head through a concrete floor.[400]
Enhanced Speed & Reflexes: Even before learning Flash Step, Ichigo has repeatedly shown himself to be a very agile fighter. Ichigo has demonstrated great reflexes in battle, able to quickly dodge a strike with no wasted effort and he can instantly counterattack right after.[401] He is able to strike quickly without warning and in rapid succession.[402] His speed also allows him to follow the movements of faster opponents to better analyze their movements or blocking difficult and otherwise fatal strikes.[403]
Enhanced Durability: While only a teenage Human, Ichigo has shown himself to be a highly resilient man, as shown from his ability to safely break free from a binding spell (albeit a low-level one) and withstand an assault from a large Hollow.[400]
Advanced Growth Rate: According to both Aizen and Urahara, Ichigo's most astounding ability is his growth rate: he grasps the basic control of advanced techniques in days where it would take several years for even the most gifted Shinigami. Shortly after getting Shinigami powers and with no previous training, began learning advanced spiritual energy sensing techniques by sheer instinct, as he proved he can use a spirit ribbon to find Yūichi Shibata (in bird form).[404] Another example of his growth rate is the amount of time he took to learn the Bankai of his Zanpakutō, which he learns in two days (albeit with the assistance of a special device invented by Urahara that was originally intended for three days).[405][406] He also gains considerable experience in the use of Flash Step while training with Yoruichi, which was done over the same period as his Bankai.[407] Besides his improvements in his Shinigami abilities, Ichigo was also shown able to greatly increase the time he could maintain his Hollow mask from eleven seconds to considerably longer amounts of time. During his first fight with Ulquiorra, he is instantly incapacitated by one Cero blast even with his Hollow mask (which broke within a second), but only a few hours later, he is able to withstand another Cero from Ulquiorra without undergoing Hollowfication and can analyze Ulquiorra's movements much better than before, when he had "felt like [he] was fighting a machine or a statue", and failed to predict and counter his attacks.[408][409] He is also capable of completing Jinzen within roughly 3 months in the Dangai Precipice World, which even the strongest of the Shinigami in Soul Society will take thousands of years before it is completed.[410]
Keen Intellect: Despite his somewhat punkish attitude, Ichigo has shown himself to be analytical, perceptive, and deductive. In his high school, Ichigo's grades are almost always near the top, despite his work as a substitute Shinigami. Aside from that, Ichigo appears to be able to determine the pattern of his opponent's battle methods and correctly deduce a proper counter-strategy to defeat his opponent's attacks.
Initially, Ichigo’s Fullbring powers focused on changing the form of his Substitute Shinigami Badge.[411] By recalling the memories of his pride as a Shinigami, Ichigo causes the badge to release black reiatsu in the shape of Tensa Zangetsu's tsuba.[412] Like a tsuba, the weapon is used primarily for defense, particularly to block attacks, and has no cutting power. If Ichigo releases his hold on the badge the reiatsu dissipates.[380] Ichigo's second Fullbring appearance.
Later, his Fullbring powers evolves so that they changed the appearance of his entirety, covering his whole body in a black Reiatsu with a dark blade forming in his right arm.[413] His abilities are classified as a Clad-Type Fullbring, because Ichigo is shrouded in his own power, which resembles a Shihakushō, much like his former Bankai. In this form, Ichigo is able to Fullbring even concrete and solid air in order to propel himself higher and at faster speeds. His powers are still incomplete.[414]
Energy Blast: Using his first Fullbring, Ichigo is capable of unleashing spinning, propeller-like blasts of black spiritual energy. Ichigo compared the feeling of using these blasts to that of using Getsuga Tenshō.[380] However, the attack is flawed. The blast's power is inconsistent, as it can have anywhere from three to six blades on it. If fired in succession, the number of blades decreases, with the attack becoming more fragile with each one it loses. If the attack has anything less than three blades, it can be shattered with ease. Ichigo and Jackie Tristan both came to the conclusion that if he fires three shots in row, he leaves himself wide open to attack.[415]
Enhanced Speed: Through Fullbring, Ichigo can move far more quickly than usual, at one point catching Jackie Tristan off guard by vanishing and appearing behind her with a kick readied. Ichigo's feet emit a flickering "Bringer Light," which indicates that it is preparing for his next high speed movement. Jackie Tristan noted that the presence of the Bringer Light indicates that Ichigo is beginning to master Fullbring.[416]
Master Swordsmanship Specialist: In terms of fighting style while in his Shinigami form, Ichigo relies mainly on swordplay, and thus would be considered a swordsmanship specialist. Aside from his initial training with Urahara, he is basically on a "learn as you go" training regimen thus his skill has developed by fighting rather than formal instruction, becoming even more capable with every fight. His overall skill has been shown capable of competing on equal grounds against the sword masters of Byakuya Kuchiki and Kenpachi Zaraki's caliber. While usually performing right-handed, Ichigo appears to be ambidextrous as he has shown proficient skill wielding Zangetsu in his left.[417][418][419] Shunpo Expert: Though not particularly versed in its various techniques, Ichigo has become proficient enough of the technique itself to keep up and even surprise high-level Shinigami with his speed. Even Byakuya Kuchiki, one of the most proficient users of Shunpo in Soul Society, complimented Ichigo's growing mastery of the technique.[420] During his first demonstration of this skill, he was able to quickly move to knock out three lieutenants and grab his sword before any of them hit the ground.[421] Vast Spiritual Power: Ichigo has been noted on several occasions to have tremendously vast levels of spiritual energy well beyond other Shinigami.[422] He is capable of defeating a Gillian before awakening his true power with only his sealed Zanpakutō. Even at less than half strength, his spiritual energy is still comparable to a Captain-level fighter.[423] His spiritual power is noted to be heavy, which surprised Renji Abarai, a lieutenant-ranked Shinigami.[424] Ichigo constantly gives off reiatsu at the level of a captain.[425] It is so overwhelming that even when worn-out in battle, he can continue fighting effectively while still capable of unleashing Getsuga Tenshō or even unleash and maintain his Bankai.[426] Because Ichigo's spiritual energy constantly being so high even at its base level without him consciously being aware of it, he rarely becomes exhausted in battle, thereby meaning the sheer resilience and amounts of energy Ichigo has is monstrous.[427] Ichigo's spiritual energy is still rather difficult for him to control as he has no formal training in controlling it and upon the instances of Hollowfication his reiatsu fluctuates wildly, with it being unreadable at its lowest point and at its highest point more powerful than that of the 4th Espada Ulquiorra Cifer's.[428] Due to this and that he has far more spiritual energy than his body can consciously contain, it leaks out constantly, preventing him from hiding it and effectively making stealth impossible when dealing with other spiritually-aware beings. However, he has learned how to harden his spiritual energy and enhance the strength of his attacks or act as a barrier to reduce the impact of attacks on him, if not negating them completely. He has shown some skill in channeling his spiritual power as he was capable of destroying the Arbor of the Sōkyoku, seemingly an impossible feat which surprised the Gotei 13, by channeling his spiritual power through his sword into the execution stand.[429]
Enhanced Strength: When he is in his Shinigami body, Ichigo's already impressive strength is greatly enhanced. His overall abilities are great enough that he was able to fend off three Shinigami lieutenants with a single punch each; one of which shattered one of their Zanpakutō at the same time.[430] His strength is also great enough to stop repeated axe blows from Jidanbō and hurl Rukia several meters into Renji’s arms and still send them both skidding several meters more, achieving both feats with a single-hand.[431][432] He is strong enough to hold back the Sōkyoku, a halberd with the destructive force equivalent to one million Zanpakutō combined, just using his Zanpakutō.[433]
Immense Durability: When in his Shinigami form, Ichigo's physical durability is strengthened to the point he can continue fighting effectively even after receiving many injuries and can survive attacks that would easily kill normal Humans effortlessly. It was stated by Rukia that a Shinigami's life force is their spiritual power. As such, Ichigo is able to withstand attacks that would be fatal to most Shinigami. Uryū once stated that Ichigo was a monster in this regard.[434]
Zangetsu (斬月, Slaying Moon)
When Ichigo first becomes a Shinigami, his Zanpakutō is a standard-looking katana, but oversized with an equally-oversized brown sheathe hung by a strap over his right shoulder. It has a rectangular bronze hand guard with gently inward-curved edges, a stylized flame pattern on the long sides, and a simple decorative slit on the short ones. The handle is red with two light blue tassels on the end of the handle. The large size is due to the unfocused but immense amount of Ichigo's spiritual power, which he didn't know how to control. As a result, the sword itself was rather weak, since very little spiritual power was used to create it. Nevertheless, it was powerful enough to subdue a Gillian-class Menos and lesser Hollows, completely blocking a Cero from the former. It was even able to upturn the ground with a single strike.[435] Because of its weak spiritual energy nature, Byakuya Kuchiki was able to easily cut off most of the blade during his first encounter with Ichigo and Kisuke Urahara subsequently slices it down to the hilt during their training, forcing Ichigo to learn the name of his Zanpakutō in order to release its true form. This sword is found to be a result of Rukia's deprived spiritual energy and not a result of his own power.[436][437] Zangetsu's constant Shikai form.
Shikai: The Shikai form of Zangetsu looks like an oversized elegant cleaver rather than a formal "katana". He has no tsuba and no proper hilt; what Ichigo holds is the cloth-wrapped tang. The sword is as tall as Ichigo is, 1.75 meters, and has a black blade with a silver edge. The cloth wrapping on the tang seems to react to Ichigo's will, changing length at a thought or twining about the blade in an impromptu sheath. When in combat, the cloth falls away when necessary, shrinking back to a manageable size.[438] The cloth can also be used to swing the weapon like a flail and toss it at opponents for mid-range combat, but this is rarely done. The cloth also can be done to wrap up wounds, as Ichigo does during his fight with Ikkaku Madarame, but this is also done rarely.[439] Ichigo has also on more than one occasion used Zangetsu's wide blade as a shield from incoming attacks. Unlike most Zanpakutō, which can be sealed into their original form, Zangetsu is always in its Shikai form. Yoruichi Shihōin has stated that his Zanpakutō is a full-time released form type because of Ichigo's vast but uncontrollable spiritual energy upon generation of it, implying that it is simply a type of Zanpakutō that without proper control of his spiritual energy, once in Shikai form, it remains in its said state.[440]
Shikai Special Ability: Zangetsu's is largely used for melee combat but possesses one known special ability.
Getsuga Tenshō (月牙天衝, Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer; "Piercer of Heaven" in the English anime): At the instant of the slash, Zangetsu absorbs his spiritual energy and releases highly condensed spiritual energy at the tip of the blade, magnifying the slash attack and then flies forward.[441] This slash takes the form of a crescent moon or in the shape of a wave.[442] Ichigo uses this ability without knowing its name several times but masters the technique later on during his Bankai training. As stated by Zangetsu, knowing the name of an attack heightens its power compared to its strength when the wielder does not know its name.[443] The Getsuga Tenshō is a powerful technique with great force, capable of causing large-scale damage and destruction. While it is currently the only attack Ichigo knows from Zangetsu, Ichigo has used this technique in several different manners, such as striking the ground to create an omnidirectional blast to knock away incoming attacks or slashing at the ground to upturn it and crush everything in its path.[444]
Bankai: Tensa Zangetsu (天鎖斬月, Heaven Chain Slaying Moon): It is considered completely out of the ordinary for any Zanpakutō. Unlike most Bankai forms, which usually create some sort of massive creature or effect, Ichigo's Bankai actually shrinks his sword down to a daitō (Japanese long sword) with a black blade instead. The cross guard has four prongs bent out to form the shape of the manji (which is the kanji for "ban," meaning "full", as in "full release"). The blade itself can endure even the strongest of attacks, making it quite effective in blocking and deflecting incoming attacks; it can even withstand getting crushed by force.[445] Instead of the cloth his Shikai form had, a short length of chain with a broken link at the end dangles from the base of the hilt. After Ichigo's training in the Dangai, Zangetsu's guard becomes noticeably big and rougher looking with its chain extending around Ichigo's entire right arm, as well as what appears to be a glove on his right hand.[446] In addition to his sword, Ichigo's robe is replaced with a long-sleeved, ankle-length black coat (or shikakushō) with red lining that is closed at his chest, then left to flare out into ragged ends, much like that of Zangetsu himself.[447] This coat is part of Ichigo's Bankai and the damage it can take is directly proportionate to the remaining strength and level of Ichigo's Reiatsu.[448]
Tensa Zangetsu, after Ichigo's training in the Dangai
After his training in the Dangai Precipice World, Ichigo's bankai takes on a slightly different appearance. While Zangetsu still takes the form of a daitō with a black blade, the four prongs on the cross guard extend out farther than they previously did. While still in the shape of the manji, the prongs become more abstract and slender in appearance. Ichigo's right hand becomes covered by a black glove and the chain at the base of the Zangetsu's hilt extends out further than it previously did, spiraling up the length of his sleeveless right arm with the additional portion of the chain hanging down freely from his upper arm.[449]
Bankai Special Ability: Tensa Zangetsu, much like its Shikai form, is used heavily for melee combat, but also possess a certain special ability.
Hyper-Speed Combat: Ichigo takes all the power of his Bankai and compresses it into a small, condensed form. Then, he uses the power of the Bankai to perform high-speed combat.[450] His new speed is so great, that it also enhances his Flash Step prowess and allows him to create dozens of afterimages to confuse his opponent.[451]
Enhanced Strength: Ichigo's Bankai also allows him to further enhance his natural great strength as shown from how effortlessly he blocked a punch from Yammy Llargo, an Espada known primarily for his immense strength. He is strong enough to cut through Yammy's Hierro with relative ease.[452] The sudden boost in strength upon releasing allows Ichigo to break free from any attack that binds him and prevents him from moving.[453] After his training in the Dangai Precipice World, Ichigo's strength has increased to the point where a single swing of his sword can level a mountain.[454] He can grab hold of Aizen's Zanpakutō blade with his bare hand without feeling any of the exerted force although that force was capable of doing considerable damage to the surrounding area.[455] He is able to effortlessly break through a #90. Hadō spell Kurohitsugi with his bare hand.[456]
Enhanced Getsuga Tenshō: Tensa Zangetsu retains the use of Getsuga Tenshō and can be used in the same manners, but can be used in an enhanced form. When used in Bankai, these potent blasts are black with a red outline and their path can be controlled, with explosively augmented power and speed. During Byakuya Kuchiki's fight with Ichigo, he refers to this attack as a "Kuroi Getsuga" (黒月牙, "Black Moon Fang"), referring to the attack's darkened color. Ichigo has stated that the Black Getsuga was originally Hollow Ichigo's technique,[457] and has been proven as Ichigo had no knowledge of it during his fight with Byakuya Kuchiki, using the original Getsuga when in Bankai, and Hollow Ichigo stated that all Ichigo was doing when he used the technique was copying his inner Hollow. Ichigo can also keep Getsuga Tenshō within Tensa Zangetsu to augment his sword swings.
Enhanced Spiritual Power: His reiatsu is so intense and rough as well as thick and heavy that it can suffocate Humans just by being in the general vicinity of his released Bankai.[458] Ichigo's reiatsu was solid in his Bankai despite him only recently acquiring it.[459] In addition, his already immense spiritual energy has grandly and explosively increased, and now has a deep black spiritual energy with a crimson outline. It has come to a point where the red-outlined black energy emanates off of Ichigo's body when his spiritual pressure is exerted, replacing his blue aura. Ever since Ichigo defeated his inner Hollow and affirming his place as a Visored, he produces a black aura with a red outline that surrounds him as he initiates Bankai, rather than a white aura that shoots high into the sky. After his training in the Dangai Precipice World, Ichigo's ability to sense reiatsu has increased greatly as he can now sense his sisters blocks away through various buildings and determine their current status.[460] According to Aizen, by achieving evolution into a dimension separate from Shinigami, both Shinigami and Humans have become unable to feel his reiatsu unless he voluntarily lowers his level and allows them to interfere. In the same way that a two-dimensional being is unable to interfere with a third-dimensional being. In this same way he surmises that Ichigo is standing in a dimension even higher than the one he is in.[461]
Enhanced Bankai Duration: Furthermore, the fact that all of his energy is "compressed" means that usage of his Bankai doesn't expel as much spiritual power as other Bankai from the point of activation; thus allowing him to use Tensa Zangetsu at a much longer duration than any other Bankai users of his level.[462]
Ichigo assuming the form of the Final Getsuga Tenshō
Saigo no Getsuga Tenshō (最後の月牙天衝, The Final Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer): By using this technique, Ichigo becomes the Getsuga (月牙, Moon Fang) itself. It is referred to as the “Final” Getsuga Tenshō because if Ichigo uses it, he loses all of his Shinigami powers.[463] For the duration of the ability, Ichigo’s hair turns black, and becomes waist-length. Light bluish-gray bandages form around his body, tightly wrapped around his torso, right arm, and face, ending just beneath his eyes. Black flame-like markings spread across his chest and wrap around his left arm, and the remains of a tattered black cloak cover his lower body. In this form, Ichigo’s body constantly emits smoky black reiatsu, most of which is focused around his right arm.[464] Being in this form allows Ichigo to use Mugetsu; once it is used, the transformation dissipates, and his Shinigami powers begin to fade away.[465]
Mugetsu (無月, Moonless Sky): Ichigo generates a blade of black spiritual energy in his hand and swings it towards the target. Doing so causes a massive veil of black spiritual energy to erupt upwards and approach the target, darkening the sky, and damaging anything caught within the blast.[466][467] The energy then continues to rise, dissipating into the sky.[468]
Hollow Mask: Ichigo's Hollow mask manifests in the appearance of what could best be described as a menacing skull. The mask is white and originally had only three dark red stripes on the left side, and has since increased in number. The stripes have changed in thickness after he subjugated his inner Hollow. It eventually covers almost the entirety of the mask's left half during his third battle with Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez.[469] While pure white on the right side, the mask possesses a total of ten red stripes (a total of ten can be seen during his last fight with Ulquiorra) spread across three spots on the left side of his mask. In the aftermath of his victory over Ulquiorra Cifer, Ichigo's mask has changed again, as seen when he faces off against a released Yammy Llargo. Where his mask once had a series of thick red-black stripes that covered almost the entire left half of his mask, there are now only four thick red stripes that appear to emerge outwards from the widened eye-holes of his mask and either disappear into both sides of the lower jaw or travel past the very top of the mask itself.[470]
The Hollow mask was originally a sign of Ichigo's possession by the Hollow within him, but after his training with the Visored, it has become an indication that he is merely utilizing his Hollow powers. To access Hollow Ichigo's power, Ichigo must summon the mask onto his face, which is normally done by placing one of his hands over his face and concentrating spiritual matter on it in order to manifest the mask (previously it had appeared on its own before he mastered the Hollow within him), summoning the mask in a "ripping" fashion. With the mask in place, Ichigo's eyes irises become yellow, and he has black scelera and pupils, his voice also has a slight hollow echo to is, and he gains has access to increased physical enhancements (although most of the other Visored have been able to shift the position of the mask while apparently still retaining the abilities of their Hollowfied state as well as using general Hollow abilities neither of which Ichigo been shown capable of doing).
Power Augmentation: While wearing the mask, Ichigo's Hollow powers supplement his Shinigami powers, giving him a vast increase in both strength and speed.
Augmented Getsuga Tenshō: When Ichigo wears his mask, the power, speed, blast area, force, and size of the Getsuga Tenshō becomes drastically augmented to the point of seriously harming a foe. When used with his Bankai and Hollow mask in combination, his Getsuga Tenshō is stated to be his ultimate attack. Ichigo's tremendous speed allows him to move faster than the Getsuga Tenshō itself, allowing him to fire multiple blasts from different directions.
Ulquiorra Cifer believes that the Getsuga Tenshō is Ichigo's strongest attack, and has compared it to a Hollow's Cero, particularly a Cero Oscuras.[471] The Kuroi Getsuga was first displayed by Ichigo's inner Hollow, and initially carried the risk of causing his inner Hollow to surface if used too much. With Ichigo's later control over his inner Hollow, this is no longer a problem. With the use of his new mask, he was able to use Tensa Zangetsu with only a single hand, sending a Getsuga Tenshō powerful enough to send Yammy Llargo falling down head first while he was in his much larger and stronger Resurrección state.[472]
Enhanced Spiritual Power: While wearing the mask, the spiritual power Ichigo possesses becomes even greater than before. During Ichigo's fight with Grimmjow the 3rd Espada,
Tia Harribel, notes that the volume, concentration, and catastrophic nature of his reiatsu didn't seem like that of a Human but more like she was watching a fight between two Espada.[473] It has been noted multiple times that with the mask on his spiritual energy changes into something similar to that of a Hollow.
Enhanced Strength: While using the Hollow mask, Ichigo gains a substantial increase in strength. As in his third fight with Grimmjow, he was able to block the destructive force of an Espada's strongest Cero, the Gran Rey Cero fired by Grimmjow.
[474] As evident after he unleashed his Hollowfication state in his battle with Ulquiorra, and was even able to slightly break his sword with a single slash.[475] He is able to effortlessly block a Cero fired by Ulquiorra.[476]
Enhanced Speed: While wearing his mask, Ichigo’s already formidable speed is greatly enhanced. During his second battle against Grimmjow, Ichigo’s speed was great enough to completely overwhelm the Espada, who was unable to follow Ichigo’s movements and was forced completely on the defensive from his barrage of attacks.
[477] His attacks also become so fast that the opponent cannot even perceive them until after they are hit.[478] He also becomes fast enough to outrun his own energy attacks, allowing him to strike and enhance them or launch simultaneous attacks at the opponent from different angles.
Enhanced Endurance: Apparently, using the Visored form makes him much more pain resistant, Ichigo even states at the beginning of his Visored training that "wearing the mask feels like being in control of someone else's body".
Enhanced Durability: His durability is even more evident throughout the fight as he is thrown through various buildings and obstructions.
[479] Ichigo shielded Orihime from a barrage of Grimmjow's dart bullets which have enough destructive force to destroy a large building.[480][481] Even after taking this barrage, he was still able to fight and defeat Grimmjow, even destroying one of his Desgarrón claws, which was Grimmjow's most powerful technique.[482]
Mask Regeneration: Ichigo seems to have the ability to repair small amounts of damage that is inflicted upon his mask. This is seen during his 3rd fight with Grimmjow and during his most recent fight with Ulquiorra.[483] He has also been shown to have the ability to call his mask out a second time after it shatters, but with less benefits. Also his scleras do not change, and remain Human, although this happens only in the manga. Ichigo retains his black sclera and yellow irises in the anime during all the times he hollowfies. This was first used against his first fight with Ulquiorra, although unseen, it was used to help defend against Ulquiorra's Cero, and again with his most recent confrontation with him, after he went into his released form.
Mask Shielding: The mask has also shown the ability to block attacks on Ichigo's body from within his robe, serving as a shield to stop or lessen attacks on him, sometimes saving his life. One example is when the mask blocked several hits from Renji's Zanpakutō during their fight;
Hollow Combat: When Ichigo fights with his mask on his fighting style becomes more instinctive than practiced. The Hollow mask also makes Ichigo more ruthless, akin to the battle style of
Hollow Ichigo. Throughout the duration of the Hollowfication, Ichigo has shown less concern for injuries to his person, even going so far as to ignore grievous wounds to continue fighting.
Increased Mask Duration: After training with the
Visored and subjugating his inner Hollow, Ichigo can use his Hollow mask while retaining his personality, but could originally only wear it for eleven seconds at a time. His limit and Hollow powers greatly increases during his third battle with Grimmjow.[484] The reasons behind Ichigo now being capable of fighting entire battles with his mask, currently remains unknown. Grimmjow speculated that Ichigo's improvements came from a subconscious need.[485] However, once Ichigo's mask changed in his battle with Yammy Llargo, he noticed his mask felt different as well, as if it was heavier, and he is unable to re-summon it for a brief period of time. It is unknown if the time limit has changed as well, although his new mask began deteriorating directly after he attempted a Getsuga Tenshō on Aizen with it on.
Soul Society & Gotei 13: As a substitute Shinigami, Ichigo is not an official member of the Gotei 13. While aligned with Soul Society, mainly due to the threat of Aizen and the Arrancar, he is allowed to act on his own accord (so long as he does not disrupt the peace), such as mounting a rescue attempt on Hueco Mundo. He occasionally disobeys orders and fights the Shinigami whenever they endanger one of his friends.[486] Overall, he maintains an allied loyalty to Soul Society.
Visored: Initially, he refused to join their group but eventually comes to see himself as one of them species wise, though he continues to refer to himself as a Shinigami instead of a Visored. He associates himself more with Soul Society regardless of his loose association with them. He still maintains a distance from them as group and considers them somewhat friends and allies.
Ichigo's Group & Karakura Town: His friends are quite loyal to him, and follow his every move, regardless of whatever their current situation is, though there are occasional leadership arguments between himself, Renji, and Uryū. His loyalty to his friends, family and town are far above that of any of the other groups he has come into contact with over the past months.
Urahara's Group: Ichigo considers Urahara and Yoruichi as his mentors and he respects them greatly, though he occasionally argues with them over their actions and/or decisions regarding a situation (training or otherwise), though mainly due to pride and his own reckless 'logic'.
Ichigo carrying the burden of two worlds as a Substitute Shinigami.
Added by
Arrancar109Ichigo is an extremely rare case. Despite being a Shinigami, he is still a living Human being and resides in the Human World, rather than in Soul Society. Uniquely, he gained his own powers through Urahara's training/forced encroachment, which simultaneously gave him Hollow powers. Due to his Hollow powers, Ichigo is technically classified as a Visored, but he still thinks and refers to himself as a Shinigami. For all purposes, Ichigo is a Human in physical body and Visored in spiritual body, thus making his situation even rarer. After losing his Shinigami powers Ichigo returns to being a human, this time with no spiritual power or spiritual awareness at all.[487]
His status in the Soul Society remains ambiguous. His "rank" as substitute Shinigami (死神代講, shinigami daikō) was accepted by most of the others so he can continue to fight Hollows and defend his home town properly, however it is revealed that Zennosuke Kurumadani was not informed of Ichigo's status as upon their first meeting Kurumadani admits to never having heard of Ichigo's status or his "Seal of Approval." Ichigo is alerted to the presence of Hollows by his Substitute Badge, an artifact given to him by Ukitake, who claims it symbolizes the formalizing of Ichigo's Substitute Shinigami position. His duty, as far as the Shinigami are concerned, is protecting Karakura Town,[488][489] though Ichigo views it more as protecting his friends.[490] The Shinigami, however, wish to have him fighting alongside them against Aizen due to his captain-level power and lack of exposure to Aizen's Shikai.[491] Ichigo, however, ignored the only real order he ever received from Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, which was to not go after Orihime when she was abducted. Ichigo mentions giving up the position after losing his Shinigami powers.[492] Karin pleads with Ichigo
The following morning, Isshin tells Ichigo that Sado has disappeared from his room in the clinic. Ichigo rushes to school and asks Mizuiro if Sado is there. Realizing that he is not there, Ichigo runs out of the class just as his teacher is entering; telling her that he has a stomach ache. Rukia catches up to him, saying that she did not find him nor has she received any information about Hollows from Soul Society. She explains that Hollows can hide between the Human World and Soul Society, so Ichigo decides to try to track the spirit inside the parakeet. To Rukia's shock, Ichigo finds the Reiraku of the Plus and begins to follow it.[62] When they find Sado, he runs away from them. Ichigo tells him that it is dangerous to be by himself, but is distracted by a weakened Karin. Rukia tells him to bring Karin, who has collapsed, home. He complains, but when Rukia insists, he tells her to be careful as her power still has not returned. As he runs home with Karin in his arms, she tells him that she saw the memories of the child trapped within the bird and that the Plus saw his mother being murdered. She asks him to save the child.[63] After placing her in her bed, Ichigo rushes back to help Sado. Reflecting upon how long it has been since he last saw Karin cry, he promises to send the Plus to Soul Society.[64] Ichigo returns Shrieker's bombs.
When Ichigo arrives to fight the Hollow, he stamps on its head and tells Rukia not to try to act cool when she is beaten up. He introduces himself to the Hollow, Shrieker, and tells him that he is the one that he should be fighting.[65] Rukia releases Ichigo from his body and he immediately injures Shrieker's shoulder while Rukia takes care of his body. Ichigo notes the small creatures nearby, commenting that he had seen them carrying Sado's birdcage and he was glad that he killed them. Rukia tells him that they spit out explosive leeches. Ichigo slices the creatures that jump at him, but the leeches they contain spill out and explode when Shrieker makes a noise with his tongue. Ichigo emerges from the smoke and hits Shrieker, asking him if he was the one who killed the child's parents, which he confirms. After listening to Shrieker's explanation, Ichigo becomes disturbed and the Hollow pushes his sword away; throwing more of his artillery creatures at him. Ichigo catches one and slams it into Shrieker's mouth. When the Hollow does not detonate them, Ichigo rips out its tongue,[66] before stabbing his sword into Shrieker's leg. Ichigo asks him how it feels to be unable to move or fight, and if he can savor what it is like to be murdered. Shrieker rips his leg off to escape, causing Ichigo to mock him before cutting through his head. From this wound, the gates of Hell emerge. Rukia explains to Ichigo about Hell as the gates open and Shrieker is dragged inside. When Rukia tells the Plus that they will send him to Soul Society, Ichigo tells him that he might be able to see his mother there.[67] Ichigo questions the use of the Artificial Soul.
The following day, Ichigo notes that Sado's memory has been erased. Rukia asks to speak with him and punches him when he refuses to talk in private. She drags him outside and gives him a Gikongan, a dispenser of Artificial souls. After explaining its purpose, and striking Ichigo for making fun of her, she forces him to try one. Ichigo is unconvinced by the replacement soul's personality, but is forced to leave it in his body when they receive an order from Soul Society.[68] After defeating the Hollow Ichigo rushes back, concerned about how the artificial soul is getting on. Upon noticing a broken window in his class, Ichigo jumps up to it, only to see his body jump out the same window and run away at an extremely high speed. As they chase after him, Rukia tells him that it must be a Mod soul.[69] Angered by the Mod soul's actions, Ichigo argues with Rukia, before asking her to explain what a Mod soul is. While listening to the explanation and looking at Rukia's drawings, he complains to himself that he cannot take it seriously because her pictures are so bad. Ichigo questions if Rukia is alright with the idea of the Mod souls being created and killed all for Soul Society's convenience, but she tells him that it is irrelevant as it is Soul Society's law which is there to protect Humans. Ichigo thinks to himself how the Mod soul must feel about being persecuted and then gaining his body.[70] As they search for him, they receive an order informing them of an immanent attack by a Hollow.[71] Hurrying to its location, they find the Mod soul is already fighting it. Ichigo rushes to his aid. When the Mod soul tries to ask why Ichigo saved him, he demands to know whose body it is while fending off the Hollow. The two continue arguing as they defeat the Hollow together. Kisuke Urahara arrives to reclaim the Mod soul, removing it from Ichigo's body. Ichigo asks him what he is going to do with it and, realizing that Kisuke can see him, he asks who he is. Rukia snatches the Mod soul back, dismissing him as a greedy merchant. She tells Kisuke that she is happy with the Mod soul and gives him to Ichigo; who thanks her for not throwing him away.[72] Ichigo has trouble sleeping, plagued by memories of Masaki's death.
On the 16th of July Ichigo is woken by Kon who threatens to sneak inside his bag when he goes to school, to get him in trouble, if he does not get up. Ichigo throws Kon at the wall, reminding him that he has been told to act like a normal stuffed toy animal. Ichigo recalls how he and Rukia had searched for a body to place the Mod soul in, but ended up placing him inside a stuffed animal they found by the roadside. He also reminisces about how he came to call him Kon. Rukia complains about the noise they are making. Ichigo scrambles to hide her and Kon as Yuzu comes into the room to tell Ichigo that Mizuiro is waiting for him. Whilst hurrying to get dressed, Ichigo tells Mizuiro from the window that he has just woken up and to wait inside for him. Ichigo notes that Mizuiro's memory seems to have been erased, remembering that Rukia had told him that Kisuke , whose name he cannot remember, must have worked hard. As Rukia leaves via the window, Ichigo complains that Isshin did not wake him up as usual before noticing the date. Rukia asks why he has such a long face, but Ichigo says it is nothing and that "it's soon".[73] When he arrives in school, Orihime says hello to him and he smiles back as he returns the greeting.[74] That night, the Kurosaki's hold a family meeting to discuss their trip to Masaki's grave the following day for the anniversary of her death. Ichigo asks Rukia if he can take tomorrow off from the Shinigami work for just one day, telling her that it is the day Masaki was killed.[75] Ichigo lies in his bed, a towel over his eyes as memories of that rainy night flash through his mind. As he walked with his mother he had seen a girl by the river bank take a step into the raging waters and had gone to rescue her. Ichigo covers his eyes, trying to block out the painful memories. His attempts are unsuccessful, as he remembers his mother calling after him as he ran to the girl. The next thing he remembers is being by the side of his dead mother.[76] Rukia asks about Masaki's death.
On the 17th of July, while walking to the graveyard, Ichigo notes that it is very hot, completely different from the day Masaki died. When the twins see Rukia waving at them, Yuzu asks if Ichigo knows her, which Ichigo denies. Karin then says she thinks she has seen her before, prompting Ichigo to claim to have suddenly remembered that she is from his school and goes to talk to her, sending the girls ahead to the grave. Ichigo asks Rukia why she followed him and gets annoyed when she says it was in case of a Hollow attack, saying that she should be more covert. He then denies being angry about it. Rukia asks him who killed Masaki, questioning if she was killed by a Hollow. Ichigo reacts angrily to the suggestion that a Hollow could have been targeting him and killed Masaki by mistake, saying that she blames everything on Hollows. As he is saying this, Ichigo notices the same girl he saw the night Masaki died and he runs after her.[77] When Rukia catches up to him, he tells her that the one who killed Masaki was himself.[78] At Masaki's grave, Ichigo looks on as Isshin declares that it is time for the annual "Kurosaki Family Tombstone Domino Rally", with Isshin and Ichigo being the first match. However, Yuzu stops Isshin.[79] Ichigo stands at the grave, reflecting on the night his mother died and what impact it had on the family.[80] Later, Isshin uses a whistle to call Ichigo and the twins. Ichigo tells him to stop, as he can hear him even without the whistle. Ichigo asks him if Karin and Yuzu are there yet, but Isshin tells him that he would have left without him if Ichigo was the only one that he was waiting on. He tells Ichigo to find the girls, but he refuses, saying it is tiring and that he should go himself. Isshin grabs Ichigo, asking if his little sisters are not precious to him and decides that they will split up search for them. He tells Ichigo to search in one direction, and then says he will stay there, prompting Ichigo to kick him. Isshin complains that Ichigo broke his jaw. Ichigo then senses the reiatsu of a Hollow.[81]
While running, Ichigo realizes that Yuzu and Karin are easy targets. He meets up with Rukia, saying that he must be heading in the right direction if she is there too. He asks her if she is going to question him further on his mother's death, but she tells him that it is his problem and that she will wait until he is ready to talk about it. Kon pops out of Rukia's backpack, telling them to stop acting so cool, surprising Ichigo. Ichigo questions when Kon became so devoted to Rukia and tells him that Orihime is there. Seeing his reaction he says that Kon is not devoted at all as the little plushy is left behind.[82] As the Hollow attempts to eat Yuzu, Ichigo arrives and cuts off the tentacle holding Yuzu before severing its hand, freeing Karin. Ichigo demands to know why the girl he saw when Masaki died is there; asking if she is a Hollow's crony or if she is controlled by a Hollow. The Hollow tells him that he is wrong.[83] The girl's form changes and it sprouts a tentacle from its head, connecting it to the Hollow's body. As Ichigo asks if the girl is a part of him, Rukia tells him that the Hollow is called Grand Fisher, and that it uses a lure to trick and devour Humans who have souls with high levels of spiritual power. Ichigo realizes that the girl he was trying to save when Masaki died was actually Grand Fisher's lure and that the Hollow killed his mother. Despite Rukia's protest, Ichigo lunges at Grand Fisher, who dodges his attack. Grand Fisher grows a new hand and attacks Ichigo, who blocks the attack, only to find the furry Hollow launching 's hair growing and attacking him. Rukia begins to chant a Kidō spell, but Ichigo tells her to stop and cuts his way free from the hair. he tells Rukia that he will fight the Hollow alone, and instructs her to look after his sisters with Kon. When she protests, he cuts her off and asks her not to interfere, claiming it is his fight.[84] Grand Fisher attempts to manipulate Ichigo.
Ichigo struggles against the faster Grand Fisher, who mocks him. Ichigo realizes that all he can do is shrug off the Hollow's attacks and that his stamina will not last at this rate. He stops himself, saying that this is his mother's killer. Thinking of Yuzu and Karin, he remembers that he decided to protect them and swears to defeat Grand Fisher. He dives at the Hollow's chest, but Grand Fisher catches Ichigo's sword. As he tells Ichigo that he hesitated, his fingers tear apart and grow, stabbing Ichigo in the chest.[85] Angered by Grand Fisher's taunts, Ichigo slashes at the Hollow, swearing to defeat him even if his arms and legs are ripped off. Grand Fisher remarks that he is so young and easily manipulated, before transforming his lure into an image of Masaki.[86] The Hollow explains that, using the hand that impaled Ichigo, he can look into an enemy's memories and create an image of the one thing that they cannot cut more than anything else in the world.[87] Ichigo screams at him that this is not the kind of place to bring out Masaki's form. He charges at Grand Fisher, but he uses the lure to block him, telling him to sheath his sword. The Hollow punches through Masaki's form and pierces Ichigo's chest, telling him that anger can dull the blade. Ichigo stabs the Hollow's chest and grabs his arm, saying that he has finally caught him. He says that his dulled blade is all he needs to defeat someone like him and turns the Hollow's own words back on him; slashing open his chest.[88] As Grand Fisher collapses, a severely injured Ichigo uses his sword to prop himself up. When Rukia arrives, Ichigo tells her that she is late and that he has already cleaned up. Rukia reminds him that it was him who told her to stay out of the fight. As Grand Fisher stirs behind Ichigo, Rukia warns him just in time to dodge another attack. The Hollow then transfers its form into the lure, saying that both parts of him are the real body.[89] The Grand Fisher leaps into the sky and escapes. Rukia tries to convince Ichigo that he cannot fight him any more, but he insists that he can still fight and that the Hollow is still not dead yet; despite this he soon collapses on Rukia.[90] Isshin gives Ichigo some advice.
Ichigo awakens back inside his body, in great pain. Rukia tells him not to make a fuss as the wounds his soul received will show up when he returns to his body, insisting that he should know that by now. Ichigo complains that she always returned him to his body after healing all his wounds, this prompts Rukia to apologize as she says that she used most of her strength to heal his stomach wound. When Ichigo thanks her, she tells him that the pain numbed in battle returns when one re-enters his body and gives him some plasters for the cuts on his face. Ichigo asks her if he lost, but she tells him that the Hollow fled and nobody died, so he won. Ichigo says that Grand Fisher is not dead and walks off.[91] Back at Masaki's grave, Ichigo apologizes to her for being able to avenge her. Isshin offers him an umbrella, but Ichigo refuses the offer, prompting Isshin to repeatedly poke Ichigo in the head until he hits him back with it. Isshin notes that the time has gone past quickly and that it has already been ten years since Masaki died. Ichigo says that it has only been six years, to which Isshin replies that he was "so close". Ichigo loudly complains about this, causing Isshin to say that Masaki can rest easily if she sees him being so lively. When he starts smoking a cigarette, Ichigo says that he thought he had quit smoking when Karin and Yuzu were born. Isshin explains that Masaki complimented him when they started dating about his hand looking cool when he was smoking. He notes that this was the only time that she had complimented his looks. As a result he smokes at her graveside every year on the anniversary of her death.[92] Isshin tells Ichigo not to look so sad. When Ichigo asks why nobody blames him for Masaki's death Isshin asks why he would blame Ichigo, saying that if he blamed her death on him, Masaki would become mad at him. He explains that Masaki was a woman who would die to protect her son. Isshin reminds Ichigo that he is the one that the woman he loved gave her life to protect. He then knees Ichigo in the back and tells him to live his life well and leaves. Ichigo asks Rukia if her powers are returning and asks that she allow him to remain a Shinigami for a while longer, regardless of whether it is returning or not. He says that he wants to become stronger so that he can defeat Hollows, protect those that are targeted and to defeat Grand Fisher; otherwise he will not be able to face Masaki.[93]
One Sunday morning, Ichigo leans out his bedroom window to beat Kon clean against the wall, in spite of Kon's protests. Rukia tells him to stop, as she has arranged for an implement to clean him with - the schools toilet brush. Ichigo orders her to take it back.[94] Later, Kon, wearing a dress, leaps at Ichigo apologizing for having run away from home. Ichigo, who had been wondering where Kon was, questions why Kon is dressed in such a way.[95] While Yuzu and Isshin are watching Don Kanonji's Ghost Bust TV program one Wednesday evening, Ichigo asks Yuzu what the pose they are doing is. When Yuzu calls the show cool, Ichigo asks himself if that can be considered cool. Yuzu says that he can definitely see them, but Ichigo says that he does not know about that, annoying Yuzu. Ichigo then tells her that if he says he can see them, then he can see them. As Ichigo finishes his juice, he asks a distracted Karin what she is looking at. She says it is nothing, prompting Ichigo to tell her that she is acting weird. Ichigo asks her if she is not going to watch with Yuzu and Isshin, but she says she is not interested. She tells Ichigo that she can see spirits about as clearly as Ichigo can, hence her disinterest in the ghost show. Ichigo remembers that she was the only member of the family to see the Hollow that attacked the house when he first met Rukia. He then realizes that if she can see Hollows, then she might be able to see Shinigami as well. His thoughts are interrupted by Yuzu shouting as the announcer reveals that the show will be broadcast from an abandoned hospital in Karakura Town the following week.[96] The next morning at school, Orihime performs Don Kanonji's pose as Ichigo arrives in class, confusing him. She asks Ichigo if he has not heard of it. When Ichigo says it is Ghost Bust, Orihime ask him to do the pose together, but Tatsuki drags her away. As Ichigo's friends all do the pose, Ichigo tells Keigo that he is not going to the show when it arrives in town. Keigo tries to convince him to go, but he retorts that Keigo is not even from Karakura. Keigo reveals that he has invited Rukia and tries to get her to do the pose.[97] Orihime apologizes to Ichigo.
The following Wednesday evening an annoyed Ichigo, accompanied by Isshin and his sisters, watches his friends gather at the abandoned hospital where Ghost Bust is being filmed. When they note that he did come after all, Ichigo tells Keigo and Mizuiro to shut up and that he will kill them. Orihime apologizes to Ichigo for trying to get him to do Don Kanonji's pose, explaining that Tatsuki had told her he hates such shows. Ichigo, who did not remember it at first, tells her that it is okay and that it doesn't bother him. He reveals that Keigo and Mizuiro know he despises it, but yet still do it anyway. When asked why he came, he tells Orihime that Isshin and Yuzu are huge fans of the show, saying that they would look pitiful if just the two of them went. Orihime tells him that he is so kind, but Ichigo dismisses it as normal.[98] Ichigo notes that everyone is foolishly gathering at the hospital, thinking that the TV show's staff will think that they do not get any entertainment, calling them freaks. Rukia tells him that he must be tired from his dual life and instructs him to use this chance to spread his wings. Ichigo is surprised that she is concerned about his health, but gets annoyed with her when she reveals that she does not know what the "festival" is about. After explaining it to her, he asks if there really is a spirit in the abandoned hospital, noting that if a spirit really is there, the Shinigami would have dealt with it already. Rukia replies that that is not exactly correct. She says that it is likely to be a Jibakurai, or Demi-Hollow, and begins to explain what this is.[99] When the Jibakurai begins screaming, Ichigo notes that it sounds like the voice of a Hollow. Rukia tells him that it is on its way to becoming a Hollow.[100] Ichigo notes that it feels like there is a Hollow nearby, but it does not look like one; prompting Rukia to finish her explanation. As the Jibakurai screams at those who have gathered, Ichigo says that he is carrying "one hell of a greedy grudge". As the show begins filming Don Kanonji parachutes into the hospital grounds, causing Rukia to go watch the events unfolding. Ichigo asks her if they should not perform Konsō on the Jibakurai to prevent him from becoming a Hollow. Rukia tells him that it takes months, even years to turn into a Hollow. She says that it would be trouble if there was a struggle as somebody might get hurt and instead states that they will perform the Konsō after the show. Seeing that Ichigo is unconvinced, she seeks to reassure him. However, Don Kanonji jams his staff into the hole in the chest of the Jibakurai.[101] Ichigo fends off the Hollow.
Concerned, Ichigo jumps over the cordon and shouts at Kanonji to stop. He is immediately pounced upon by security. He tells them to let him go or something bad will happen. Rukia tries to change him into a Shinigami, but is caught by security too. Ichigo tells her to break free and get over to him, as she only has two guys restraining her.[102] Kisuke Urahara pokes his cane through Ichigo's head, freeing his Shinigami form from his body. Recognizing the sandal-hat guy, Ichigo asks what he is doing there, only to be told not to space out. Ichigo rushes towards Kanonji.[103] Ichigo shouts at Kanonji to stop and knocks him away from the Jibakurai. Kanonji asks what he is doing, causing Ichigo to realize that the medium can see him. When Kanonji calls him a fan, Ichigo threatens him but is cut off by the screams of the Jibakurai, who vanishes in an explosion.[104] Ichigo notes that it did not turn into a Hollow, thinking that Kanonji took care of it. When he asks him if he sent the Plus to heaven, he promises to send Ichigo to heaven too. Rukia shouts at him to look up, where they see the Plus reforming into a Hollow on top of the hospital. Kanonji asks what it is, surprising Ichigo, who tells him it is a Hollow; but Kanonji ignores him. As the Hollow charges at them Ichigo tells Kanonji to run away, but Kanonji pushes him back, telling him to run. Kanonji challenges the Hollow but Ichigo jumps in between them and knocks the Hollow back. The two momentarily bicker but when the Hollow attacks again, Ichigo blocks it.[105] Ichigo knocks Kanonji out of the way of a charge by the Hollow, who gets its head stuck in the hospital wall. As it frees itself, Ichigo drags the medium inside the hospital.[106] The Demi-Hollow is defeated by Ichigo.
Annoying Ichigo, Kanonji argues that he should not run away as he is viewed as a hero and must be a symbol to his fans. Ichigo stops him from returning to where the TV cameras can see him, asking the medium what he will do if the audience gets caught up in the fighting; insisting that protecting his fans is also a hero's duty. He explains that Hollows attack people with high levels of spiritual power, meaning that the Hollow will definitely come after them if they stay inside, avoiding harm to the hostages. As Kanonji compliments him, the Hollow bursts through the floor. Ichigo swings his Zanpakutō at it but it hits and becomes stuck in the ceiling. Realizing that the corridors are too confined to use his sword in, Ichigo admits to himself that he never thought of such a thing. The Hollow spits a goo-like substance at him, sticking his hands together. Unable to use his sword, Ichigo tells the Hollow that he will beat him with just his legs. Kanonji, however, steps between them and jams the Hollows mouth open with his staff. Ichigo tells him to run away, but he insists that Ichigo's words have made an impression on him and that his way of fighting is befitting of a hero. To Ichigo's chagrin, he calls Ichigo his battle buddy and says he will die protecting him.[107] As Kanonji prepares his Kanon Ball technique, Ichigo says that it is useless. Kanonji fires the energy ball at the ceiling, freeing Ichigo's blade. He thanks the medium and charges at the Hollow. While Ichigo manages to injure the Hollow, he confirms his suspicion that he cannot target its head properly with his hands stuck together. As Kanonji cheers him on, he wishes that the medium would shut up. With his sword still embedded in the Hollow's shoulder it smashes through the external wall and climbs up on to the roof, dragging Ichigo with him.[108] Freed from the Hollow, Ichigo takes advantage of the open space attacks, saying that as long as Kanonji does not come, the Hollow is nothing to him. Kanonji promptly steps through a nearby door onto the roof, attracting the Hollow's attention. Ichigo tells him to run away and stops the Hollow from attacking Kanonji; knocking it into the guard rail. Ichigo immediately slices the Hollow's head, prompting Kanonji to congratulate him and dance around. Ichigo tells him to stop. As the Hollow's body disintegrates, Kanonji notices that it is the same spirit he thought he sent to heaven. Ichigo explains what happened, causing Kanonji to become distraught. Ichigo tells him that he should not let it get to him, as he did not know and regretting it will do no good. Ichigo points out that the crowd is waving and tells him to answer them, asking if it is not his duty. Kanonji thanks him, complimenting his courage, quick-wits and strength and asks that they work together in future. Ichigo agrees to help him once in a while. Kanonji then annoys him by calling him his number one pupil.[109] Before departing, Ichigo is forced to take a Don Kanonji fan club card, signed “to my #1 pupil”.[110]
The following day, Ichigo is among a group of students brought before the principal regarding the events at the abandoned hospital. Showing a recording of the program, Kagine complains that their escapades were broadcast live nationwide. He asks Ichigo if he has anything to say to this, prompting Ichigo to comment that the person in show looks a lot like him. Kagine insists that it is him, to which Ichigo replies that he is his twin brother, separated at birth. Kagine persists with his complaint, but is interrupted by Tatsuki. When Rukia says that it is her own fault for not stopping Ichigo and distracts Kagine, Ichigo and the others sneak out the window. After they make their escape, Keigo thanks Rukia, but Ichigo tells him not to, as she was going to sell just him out. When Keigo mentions that the announcer talked over Ichigo’s shouting during the show, Ichigo thinks that he owes the announcer one for preventing people from realizing that he had called Rukia by her first name.[111] That afternoon, Ichigo answers the door when someone calls to the Kurosaki Clinic. Upon realizing that it is Don Kanonji, Ichigo closes and locks the door. When Kanonji questions why he did this, Ichigo demands to know how he found out about his house and tells him to go home. Kanonji reveals that he invited Rukia along and Ichigo realizes that it was her who told the TV star where he lived. Yuzu then sees Kanonji and knocks Ichigo over while opening the door. Rukia’s phone alerts her to a Hollow, and Ichigo says that he would rather be “anywhere but here” and transforms into his Shinigami form, ignoring Kanonji asking him where he is going. As Ichigo and Rukia pass by Uryū Ishida, Ichigo comments that while he always thought it better that Hollows did not appear, this time its appearance saved him. Rukia tells him not to ask for it or drop his guard, prompting Ichigo to complain to her about accepting food from Kanonji. [112] Ichigo fends off a clingy Plus.
Arriving at what they believed to be the location of a Hollow attack, Ichigo and Rukia find a Plus cowering in a corner, but no Hollow. Ichigo asks Rukia how many times such a thing has happened in the past week, suggesting that Rukia’s phone is broken. The two bicker and Ichigo complains that he is in the middle of exams, even though Rukia is sitting the same exams. As Rukia insists that the phone is working, Ichigo asks if there is another Shinigami defeating the Hollows before him. Rukia tells him that Shinigami are strictly sorted and that it should not be the case. As the Plus jumps at Ichigo, thanking him, Ichigo hits him and orders him to say that to the person who saved him. When Rukia is unable to get the Plus to tell them who saved him, Ichigo performs Soul Burial on him.[113]
At school, Ichigo tells a worried Keigo that exams do not hold a lot of meaning in life. Mizuiro points out that Ichigo is ranked 18th out of the 322 people in their grade, shocking Keigo. Ichigo replies that he studies at home and turns down the “nerdy” that Keigo presents to him. He points out that his orange hair causes him a lot of trouble as older students pick on him and teachers watch him closely, and so he studies so that the school does not complain about him. Mizuiro says that he has a lot of problems, but Ichigo replies that he is used to it. Mizuiro then asks him if he has seen Rukia, saying that they are always together. Ichigo tells Mizuiro that he has been trying to keep away from her at school to avoid the “creepy glances” and rumors since their appearance on Don Kanonji’s TV program. Rukia then drags Ichigo off, causing him to complain about the rumors about them. Rukia tells him to complain later as there is a Hollow. Ichigo tells her that he will not forgive her if it is not there this time.[114] After school, as they fail to find another Hollow, Ichigo complains about the current missing Hollow and the one from lunch time. As Rukia drags his body from its hiding place, she tells him to shut up and return to his body. Re-entering his body, Ichigo tells her to do something about the problem. The pair are approached by Uryū Ishida, dressed in a Quincy outfit, prompting Ichigo to ask if the unusual outfit means that he is a priest. Uryū asks Ichigo if it is correct that he can see spirits, which Ichigo denies is even possible. When a new Hollow appears, Uryū kills it with his bow and introduces himself, saying that he hates Shinigami,[115] and that he hates Ichigo.[116] Uryū grabs Ichigo's red spirit thread.
When Keigo and Mizuiro notice that Ichigo is ranked twenty-third in the freshmen first semester final exams, Keigo tells him that they will not invite him anywhere again. Ichigo reflects upon his encounter with Uryū, wondering why he would say such things to a complete stranger and why Uryū was angry when he was the one who interfered with Ichigo’s duties. He notes that remembering it irritates him and decides that he will not go easy on him the next time he meets the Quincy. Realizing that he cannot remember his full name, Ichigo lists of possible names out loud. Orihime overhears him and reveals that Uryū is in their class. Tatsuki tells her that he is poor at remembering people’s faces and names, guessing that he cannot remember half of the class yet. When Ichigo tells Tatsuki to be quiet, Orihime tells him more about Uryū. She takes him to the handicrafts club to show him Uryū. Ichigo notes that he is indeed in their class and they watch him sew a teddy bear for Michiru Ogawa. Orihime asks what happened between Ichigo and Uryū, but Ichigo dismisses it as no big deal.[117] After school, Ichigo followings Uryū as he leaves the school. The Quincy asks him if he intends to follow him all the way home, noting that he had noticed him spying on him from the classroom doorway. When Ichigo applauds him, Uryū states that it is due to Ichigo’s inability to restrain his spiritual power, and that he lacks the ability to sense reiatsu, as evidenced by him not noticing Uryū until that day. Uryū then explains that he noticed Ichigo’s unusually high spiritual power and that in mid-May, he acquired Shinigami powers. Using Reiraku, Uryū explains that a Shinigami’s spirit thread is colored red and invites Ichigo to fight him, saying that Shinigami are unnecessary in the Human World.[118]
Ichigo calls the idea ridiculous, saying that his grudge against Shinigami has nothing to do with him and that Uryū is no match for him. Uryū taunts him,[119] Uryū succeeds in convincing Ichigo to fight him. Ichigo takes Kon and places him inside his body, freeing his Shinigami form. He tells Kon to watch from there as he beats Uryū and then asks the Quincy what the rules for the fight are. Uryū takes out a piece of Hollow bait, explaining that it will cause Hollows to gather in Karakura Town and the one who defeats the most Hollows within twenty-four hours wins. Angered by this, Ichigo demands to know why he is exposing the residents of the town to such danger for their fight. Uryū tells him not to worry as they will kill all the Hollows.[120] When Uryū kills the first Hollow, Ichigo leaps at him and tells him to undo it, but Uryū tells him that Hollows will soon flood the town and that he should run if he wishes to protect as many people as possible. When Uryū warns him that Hollows tend to prefer people with high spiritual power, Ichigo thinks of Karin and runs off, followed by Kon.[121] After slaying his third Hollow and saving a pair of Pluses, Ichigo notes that Karin should be finished school and would be outside playing, but he struggles to think where she is. Noting that his detection range is too narrow and his reaction to Hollows appearing is too slow, he sends Kon to get Rukia’s phone.[122] Ichigo defeats the Hollows between the Kurosaki Clinic and the last place where he saw Karin, thinking that it should be safe for her now. He then decides to go after Uryū to make him fix the mess he created, but sees a vision of Uryū mocking his ability to find him. He tells the vision not to underestimate his instincts, and then hopes that Kon hurries up with Rukia’s phone.[123] Ichigo tries to persuade Uryū to fight together with him.
Having tracked down Uryū without Rukia’s phone, Ichigo tells him that he needs to trash Kon first. He demands to know what took the mod-soul so long and blames him for having to wander the entire town. The two argue over the situation, with Ichigo saying that if Kon was so dedicated to Rukia, he should have been able to find her immediately. Having failed to attract their attention by shouting, Uryū fires an arrow at Ichigo, who blocks it. Ichigo insists that it is a battle between him and Uryū, and that the amount of Hollows they beat is irrelevant. Kon points out that there is a large crack forming in the sky, and Uryū notes that the Hollows are converging upon it. When Uryū begins to fire arrows into the group of Hollows, Ichigo tells him there are too many and that they need to come up with a strategy. Uryū asks him if he is afraid and charges towards the Hollows, shouting that the last Quincy will be their opponent. Ichigo asks what he means by this, and Rukia explains about the fall of the Quincy at the hands of the Shinigami,[124][125] prompting him to run after Uryū and attack several Hollows around Uryū. Ichigo tells him that he does not know or care about whether the Shinigami or Quincy were right and expresses his frustration at Uryū’s methods, but is interrupted by him. Uryū tells him that he thought the Shinigami were correct, until his sensei was killed in front of him.[126] Uryū tells Ichigo of his sensei’s attempts to convince the Shinigami to work together with the remaining Quincy, but he died fighting a group of Huge Hollows without achieving that goal. Uryū says that he must prove the strength of the Quincy to the Shinigami. Ichigo complains that his story is too long to remember all of it and kicks his head into a Hollow, dazing it. Ichigo points out that his sensei’s wish was to work together, not to prove the Quincy’s strength and asks if he will do that now, saying that fighting back to back is the best way to deal with the situation.[127] Ichigo attacks the Menos Grande.
As Uryū dismisses the idea as nonsense, Ichigo attacks a Hollow that had come up behind Uryū, while kills another Hollow. Uryū insists that he is not co-operating, but that he simply had to kill it or else he would have been killed. Ichigo tells him that that is good enough. Ichigo reveals that he does not know much about the Shinigami, nor does he have much pride in doing Shinigami work - he simply wishes to defeat Hollows. He attributes this to his mother's death and his desire to prevent others experiencing what his family went through. Ichigo tells him that his approach to their fight is endangering the people he wants to protect and says that he will not forgive him for that, but it is not the time to talk about such things. Stating his own reluctance to work with Uryū, Ichigo asks him if he will co-operate. Uryū kills another Hollow in reply, saying that his story is rather long as well. The pair agree to beat each other up after the Hollows have been dealt with, but as they are about to attach the horde of Hollows, a Menos Grande rips apart the sky. After they argue about how to deal with the Hollows and the Menos, Ururu Tsumugiya, Tessai Tsukabishi, Jinta Hanakari and Urahara arrive to fight the Hollows.[128] Urahara tells them that they will take care of the "small fry" so that Ichigo can concentrate on fighting the Menos.[129] Seeing its size, Ichigo questions whether it is in fact a Hollow and is shocked to see it eating the nearby Hollows. He tells Uryū that there is no way they can figure out how to fight such a monster and that the will have to simply cut it repeatedly until it succumbs to its injuries. He charges towards the Menos, calling for Uryū to accompany him.[130] Ichigo attacks the Menos' leg, cutting it, but he is knocked back by the unfazed Menos. In response to Uryū's questions, Ichigo tells him that he is alright and that he thought he could cut its feet off and work his way up to the head and kill it that way. Uryū complains about his way of thinking and places his hand on Ichigo's Zanpakutō as he insists that they need to rethink their battle plan. While Ichigo thinks to himself that there was no plan to begin with,[131] Uryū notices that Ichigo's power is flowing into his bow. Ichigo is shocked to see the increased size of Uryū's bow and asks what happened to it.[132] Uryū's strategy for attacking the Menos Grande.
With Ichigo's Zanpakutō tied to his head, Uryū instructs a dubious Ichigo to increase his power to its maximum so that he can shoot an extremely large arrow at the Menos Grande. Ichigo points out that he never controls his energy output and that if people say that his power is great then it must be at maximum all the time. When the Menos starts to charge a Cero, Ichigo rushes towards it and blocks the Cero with his Zanpakutō. Uryū notes that Ichigo's power increases as he resists the Cero. Ichigo repels the attack, injuring the Menos in the process.[133] As the Menos retreats from the Human World, Ichigo yells "Victory" and asks Uryū whether he is going to thank him for his help before collapsing. Ichigo notes that he cannot move and his Zanpakutō begins to destabilize, losing its form. The energy released from Ichigo and his Zanpakutō causes Uryū's bow to grow again, this time without having to touch it. Noting that it will explode, Uryū begins to fire arrows into the sky to release the excess power, injuring himself. Ichigo tells him not to over do it, as he will lose his arm. Uryū tells him to make sure that he lives so that they he can beat him later.[134] The following day, when Uryū arrives late to school with both arms bandaged, Rukia tells Ichigo not to pay attention to it, as Uryū is responsible for his injuries. Ichigo denies being worried, but Rukia replies that she did not say anything about worrying, annoying Ichigo. Ichigo later overhears Keigo telling Mizuiro that he saw Uryū talking to himself the previous day, believing it to be related to a theatre. Ichigo is thankful, thinking that it is good that Keigo is an idiot.[135] At lunch time, Ichigo asks Uryū to join Keigo, Mizuiro and himself for lunch. Uryū quickly declines, but when Ichigo tells him that it is Keigo's treat, he agrees. While they eat, Keigo notes the heavy atmosphere. Ichigo instructs him to tell some jokes to liven things up, thinking to himself that maybe he should not have invited Uryū. When Uryū asks Ichigo why he invited him, he replies that he is in a good mood and that he ought to be grateful that someone invited him. When the Quincy says that he prefers to eat alone, Ichigo says that he enjoys eating alone too and tells him to eat while facing the other way.[136] Ichigo finds Kon tied up.
That night, Yuzu complains when Ichigo takes the left-overs from dinner again. Ichigo claims that it is a midnight snack, as it is very tiring during puberty. When Yuzu tells him she will not care when he gets fat, he says he will be careful and goes into his room. Ichigo calls Rukia, but she is not there.[137] Realizing this, Ichigo resigns himself to eating the meal, even though he is not hungry.[138] At 2:00 a.m. Ichigo wonders whether Rukia is going to return that night, noting that it would be nice to get a full night's sleep for once, with no Shinigami duties to carry out. Hearing a muffled noise, Ichigo finds Kon gagged and tied to the back of the toilet bowl. Ichigo brings him back to his room, where Kon thanks him while Ichigo holds his nose due to the smell. Ichigo sprays him with deodorant, prompting an argument between them. When Ichigo asks why he was tied up, Kon tells him that Rukia is in big trouble. He shows Ichigo a note that is sitting on his desk and informs him that she has left. Not knowing why she left without any explanation, they open the note and are shocked to find that she has left the message in a word puzzle. Ichigo figures out the puzzle and reads the message, telling them that she has to leave and instead of looking for her, they should go into hiding. Still confused about the situation, Ichigo decides that nothing will be resolved if they just stay there. He tells Kon that he will become a Shinigami and find her. When Kon asks him how he will change into his Shinigami form, Ichigo realizes that he cannot change form without Rukia. He demands that Kon change him into a Shinigami, but he resists. Urahara appears at the window and offers to change him into Shinigami form, saying that he wants to help his frequent customer.[139] Renji unleashes his Shikai against Ichigo.
As Renji Abarai attacks Rukia, Ichigo arrives and attacks him. Renji dodges and demands to know who he is.[140] When Renji notes the size of Ichigo's Zanpakutō, Ichigo replies that he thought it was large compared to Rukia's, but there had not been anyone else to compare it to. Renji realizes that he is the Human who took Rukia's Shinigami powers and attacks him.[141] As they clash swords, Renji asks if Ichigo's sword is just for show. Ichigo tells him that his yapping is becoming annoying and that he will end up biting his tongue. As he mentally notes Renji's speed, Renji cuts Ichigo's shoulder and tells him that it is over. He reveals that Rukia will be executed in Soul Society. Renji taunts him, saying that he could not even scratch him. Ichigo slashes at him, cutting his chin. He then apologizes for interrupting his speech and asks him to continue, reminding him that he was saying that he could not scratch the more experienced Shinigami. Captain Byakuya Kuchiki tells Renji that thirty three hours previously, their undercover forces witnessed Ichigo inflicting a scar upon a Menos Grande. Hearing this, Ichigo wonders what a Menos is, thinking that he must be referring to the "big-nosed guy" he fought with Uryū. Renji laughs at this, saying that while his sword is big, it has not power to back it up and asks Ichigo what the name of his Zanpakutō is. Ichigo replies that he has not named his sword and asks if they actually give them names. Renji activates his Shikai, surprising Ichigo with its change of form. He leaps into the air and slashes Ichigo's left shoulder, saying that it is the end of the rookie.[142] Ichigo's final blow to Renji is stopped.
Renji explains that a Zanpakutō can change its size and shape based on the strength of the owner and that while he does not have a grudge against Ichigo, he will finish him slowly. Rukia attempts to stop Renji and tells Ichigo to run, but Ichigo grabs his sword. As he stands up, Ichigo's reiatsu increases, severing the tassel on his Zanpakutō's hilt. Ichigo injures the surprised Renji and quickly overwhelms him, claiming that his movements have slowed. Ichigo reveals that his wound no longer hurts and that he feels great. As he attempts to end the fight, the blade of his sword disappears. Stunned, Ichigo concludes that Renji is not responsible for it. He then notices that Byakuya is holding the severed blade. Ichigo thinks this to be impossible due to the distance between them and as he prepares for Byakuya's attack, Byakuya appears behind him and stabs him through the chest.[143] As he falls to the ground, Ichigo wonders whether he was attacked from the front or from behind. Byakuya comments that he is slow, even when falling over and stabs him again.[144] As Rukia runs to Ichigo's side, Renji stops her and Byakuya acknowledges that he greatly resembles "him". Ichigo grabs Byakuya's leg, telling the Shinigami captain not to talk about him as if he is dead. Byakuya tells him to let go, but Ichigo instructs the captain to look at him when he is talking so that he can hear him. When Byakuya threatens to cut off his arm, Rukia kicks Ichigo's hand away from her brother, telling him that as a Human, he should know his place. She then tells Byakuya that she is ready to leave for Soul Society. Ichigo protests, but Renji tells him to stop making things worse. Rukia tells Byakuya that there is no point in deliberately kill Ichigo, as he will soon stop breathing on his own. Ichigo asks if this is a joke, causing Rukia to reply that if he tries to follow her, she will never forgive him. She tells him to conserve what energy he has left so that he may live a moment longer. Byakuya acquiesces to Rukia's request and explains that he Ichigo should die within thirty minutes due to his injuries, but if he does survive, he will no longer possess any Shinigami powers. As Renji opens a Senkaimon and leaves with Rukia and Byakuya, Ichigo notes that he cannot move or speak. He reflects upon coming to protect Rukia, but instead she protected him again.[145] As Ichigo contemplates his injuries in the rain, Urahara and Yoruichi Shihōin approach him.[146] Ichigo awakens with an unexpected bedfellow.
Ichigo thinks to himself he must finally be dying, as he was just cold and now he has no pain and is warm. He then awakes to see Tessai Tsukabishi lying on top of him in a small bed on the floor. As Tessai calls Urahara, Ichigo recognizes him as one of "sandal-hat's" associates, and pushes him out of the bed, hurting his left shoulder. Heavily bandaged, Ichigo realizes that he is neither dead nor at his own house. Urahara enters the room, telling Ichigo that his wounds are not yet fully healed, and that if he moves too much he could die. Ichigo realizes that he is in Urahara's house, and that it was Urahara who saved him. He asks the shopkeeper if he found Uryū as well, and if he is alright. Urahara explains that Uryū's injuries were less severe, so he treated them on the spot. When he left, he was about Ichigo. Ichigo is skeptical of this, but Urahara continues, saying that Uryū had stated that Ichigo was the only one who could beat the Shinigami and save Rukia. Ichigo says that he cannot do anything as Rukia has been taken to Soul Society, which he cannot go to. Urahara reveals that he can send Ichigo to Soul Society, but on the condition that he trains with Kisuke for the next ten days. Ichigo replies that since they do not know when Rukia will be executed, he should go to Soul Society as quickly as possible. Urahara knocks him to the ground with his cane, saying that he will die if he goes there in his current condition. Kisuke then reveals that he purposely allowed Ichigo to fight Renji and Byakuya, as he believed that it would be easier for him to realize this after having fought them himself. As Urahara continues to force the point home, Ichigo stares at Urahara's cane, noting that it feels as if there is a sword pointed at his head. Urahara tells him that Soul Society typically allows a grace period of a month before executions, so they till spend ten days training and seven days opening the gate to Soul Society, leaving Ichigo with thirteen days in Soul Society to rescue Rukia. Ichigo asks if he can truly become stronger in ten days. Urahara assures him that he can and asks if he will do it. Ichigo responds that if he does not, then nobody will.[147] Orihime asks Ichigo about Rukia's disappearance.
Urahara gives Ichigo a bottle of pills and instructs him to take one every hour. Saying that he will be recovered from his injuries by dinner time, Kisuke sends him to school for the final day of the term. At school, Tetsuo Momohara speaks with Ichigo, who fails to remember his name. Tetsuo reminds Ichigo of his name and that he has repeatedly tried to recruit him for the karate club. Ichigo apologizes and Tetsuo takes Rukia's seat in the class. Ichigo reflects upon the rate at which he is healing thanks to the pills and the fact that nobody appears to remember Rukia. As Misato dismisses the class for summer, Ichigo notes that Uryū did not come in, thinking that he would remember Rukia. Keigo interrupts his thoughts by blind-folding and spinning him around, telling him to guess where the watermelon is. Ichigo hits Keigo over the head with a stick, shocking Keigo and Mizuiro. Keigo recovers and excitedly invites the group on a ten day trip to the ocean. Ichigo declines, saying that he has no time in his schedule, insisting that he cannot go no matter what Keigo says. As he walks home, Ichigo thinks that it is odd that nothing feels out of place, that the world is continuing as normal without Rukia, and that if this is how things are supposed to be, then why should he bother. When Ichigo meets Orihime on the way home, she asks him where Rukia is. She notes that everyone has forgotten about her, but she believed that Ichigo would know. Ichigo explains the situation to her, saying that he had no idea that she could see his Shinigami form. Orihime scolds him about thinking that he could take Rukia away from her friends and family in Soul Society, and that she would be taken back again. She then tells a confused Ichigo that she knows he has already made up his mind even if she scolds him like that. She then gives an impression of how she thinks Ichigo would react and tells him to go save her, insisting that she does not want her friend to die either. Ichigo thanks her and runs off.[148] Ichigo goes to the Urahara Shop, showing Kisuke his healed wounds. He tells Urahara that he told Isshin that he would be sleeping over at a friend's house and asks Urahara to teach him well.[149] Ururu attacks Ichigo.
In a hidden training area underneath Urahara's shop, Kisuke acts surprised to see such a large space underneath his shop. Ichigo tells him to stop feigning surprise, but Urahara ignores him, prompting Ichigo to tell Tessai that his boss has a habit of ignoring his customers and going off on rants. Ichigo ridicules Urahara's comments about the training area and urges Kisuke to hurry up and start the training. Urahara tells him that he has an admirable spirit and pokes his cane through Ichigo's head, freeing his soul form. Ichigo complains, but is quickly finds it difficult to move. Urahara notes that it is his first time he has had to move in soul form. He explains that Byakuya destroyed the source of his power, leaving him without any Shinigami powers and that he must restore these powers in order to fight the Shinigami. Kisuke explains about Reiryoku, saying that the more one's reiryoku rises, the sharper the movements of their spiritual body becomes. He says that if Ichigo can manage to move even better with his spiritual body than he can with his mortal body, then we will have made a complete recovery of his reiryoku. Not understanding what Urahara wants him to do, Ichigo asks if he has to do gymnastic exercises. Urahara tells Ururu Tsumugiya to get ready. The two greet each other before Urahara tells him to fight her, stating that the lesson will end when one of them can no longer move. Shocked, Ichigo refuses to fight the girl, but is interrupted by Ururu, who tells him to put on some gloves and headgear or else he will die. She lunges at Ichigo and causes a large could of dust and debris.[150] Ichigo emerges from the dust and grabs his headgear, thinking that he would have been killed instantly if that attack had hit him. Noting that it might not do any good, he asks how to put on the headgear. Urahara tells him to put it on his forehead and shout an incantation, but Ichigo refuses. However, when Ururu narrowly misses him again, he does as Urahara instructed, but nothing happens. Annoyed, he yells at Urahara, who is surprised that he did as he had said. Ichigo figures out how to put on the headgear, but runs away from Ururu after another near miss. Ichigo realizes that he is able to run away from the girl. Knowing that he can match her speed, he guesses that he can also dodge her attacks directly and allows her to attack him. Ichigo dodges and begins to attack Ururu. Trying to keep his self control, Ichigo does not aim for the face, preferring to hit her headgear lightly, believing the weight difference will do the rest. However, he hits and cuts her face, causing Ururu to leap onto his outstretched arm and kick his head, sending him flying him into a rocky outcropping. Tessai catches Ichigo before he hits it, cushioning Ichigo from the impact.[151] Tessai severs Ichigo's Chain of Fate.
Ichigo asks for one more try, but Urahara congratulates him for clearing the lesson. Urahara explains to a confused Ichigo that he never said anything about beating Ururu to clear the lesson. He says that she is strong enough to fight a Shinigami, so there is no way he could win. He asks Ichigo if he is still having trouble breathing or moving, and Ichigo says no. Urahara says that he has successfully recovered his spirit energy; the soul tends to gain the reiryoku faster when it is in danger of being destroyed. If Ichigo had not been able to dodge the attacks, however, he would have died. Ichigo gets mad at this, but Urahara says that everything worked out and that they will move straight to the next lesson. Tessai then cuts Ichigo's Chain of Fate.[152] As Tessai pins him to the ground by sitting on his back, Ichigo yells at Urahara that he will die, as he can no longer return to his body now that the chain has been cut. Ichigo becomes angrier when Urahara tells him that he knew that, who tells him that all he has left is death. He reveals that the chain has already begun to corrode from the severed end, and that if it reaches his chest, a hole will open up and Ichigo will become a Hollow. Urahara tells him that he can avoid this by becoming a Shinigami. The point of this lesson, which Urahara calls "Shattered Shaft", is to restore Ichigo's Shinigami powers. A hole opens up underneath Ichigo and he and Tessai fall to the bottom, where Tessai immobilizes him with Bakudō #99 Kin. Urahara tells him to scale the sides of the deep shaft to clear the lesson, but Ichigo tells him that this is not possible. Kisuke points out that the corrosion of his Chain of Fate has begun, as the chain begins to eat itself.[153] Ichigo falls to the ground and demands that Urahara stop the corrosion, but Kisuke tells him that he would only be eaten as well. He then reveals that there is a gas at the bottom of the shaft which speeds up the corrosion process from months or years, to at most 72 hours. He tells Ichigo to become a Shinigami and climb out of the hole before that, or else he will become a Hollow and they will destroy him. Ichigo asks him if he is planning on killing him, prompting Urahara to tell him that is what he will have to do if Ichigo gives up.[154] Ichigo awakens in his inner world.
After the fifth corrosion of the chain, Ichigo notes that the process alternates between a few minutes of corrosion and a few hours of dormancy. Due to the pain caused by the corrosion, he is only able to attempt to escape during the dormant phases. Ichigo stands up and attempts to run up the wall of the shaft, but quickly falls back down. Jinta Hanakari asks him if he is hungry. Ichigo replies that he cannot be hungry as souls do not get hungry. Jinta tells him that a soul feeling hungry is a sign that they will soon become a Hollow. He then offers to allow Ichigo to drink his drool and spits down the shaft, encouraging Ururu to do the same. Ichigo threatens to beat them up as drool lands around and on him. Later, as Ichigo wonders how long he has been in the hole for and how he can get out of it, Jinta runs down the shaft's wall with a platter of fruit. He offers the food to Ichigo, who denies that he is hungry, saying that the chain is still long. Jinta places the food on the ground and tells him that it he cannot tell the time in the hole, but it has been seventy hours since he entered the Shattered Shaft. He also reveals that the final corrosion phase is stronger than the earlier ones. The entire remaining length of the chain then begins to eat itself. Ichigo asks Urahara and his associates to stop it, but a hole opens in his chest and a mask begins to form over his face.[155] As Jinta leaves the shaft, Urahara explains that the mask forming before his body reforms is a sign that Ichigo is resisting the transformation.[156] Hearing a voice calling him, Ichigo awakens inside his consciousness on the side of a tall building and sees a man standing on a flagpole. He asks the man who he is. Surprised at this, the man says his name, but Ichigo cannot hear it. He remarks that it is sad, and asks how many times he has to tell him his name before he is able to hear it, as he thought that nobody in this world knew him better than Ichigo. Ichigo denies know anyone as "gloomy" as this man, but is stunned to see him stand on the side of the flagpole. As the man asks how he can sit like he is doing, Ichigo falls from the building and screams. The man follows him and tells him that it is good that he can yell and that Shinigami control death, so he should not worry. As the two fall towards the ground, Ichigo tells him that he is not currently a Shinigami. The man tells him that he can control the Reishi around him and that he should focus them underneath his feet to stand on. The man urges Ichigo to try to remember a time when he was a Shinigami when he stopped in mid-air. He tells Ichigo that Byakuya only destroyed the powers given to him by Rukia, but he failed to realize that Ichigo has his own Shinigami powers. Saying that his powers were hidden deep inside his soul and awakened by Rukia's power, he instructs Ichigo to find it as the world is crumbling around him.[157] Ichigo emerges from the Shattered Shaft.
With the buildings of his inner world dissolving into countless boxes, the man tells Ichigo that his powers are hidden inside just one of them and that if he cannot find it before the world disappears completely, then he will become a Hollow. Ichigo falls through a fissure into water where he wonders if he should do it. He thinks to himself that he has never been any good at sensing reiatsu, as Uryū had previously told him. He then remembers that Uryū had an easy way of sensing reiatsu and soon figures out what it was. Ichigo finds the red Reiraku of his Shinigami powers and opens the box it is coming from, surprised to find a Zanpakutō's hilt inside. The man tells him that this time he ought to hear his name, and urges him to take the hilt.[158] Ichigo struggles to pull out the Zanpakutō as the world crumbles around him.[159] In the Shattered Shaft, the Kidō restraining Ichigo's arms begins to break apart. Tessai tells Urahara that he can no longer simply hold him and activates the next stage of the Kidō, Bankin, restraining his entire body. However, a burst of energy from the hole in Ichigo's chest ruptures the Kidō and there is an explosion. As the smoke clears, Ichigo, wearing a Hollow mask and Shinigami clothes, emerges. As Jinta and Ururu prepare to fight him, Ichigo draws his still broken Zanpakutō and uses it to smash the Hollow mask. Urahara congratulates him on his success, saying that he is now a complete Shinigami, prompting Ichigo to hit him in the eye with the sword's hilt. Ichigo reveals that he swore that he would kill Urahara when he got out of the shaft. Urahara suggest they move straight to the third lesson, which is simply to knock Urahara's hat off of his head. Ichigo immediately attacks Kisuke, cutting the hat slightly. Urahara compliments the power of the broken blade, prompting Ichigo to say that he can do better when he gets serious. Ichigo proposes a five minute time limit as Kisuke draws a blade from within his cane.[160] Ichigo and Kisuke clash.
Urahara quickly overwhelms Ichigo, who compliments the power of his attacks, despite the sword being so skinny. Remembering that the only thing which can cut a Shinigami is Zanpakutō or a Hollow, Ichigo concludes that he cannot be harmed by Urahara's blade and relaxes. Kisuke, however, immediately cuts off the remains of Ichigo's Hollow mask and calls him naive for thinking that his sword is not a Zanpakutō. He activates Benihime's Shikai, telling him that it is a genuine Zanpakutō.[161] As Ichigo remembers Renji using his Shikai during their fight, Urahara tells him that every Zanpakutō has a name. He attacks again, destroying a rocky outcropping and sending Ichigo flying. Ichigo blocks his next attack, causing Urahara to compliment him on his bravery. He then cuts through the remains of the blade, slicing off even more of it. Ichigo runs away from him in response and wonder how it could have happened. Urahara catches up and destroys the rest of the blade and the tsuba, saying that there is no power in Ichigo's sword. Urahara asks him if he can still win with just the hilt remaining, saying that he will kill him if he continues to fight with just the hilt. Ichigo runs away again, thinking that he is going to die. As Urahara continues to attack him, Ichigo thinks that it is embarrassing and questions why he ran. As he is knocked to the ground, Ichigo sees the man from his inner world again. The man asks why Ichigo ran when he has not yet called him. He says that Ichigo should be able to hear him now and tells him to cast off his fear. He reveals that his name is Zangetsu[162] and Ichigo stops in his tracks, turns towards Urahara and calls out Zangetsu, activating his Shikai. Ichigo looks at the new form of his Zanpakutō as Urahara tells him it is time to start lesson three for real. Ichigo warns him that he might not be able to hold back and swings Zangetsu at Urahara, who activates his Chikasumi no Tate ability. As the dust settles, the hat-less Kisuke comments that he could have lost an arm if it were not for the Chikasumi no Tate. He picks up his ruined hat and calls Ichigo a scary kid, as he did not expect so much from one swing. Urahara congratulates a sleeping Ichigo on passing the third lesson.[163]
After completing Urahara's training, Ichigo has a relatively normal summer holiday while waiting for the gateway to Soul Society to be opened. On the first of August, Ichigo and his friends gather for a fireworks festival. Having kicked Keigo in the face for over-reacting to seeing Ichigo again, Ichigo asks him why the have gathered so early in the day when the festival is that night, prompting a short argument. Ichigo asks Tatsuki what happened to her arm, which was broken when she was hit by a car during a national tournament. Isshin, Karin and Yuzu, all wearing kimonos, come running up to Ichigo, knocking him down a bank. Due to the girls' behavior, Ichigo asks if they are drunk. Isshin explains that a juice seller had used wine to dilute the juice instead of water. Isshin then tells the group that they saved a seat on the opposite bank of the river that morning and Isshin heads off with the twins, and several of Ichigo's friends. Ichigo decides to follow them and apologizes to Tatsuki for always bothering her, saying it is alright if she does not want to come. She tells him to hurry up, and that she will be there later.[164] Later that night, Ichigo complains to a drunken Isshin about having to carry Karin and Yuzu. Isshin tells his son that he can enjoy that touch and that they did not wear any underwear under their kimonos. When Ichigo angrily asks him what he wanted to do to his daughters, he replies that it is just a joke and that he should not make such scary expressions. Ichigo tells him that he will be leaving for another week again and that he might not be back until the summer vacation ends. Ichigo looks at his father, prompting Isshin to ask why he is giving him a "I'm very worried about what will happen when I'm gone look". He tells Ichigo that he will take care of everything at the house and that while he is still around, he will not allow anyone to hurt his family. Ichigo asks if he is an idiot, saying that he is not worried at all.[165] Isshin presents Ichigo with a protective charm.
Seven days after completing his training, Ichigo follows Urahara's instruction to open his window at 1:00a.m. and wait for his message. Saying that he has a bad feeling about this, Ichigo enjoys the breeze before a ball flies through the window and leaves a bloody message on his closet door, telling him to go the Urahara Shop. Ichigo notes that it is like a message from a dying person and becomes angry when more of the message is revealed, showing that Urahara had anticipated his reaction. As Ichigo leaves, he says goodbye to Yuzu and Karin. Outside the clinic, Isshin once again tries to assault him, only to miss and smash his head into the pavement. Isshin gives him an amulet, which Ichigo dismisses. Isshin tells him that Masaki gave it to him, and that it will bring him good fortune. He insists that he is lending it to him for his trip, and that he is to give it back when he returns. When Ichigo does not answer, Isshin tells him he will have to shave his beard if he loses it. Ichigo asks if this is a threat and decides to borrow the charm. On his way to the Urahara Shop, Ichigo meets up with Orihime, who reveals that she had received the same message as Ichigo. Ichigo reveals that he did not know she was going too until Urahara mentioned it and asks her if she is sure about it. When she insists that she is, he urges her to hurry. When they arrive at the shop, they find Sado waiting for them there and asks where Uryū is, saying that he had heard that he was coming too. When Uryū arrives in a Quincy outfit, he promises to show Ichigo how powerful he has become. Ichigo, however, asks him if he had walked the entire way there wearing that outfit, saying that he is very brave. Urahara interrupts them and invites the group inside, saying that they must listen carefully to him or else they might die before reaching Soul Society.[166] The Kōtotsu that chases Ichigo's group through the Dangai.
In the underground training area, Ichigo notes that Orihime finds it easy to get along with new people, unlike Sado and Uryū. Urahara attracts their attention by revealing the Senkaimon that they will be using to enter Soul Society. He then uses his cane to remove Ichigo's Shinigami form from his body. As the others examine his body, Ichigo complains about them touching it freely. Kon appears and agrees with Ichigo, prompting Ichigo to demand to know why he is there. Kon insists that he is going with them, but Urahara requests their attention again as he explains about how the Senkaimon works. When Ichigo says that he understands and that it is time to go, Urahara pokes him in the side with his cane and continues talking, saying that the Senkaimon will only stay open for four minutes. If they do not reach Soul Society in that time, then they will become trapped in the Dangai Precipice World. As Urahara tells them about the Dangai, Yoruichi tells them that only those who are truly ready for the task can go, Ichigo tells the talking cat that that everyone gathered there has already made their decision and will go to Soul Society. When Yoruichi tells him that they will never return if they lose, Ichigo responds that they simply have to win. When the Senkaimon opens, Ichigo tells the now tied up Kon to take care of his family. Ichigo, Uryū, Orihime, Sado and Yoruichi enter the gate and appear in the Dangai. Yoruichi tells them not to zone out and run to the exit.[167] As they run, the parts they have already passed through collapse behind them. When Uryū's cape is caught by the Kōryū, Ichigo grabs his Zanpakutō, but Yoruichi tells him not to use it, as the Kouryū will trap it and he will not escape. Ichigo asks what he should do instead, but Sado grabs Uryū and tears the cape. The group continues along the path, but are chased by the Kōtotsu. Realizing that they will not make it to the exit in time, Orihime uses her shield to protect them from the Janitor and the group is propelled through the exit and into Soul Society.[168]
Upon arriving at one of the Seireitei entrance, Ichigo and his team meet Jidanbō Ikkanzaka, a Seireitei gatekeeper.[169] There Ichigo quickly shows off his newfound might by defeating the giant easily, but he is in turn quickly repelled back outside the gate by Captain Gin Ichimaru.[170]
Needing a new method to enter the Seireitei, Yoruichi brings them to Kūkaku Shiba whose fireworks speciality helps launch them into the Seireitei through a spirit cannon. While successfully entering, Ichigo and the team get separated from each other.[171] He then proceeds to fight Ikkaku Madarame. Ichigo beats Ikkaku, even after Ikkaku reveals his Zanpakutō's Shikai, and learns that he will be hunted down by Kenpachi Zaraki, who will seek out the strongest of the intruders.[172] Ichigo fighting Renji in their second battle.
Ichigo is then met by Renji Abarai, who seeks revenge for his earlier defeat. Renji gravely injures Ichigo, who becomes stronger during the fight and manages to barely defeat Renji using a direct Getsuga Tenshō; after which Renji begs him to rescue Rukia, his childhood friend, upon changing his mind regarding his loyalties. Renji is taken into detention for trying to fight alone and losing, while Ichigo is healed by Hanatarō Yamada in Seireitei's sewage system. It is revealed here that Ichigo's Hollow mask was able to lessen the damage from what would have been fatal blows by Renji, causing Hanatarō to discard the mask in fear.[173] Ichigo finally encounters Kenpachi Zaraki on his way to the Shrine of Penitence, where Rukia is held, and at first hardly injuring the powerful captain, who according to Hanatarō, is immortal. After Zangetsu helps Ichigo find his resolve, Ichigo makes a tremendous comeback, managing to overpower and greatly injure Zaraki. Finding Ichigo his equal, Kenpachi decides to unleash his full power. This prompts Ichigo to call for help from Zangetsu to summon his full power (and perhaps his inner Hollow as his spiritual power manifests into his Hollow mask during the clash) shocking his opponent again by equaling Kenpachi's own immense spiritual energy to defeat the captain. Despite technically winning, both Ichigo and Kenpachi are left incapacitated in the aftermath. After Kenpachi is evacuated by his lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi, Ichigo is rescued by Yoruichi.[174][175][176]
After learning of Yoruichi's true Shinigami form and having most of his injuries treated, Ichigo quickly rushes to the tower where Rukia is being held to save both Hanatarō and Ganju from Byakuya Kuchiki.[177] Upon his arrival he confronts Byakuya, even though he is not at full strength. The fight goes better than his first confrontation with Byakuya,[178] but knowing that Ichigo is not ready to fight someone of Byakuya's caliber, Yoruichi stops the fight by incapacitating Ichigo, swearing to make Ichigo stronger than Byakuya in three days.[179] After escaping Byakuya, Yoruichi then takes Ichigo to the secret training ground to undergo training to achieve the said power. Ichigo frees Rukia from the Sōkyoku execution stand.
Yoruichi tells Ichigo that he cannot save Rukia with his present power and asks him to train to achieve the Bankai of his Zanpakutō. Upon completing the training, he, along with Yoruichi and sympathetic captains Shunsui Kyōraku and Jūshirō Ukitake, separately converge upon the Sōkyoku to stop Rukia's execution. At the last possible second, Ichigo stops the execution, and proceeds to dispatch three lieutenants — Marechiyo Ōmaeda, Isane Kotetsu and Chōjirō Sasakibe — barehanded. Along with being able to stop the Sōkyoku, a blade with the power of 1 million Zanpakutō, he proves that he has truly become more powerful within three days. He is then confronted by Byakuya Kuchiki.[180] The final fight of Byakuya and Ichigo.
At first they fight without releasing their Zanpakutō, Byakuya casually analyzing Ichigo as he fights, noticing an impressive difference. Ichigo eventually coerces Byakuya to use Bankai. Ichigo is unable to keep up just using his Shikai, and he reveals his Bankai against Byakuya, using his speed to outmaneuver Senbonzakura and eventually injure him for the first time. Byakuya counters using the second form of his own Bankai, and after a while Ichigo's bones begin to break under his Bankai's spiritual compression, giving Byakuya the chance to paralyze him with a single Kidō attack (shot through his shoulder). This leaves him in critical condition. At this point, Ichigo's inner Hollow surfaces and injures Byakuya to the point that both combatants have almost no power left. After regaining control of himself, Ichigo faces off against Byakuya in a final clash, each channeling all their energy into a single attack. After this final clash, neither has the strength to fight, but Byakuya admits his defeat because his blade was destroyed by Ichigo's. Byakuya then departs, leaving Ichigo barely standing, the only thing supporting him being his Zanpakutō.[181] Sōsuke Aizen effortlessly defeats Ichigo.
Through a message relayed through Kidō by Isane Kotetsu, Ichigo then finds out that the events in Soul Society were an elaborate plot masterminded by Sōsuke Aizen. Renji is then severely wounded by Aizen but refuses to give Rukia over and Aizen tries to kill him but Ichigo saves them.[182] The two of them then join forces to fight off Aizen. Renji uses his Shikai Special Ability, Higa Zekkō where he uses the broken segments of his Zanpakutō to surround the opponent in order to give Ichigo an opening. But this plan proves futile for Aizen is able to deflect Ichigo's sword with his finger and instead slashes him across the midriff just by flicking his wrist. As Ichigo falls to the ground in a state of shock, Aizen slashes Renji who falls to the ground as well.[183]
He then takes Rukia by the collar but is interrupted by Ichigo who surprises him as he is still alive. Aizen then begins to tell Ichigo how he had planned every move from the beginning for his goal, to obtain the Hōgyoku with the help of which he would be able to surpass the powers of normal Shinigami by merging the thin line between that of Shinigami and Hollows. However their conversation is interrupted by Sajin Komamura captain of the 7th division who tells Aizen that he would never forgive his betrayal to Soul Society and demands an explanation from Tōsen. He proceeds to hit Aizen with his Shikai but Aizen stops it with his bare hands and gets away quickly and moves up close to him.[184]
He then tries to release his Bankai but is unable to for Komamura is caught in Aizen's hypnosis. Aizen then defeats him single-handedly by using a Level 90 Kidō spell. Ichigo looks on dumbstruck, wondering about the vast difference between the powers of two captains. With Komamura out of the way Aizen continues his conversation with Ichigo and tells him that Kisuke Urahara had planted the Hōgyoku inside Rukia Kuchiki in order to hide its very existence as Rukia was inhabiting a Gigai that would ultimately reduce her to a normal Human. Thus concealing the Hōgyoku for ever. Just then Ichigo's comrades, Orihime Inoue, Yasutora Sado, Uryū Ishida and Ganju Shiba arrive at the scene but are rendered helpless as Gin releases an enormous amount of spiritual power.[185]
Aizen then proceeds to extract the Hōgyoku from within Rukia using an technique that was made by Urahara that could forcibly take the Hōgyoku from within a soul without damaging it. One other way of extracting it that Aizen had thought of was using the Sōkyoku on Rukia, though this proved to be a failure because of Ichigo's interference. He is unable to do anything without the help of the remaining captains before Aizen departs for Hueco Mundo.[186]
Prior to leaving Soul Society, Ichigo is given a badge by Ukitake that serves as a license that allows him to hunt Hollows in his area officially.[187][188] He also speaks with Rukia who has decided to stay in Soul Society.[189]